
Motivation: Salaries & Benefits



bulletReview motivation theories
bulletDifferent types of salary systems
bulletDifferent types of benefit systems



Patton, et al.: Chapters 9, 10; Cases 4, 5, 10, 12


Robbins & Judge: chapters 5, 6


RES #9: City of  Wilmington Fire Department Assessment, October 2006 (focus on objectives 4,  5, 6, 8, 11, and the recommendations)


Lecture Notes

bulletView or print lecture notes as a adobe acrobat file


The following links provide selected news and magazine articles related to these topics

Web Resources

The following websites may prove useful and contain information related to benefit differences in the public and private sectors
bullet City of Wilmington Fire Department Website
bullet NC Career Banding Initiative
bullet Recent report comparing state employee salaries to the private sector
bulletHuman Resources - Business Legal Reports.Com
bullet Employee Benefit Research Institute (See Chapters 30, 40, and 45)
bullet Bureau of Labor Statistics (good article on differences between the public and private sector)
bullet Congressional Budget Office Report
bullet http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/library/research/QuestionOfTheMonth/archive/vacationtime.html
bullet http://www.econop.org/MinimumPaidLeave/DiscussionBrief2003.pdf
bullet http://washingtontimes.com/upi-breaking/20040616-083323-2417r.htm
bullet http://www.iwpr.org/pdf/B242.pdf
bullet http://www.9to5.org/media/
bullet http://www.pww.org/article/view/5453/1/222/
bullet http://www.parentsaction.org/learn/features/paidleave/
bullet http://www.njcitizenaction.org/news/pfl004.html

Books, Articles, and Reports of Interest

For some readings related to this topic see:

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