
Changing Nature of Human Resources Management



bulletHistorical development of civil service systems
bulletChanging work environment and work force demographics
bulletDifferences between the public and private sectors
bulletSocietal, organizational, individual, and generational changes and differences
bulletDoing more with less - TQM, reinvention, privatization, and other trends
bulletHuman resources training and development



Patton, et al.: Chapters 2, 3, 12; Cases 3, 13


Robbins & Judge: Chapters 14, 2, 3




Lecture Notes

bullet View or print lecture notes as a adobe acrobat file


The following links provide selected news and magazine articles related to these topics
bullet Article on techno commuting gaining popularity in Europe
bullet Article on using GPS chips in phones to track workers

Web Resources

The following websites may prove useful and contain information related to these topics
bullet 2008 Federal Human Capital Survey, U.S. Office of Personnel Management
bulletHuman Resources - Business Legal Reports.Com
bullet Beloit College Mindset List (events and other experiences shaping incoming college students)
bullet Report: Where the Jobs Are: Mission Critical Opportunities for America - Partnership for Public Service (2007)
bullet Best Places to Work Rankings - Partnership for Public Service - 2007 rankings
bullet Working in the 21st century - U.S. Dept. of Labor and Bureau of Labor Statistics
bullet Occupational Outlook Handbook - U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
bullet Information about the labor market in North Carolina
bullet GAO-02-373SP A Model of Strategic Human Capital Management (March 2002)

Books, Articles, and Reports of Interest

For some readings related to this topic see:

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Page last modified 08/17/11

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