
Extra Credit Assignment
Fall 2007
This is an individual or group extra credit assignment.  All assignments that meet the minimum criteria stated below will receive extra credit with the winner and runner-up receiving significantly more points.  The assignment involves designing a performance evaluation system for current and future graduate teaching assistants in the MPA program.  The project must describe the objectives of the process, describe how it works in practice, and include all of the necessary forms and other required supplemental information such that the performance evaluation system can be administered by the MPA director.  Thus, the forms and other materials should be professional in nature.  The project should also include a narrative that describes the process in a manner suitable for inclusion with the materials distributed during the orientation for graduate teaching assistants. 
What is the extra credit project worth?
The winning project will receive 75 points.  The second place project will receive 50 points.  All other projects that meet the minimum requirements described below will receive 25 points.
If the project is completed individually, the points will be added to the student's point total at the end of the semester (there are 1000 possible points plus the extra credit).  If the project is completed by a group of students, the same number of points will be awarded to the group.  The students in the group must then decide how to allocate the points towards their individual grades.
What are the minimum requirements for receiving bonus points?
In order to receive any bonus points, the project must describe a performance evaluation process suitable for the graduate teaching assistants in the MPA program.  The process should be consistent with procedures recommended in the literature.  It should also include the appropriate forms and supporting narrative materials that enable the process to be used in the manner described when submitted.  Thus, to get credit the materials must be professional in nature with no additional editorial changes or documentation needed to administer the process. 
How will the wining project be selected?
Each submission that meets the minimum requirements will be reviewed by a selection committee consisting of Mark Imperial and Angela Douglas.  The projects will be evaluated based on the project's:
bulletDemonstrated use of theories and practices recommended in the human resources management literature
bulletEase of use and minimization of time by participants in the performance evaluation process
bulletAbility to generate information useful to students, supervising faculty, and the MPA director
bulletLevel of professionalism
When is the project due?
All materials are due by 7:00 PM on December 7, 2007 at the start of the Final Exam

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Page last modified 08/17/11

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