
Issue Paper
You are required to prepare an issue paper on a topic of your choosing.  Since you will obviously spend a lot of time on this assignment I encourage you to choose an issue of interest to you or an organization you are familiar with Since this is an issue paper, it should be narrowly focused around a specific issue and conclude with a section where you provide advice to managers of public and nonprofit organizations.  This advice should be firmly supported by previous research and be grounded in the literature.   
You will be required to submit a short paper/project proposal early in the semester when indicated on the course schedule.  Your paper proposal must include a 1 - 2 page abstract that clearly indicates the human resource management issue you will examine.  It should also include a proposed outline of the paper. 
The final paper should be 15 to 20 double-spaced pages in length and include a title page, executive summary, page numbers, running header and footer, and any relevant appendices.  It must include at least 10 references (in addition to course readings) to government reports, books, or journal articles that will constitute the core bibliography of your issue paper.
In certain cases a project may be accepted in place of a paper if it adds to your professional development. 


I have high expectations for your paper.  You are all capable of writing papers that are consistent in scope, substance, and quality with that found in the papers presented at conferences for academics and practitioners in this field such as the American Society of Public Administration (ASPA).  There is no maximum length requirement but the minimum length is 15 double-spaced pages in the main document with 1 inch margins and 12 point times new roman font.  They should be well written, be professional in appearance, and be properly referenced in any acceptable style.  
I encourage all of you to consider trying to present the papers you develop for this assignment at a professional conference in the future.  These conferences provide excellent  networking opportunities for those seeking a job in this area.  Presentations at these conferences also look good on your resume and will help you to develop your public speaking skills.  The UNCW Graduate School also provides up to $400 for student travel expenses when they are presenting a paper at a conference.  You may also want to  consider submitting a revised version of your paper to an appropriate journal  in the field.  In fact, Coastal Management regularly solicits student contributions for its final issue of the year.  


Given the size of the class, you will not formally present your paper.  Instead, we will have several round table discussions the last week of class where you will have an opportunity to discuss your findings and recommendations with the class.   


Your final paper will be evaluated based on your analysis, the organization of your ideas, the strength and substance of your arguments, your ability to properly apply the concepts discussed in class, and the quality of your writing (e.g., spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.).  The following evaluation form will give you some idea about what is expected for the issue paper.
bullet Issue Paper Evaluation Form

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Page last modified 08/17/11

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