''...the physics teacher has the problem of always teaching techniques,
rather than the spirit of how to go about solving physical problems.'' R P Feynman
Elementary Physics I (PHY-101)
First semester of a two semester algebra-based introduction to the fundamental principles of physics. Topics include kinematics, Newtonian statics and dynamics, gravitation, oscillations, and mechanical waves. syllabus
Hand-Drawn Lecture Notes:- Motion and Measurement
- One-Dimensional (1D) Kinematics
- Vectors and 2D Kinematics
- Newton's Laws of Motion
- Applying Newton's Laws
- Uniform Circular Motion
- Rotational Dynamics
- Equilibrium and Elasticity
- Momentum-Impulse Theorem
- Work-Energy Theorem
- Energy Transformations
- Thermodynamics (light)
- Fluids (light)
General Physics I-Labs (PHY-201)
First semester of a two semester calculus-based introduction to the fundamental principles of physics. Topics include kinematics, Newtonian statics and dynamics, gravitation, oscillations, and mechanical waves.
Lab Notes/Intro Slides:- Measurements & basic statistics
- Kinematics of constant acceleration
- Gravitational acceleration and free-fall
- Static equilibrium and vector addition
- Uniform circular motion and centripetal force/acceleration
- Conservation of mechanical energy
- Elastic collision equations with initially stationary tartget
- Torque and rotational equilibrium
- Center of mass for a 2D object
- Simple harmonic motion: the period of a pendulum
- Derivation of standing waves on a string (light) & lab on standing waves and resonance