(12/15) - Final Grades are posted. Have a Happy
Holiday Season. |
(11/28) - Next week we will have a series of roundtable
discussions based on your issue papers.
Download the schedule by
clicking here. If you are doing a paper on a common topic, try to
discuss your papers with your fellow panelists before class to see what some
of the similarities and differences are in your papers. Your issue
paper is due at the start of class on Wednesday (12/5).
(11/27) - On Wednesday we will discuss
policy and procedures manuals.
Please come prepared to discuss the following exercise on policy and
procedures manuals for Wednesday's (11/28) class (download
exercise). |
(11/20) - Please bring a 1 page title and abstract for
your issue paper to class next Monday (11/26). |
(11/19) - You have an opportunity to get up to a
maximum of 4 points extra credit applied to your final exam if you submit
multiple-choice questions with the answer and I end up using them on the
final exam. Submissions are due by the start of class on 12/3.
(11/15) - The Extra Credit assignment is
now posted. It is due at 7:00
PM on December 7, 2007 at the start of the Final Exam
(11/14) - Next week (11/19) we will discuss the readings
on discipline and termination. Be
sure to bring your book as we will discuss the exercises on
p. 367 - 368, Ex. 1,
2, 3. There is no class on Wednesday (11/21) due to the Thanksgiving
Holiday. |
(11/14) - Our final exam
will be held during the final exam period on Friday December 7, from 7:00
until 10:00 PM. The format will be a multiple choice examination
that includes the material from the first exam, however, it will be weighted
towards new material.
(11/5) - Tonight we have William Fleming,Assistant
to the Chancellor for Human Resources as Guest
speaker. There will be no class on Wednesday (11/7) because I have to
be in Washington, DC to present a paper at the APPAM annual meeting.
(11/5) - Next week on Monday (11/12) we will discuss the
readings on workplace conflicts.
On Wednesday (11/14) we will continue this discussion and then begin
discussing the readings on discipline and
termination. |
(10/24) - On Monday (10/29) we will begin discussing the
readings on performance
evaluation and evaluating employees. The final installment of your
group project, Part 5:
Performance Evaluation, is also due. On Wednesday (10/31) we'll
finish discussing these readings and discuss some
common communication problems.
(10/24) - Note that I have changed the days & times of my
office hours to M/W from 2:00 - 4:00 and by appointment.
(10/16) - Next week we will continue discussing the
readings on
motivating employees with salary and
benefit programs. On Wednesday (10/24)
Part 4: Compensation is due
for your group projects. |
(10/16) - On Wednesday (10/17) I will hand back your exam
grades and then we will discuss the next installment of your group project -
Part 3: Organizational
Culture (due at the beginning of class). We will then finish
discussing the readings on recruitment and selection and begin discussing the readings on
motivating employees with salary and
benefit programs. |
(10/3) - There is no class on Monday (10/8) because of
Fall Break. The mid-term exam will be
on Wednesday (10/10). It is 40 multiple-choice questions. It
covers Chapter 1 - 8 in the Patton, et al. book. To study, be sure you
know all of the terms listed in the Manager's vocabulary and the study
questions at the end of each chapter. Be sure to bring a #2 pencil.
(10/3) - On Monday October 15th, Frank Blackley,
Asst. Chief Fire & Life Safety Wilmington Fire Dept. & Frank Tom Robinson,
President Local 129 Professional Firefighters Association
will be guest speakers. They will talk about the assessment and the
personnel issue surrounding the WFD. Be sure you have read the
City of Wilmington
Fire Department Assessment, October 2006 (focus on objectives 4,
5, 6, 8, 11, and the recommendations) and be prepared to ask questions.
(10/3) - On the following Wednesday (10/17), the next installment of your
group project is due -
Part 3: Organizational
Culture. We will then discuss the readings on
motivating employees with salary and
benefit programs.
(10/1) - On Monday October 15th, Frank Blackley,
Asst. Chief Fire & Life Safety Wilmington Fire Dept. & Frank Tom Robinson,
President Local 129 Professional Firefighters Association
will be guest speakers. They will talk about the assessment and the
personnel issue surrounding the WFD. Be sure you have read the
City of Wilmington
Fire Department Assessment, October 2006 (focus on objectives 4,
5, 6, 8, 11, and the recommendations) and be prepared to ask questions.
(9/27) - Due to me changing the due date in class for
part II, changes have been made to the course schedule.
Part II of your group project on
recruitment will be due on Wednesday (10/3) and
Part III on organizational
culture on Monday (10/15). Your written assignments are due at
the beginning of class. Due dates for parts IV & V have been adjusted
as well. |
(9/26) - On Monday (10/1) we will discuss the readings on
recruitment and selection. We
will apply the terms and concepts from the readings using an exercise that
involves analyzing some actual job adds. Be sure to
download and review the
exercise before Monday's class. |
(9/26) - Reminder: We will discuss
Part II of your group project on
recruitment on Monday (10/1) and
Part III on organizational
culture on Wednesday (10/3). Your written assignments are due at
the beginning of class. |
(9/18) - On Monday (9/24) we will begin discussing the
readings on job design and analysis.
We will also focus on an exercise that involves analyzing some actual job
descriptions. Be
sure to download and review the exercise before Monday's class. On
Wednesday (9/26) we will continue our discussion and you will present your
job analysis group assignments.
Be sure to bring copies (or email them to the class) of the current and
re-written job descriptions you develop for the assignment.
(9/13) - Next week on Monday (9/17) we will continue
discussing the readings pertaining to the legal environment of HRM.
On Wednesday (9/19) we will discuss the readings on
strategic planning in HRM,
leadership, and organizational change. Your
paper proposals are also due.
(9/13) - If you're having trouble finding an issue paper
topic, check out this website - Human Resources
- Business Legal Reports.Com |
(9/10) - For Wednesday's (9/12) class be sure to read the
handouts on the consequences of
gossip at work and the results of a new
study of the impact of
diversity on society. |
(9/6) - Next week we will discuss the readings pertaining
to the legal environment of HRM.
Be prepared to discuss case 3, 6, and 14 in the back of the Patton, et al.
book. |
(9/6) - Your project teams are now
posted on the website.
(8/29) - Next week (9/5) we will continue discussing the
changing nature of HRM in the
public and private sectors. There is no class on Monday (9/3) due to
Labor Day. On Wednesday (9/5) be prepared to discuss
Case #3 in Patton et al. (page 416).
(8/22) - Next week (8/27) we will discuss the
changing nature of HRM in the
public and private sectors. To prepare for Monday's class (8/27) also
be sure to read this short
GAO report entitled Transforming Government to Meet the Demands of the 21st
Century as well as the other readings. |
(8/22) -
Welcome to PLS 502 - Public
Human Resources Administration. I will
periodically post reminders and announcements so you should check the
website frequently. The syllabus for this class can be
viewed on the
website or can be downloaded for printing by clicking
here. You should
view the course schedule for dates that readings and assignments are due.
Please check the class web site and your email frequently as the course
schedule may change. |
(8/22) -
Since this class involves a lot of writing, I advise you read this recent
article in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (JPAM) that
has a number of useful writing tips (Download).