Chapter 3
Objectives (what you should be able to do in this chapter) and Evaluations:
100levesl (Beginners):
Speaking and Listening Objectives:
Speaking and Listening Skills: Written situations in English will be shown for you to act out the situations with the instructor. Please be able to understand what a waiter or a cashier (the instructor plays these roles) would be saying to you and be able to play "customer" or "you" part/role in the sample conversations below so that you can act out the situations with the instructor to order food. Please practice with the video practices as well. Situation will be similar to the dialogues in the text and sample situations that you were asked to create as assignments. You will be asked to talk about your (or someone else's) order and daily activities in the past, which information will be provided during the test. Reading and Writing: You will be asked to write kanji or some phrases (please follow stroke orders of each letter/Kanji characters). Also you will be asked to read signs and/or reading passages written in Japanese aloud to the instructor. After reading them, you will be asked to answer in Japanese or English to show your reading comprehension. |
200 levels (Intermediate): In addition to the above, you will be asked to write a memo to order food and daily activities in the past including all the grammar structures introduced in this chapter. Pick 20 new kanji on your own and submit the list (Kanji, its meanings, & kana writings) to the instructor. You can chose them from the sample conversation, writings, internet search, etc. |
For sample dialogue of expressing special
dietary needs, please refer to Sample Chapter 5 Conversation 3
special Dietary Needs. If you do not want them to take out some ingredients such as cheese and some vegetables, you can use the following phrases but some Japanese may not understand why you want those items excluded since they are included in the price and most Japanese eat anything so it is not common for people to ask them to take off some ingredients. Food allergy is recent phenomena in Japan. チーズはいれないで ください。すきじゃないです。 Please do not include cheese. I do not like it. チーズはとって ください。 Please take out cheese. |
When you enter a restaurant or a shop, you will hear いらっしゃいませ(may I help you). Traditionally, you just go in and sit at any table by yourself but nowadays many places they ask how many in your party.
Waiter: 何名なんめいさまで いらっしゃいますか。
How many people? |
You: )です one person. 2名(or 二人 (ふたり) )です。
Two people |
After sitting down and receive a menu, they will bring a glass of water at a western style restaurant or a green tea (free) at a Japanese style restaurant). When you decide what you want, call for the waiter by saying “Sumimasen” to get their attention. Chipping is not practiced in Japan or you can say that it is included in the price. Their job is not divided by a certain area of tables so you can ask any waiter or waitresses to ask for something. They are in charge of all the tables. Here are some expression that will help you to identify and order some food when you cannot read menu.
You want to try おやこどん but you cannot read menu. If you are not sure they have it, you can ask them saying: You: すみません。 おやこどんは ありますか。(If you have to have it, you many want to ask this before you sit at a table. |
Excuse me. Do you have Oyakodon? |
Sitting at
a table, if you know they have it. :
I would like to have Oyakodon. |
If you want to try a
food that a
waiter is carrying to other table,
(ppointing the food)
and say:
What is
that (near
you)? |
Pointing the food that people
over there
are eating. あれ(item away from both of us) は 何ですか。 |
What is
that (over
there)? |
What is this? |
What do you say this (How do say) in Japanese? |
じゃ、これ(それ/あれ) (を) おねがい します。or じゃ、これ(それ/あれ)(を) ください。 |
Well then, I would like this. |
“ください” can be also used instead of
“おねがいします” if you are requesting an tangible object.
If you are asking for service, use “おねがいします.”
For example, if you are requesting a cab driver to go to |
Keigo: Respective (Super Polite) (sometimes grammatically wrong) Expressions you will hear.
In ordering as a customer, you will hear very
polite replies from waiters and store clerks.
The following expressions are common phrases. |
お飲みもの は (いかがですか)
Would you like a drink? |
いいえ、けっこうです。 |
No, thank you.
ミックスサンド と ホットコーヒー でございますね?
しょう しょう おまちください。
(The orders are) Mixed sandwich and hot coffee,
right? Certainly (I got your order). Just a moment, please. "でございます" is a respective form of です. |
でございます is a keiko (respective) form of です.
かしこまりました is a keiko (respective) form of わかりました I got it. I understood.
Other phrases you will hear at a restaurant:
(たいへん)おまたせしました。Thank you for waiting.
Numerals and
サンドイッチを ふたつ ください.
ハンバーガーを 3こ と オレンジジュースを みっつ おねがいします。
Sample Conversation 2: Coffee Shops
Coffee shops offer variety of dessert, some light snack type of meals such as sandwiches as well as beverages. You may find some unique places such as Manga Kissa (Comic book coffee shop). They are similar to Starbucks (we do have them also in Japan) where you pay for a pretty good price of a cup of coffee without refills but you can stay there as long as you want over a cup of tea or coffee with friends if it is not too crowded. Many places do not separate smoking and non-smoking sections well. I used to order a desert (any type of パフェ)and did my homework when I was at college.
Some menu items at Coffee Shop (きっさてん):
(ホット)コーヒー |
Coffee |
アイス コーヒー |
Iced coffee |
レモン ティー |
Tea with lemon |
ミルク ティー |
Tea with milk |
Breakfast combo (toast, coffee or tea, maybe some
salad) |
ランチセット |
Lunch special |
サンドイッチ |
ハムサンド |
Ham sandwich |
ミックス サンド |
Mixed |
Waiter 1: いらっしゃいませ。 |
Welcome. |
Customer 1: (Sitting at a table) チョコレートパフェを ふたつ ください。 |
Two Chocolate parfait, please. |
Waiter A: チョコレートパフェ を おふたつですね。 かしこまりました。 お飲みものは いかがですか。 |
Two Chocolate parfait, right? Certainly. Would you like a drink? |
Customer 1: わたしは けっこうです。 |
I am fine (no, thank you.) |
Customer 2: わたしは こうちゃを おねがいします。 すみません、わたしは チョコレートパフェはやめて ケーキセットにします。 |
Please (give me) an English tea. I am sorry. I stop (do not want) Chocolate parfait. I decided on cake combo. |
Waiter A: はい、かしこまりました。 チョコレートパフェを おひとつ、ケーキセットを おひとつで、 おのみものは、こうちゃを おひとつ ですね。 こうちゃは ミルクティーですか。 レモンティーですか。 |
Yes, certainly. One Chocolate parfait and one cake combo. The drink (of the combo) is an English tea, right? The tea with milk/cream or tea with lemon? |
Customer 2: えーと、ミルクティーに します。 |
Well... I would like the tea with milk/cream. |
Waiter A: はい、かしこまりました。 しょうしょう おまちください。 |
Yes, certainly. Please wait a moment. |
A while later... | |
Waiter B: (たいへん)おまたせいたしました。 ケーキセットの おきゃくさまは? |
Thank you for waiting (quite a while). The customer of cake combo is...? |
Customer 2: わたしです。(raising a hand) |
(It is) me. |
Waiter B: こちら、ミルクティーで ございます。(serving the tea.) You may hear
こちら、ミルクティーに なります。 |
This is a tea with milk. |
Customer 2: どうも。 |
Thanks. |
Waiter B: こちらは チョコレートパフェに なります。 |
This is Chocolate parfait. |
Customer 1: はい、わたしです。 どうも。 |
Yes. it is me. Thanks. |
Waiter B: いじょうで よろしかったでしょうか。 |
Is that all (your order)? |
Customer 1: はい。どうも。 |
Yes. Thanks. |
or ご are honorifics
added to a noun to make the statement polite in talking about
clients/customer as you hear おきゃくさま
a customer/client and
ごちゅうもん an order. You
will be called/addressed as おきゃくさま
or がいこくの おきゃくさま
(customer from foreign country) when they need to call you for an
attention. |
いらっしゃいませ。 こちらで おめしあがりですか、それとも、おもちかえりですか。 |
May I help you? For here? or to go? おめしあがりis the respective form of 食べます to eat. It is a noun, though.). |
ここで たべます。 (A lot of fast food places are small so they have the second or the third floors so you may want to add 2かいで たべます to let them know that they can find you on the second floor if they are bringing food to you later. The cashier would say おにかいで おめしあがりですね "You are eating on the 2nd floor"。You even hear the honorific お added to the word "にかい 2nd floor ".) |
I am eating here. |
はい、こちらで おめしあがりですね。 ごちゅうもんを おうかがいいたします。 |
I got it, you are eating here.
I will take your order. (うかがい is a respective form (a noun) of きく/ ききます "to ask." The verb form is うかがう) . いたします is the respective form of する/します. So the direct translation of おうかがいいたします is "(I) do the asking" |
飲みものは 何が ありますか。 |
Two cheese burger and... As for drinks, what do you have? |
Cashier: お飲みものは、こちら(pointing
the menu) コーラと スプライトと オレンジジュースが ございます |
Talking about drinks, this (pointing the menu) there are (we have) coke, sprite, and orange juice.ございますis the respective form of あります). |
じゃ、スプライトを おねがいします。 |
Well then, I will take sprite. |
Cashier: スモール,ミディアム,ラージが ございますが...。 |
There are (we have) small, medium, and large... ございます is the respective form of あります. |
ミディアムを ください。 |
Cashier: |
This (pointing the menu) flan, coffee Jell-O, and apple pie. |
ええと、いや、デザートは けっこうです. チーズバーガー 2つと スプライトのミディアムを ください。 |
Well... No, thank you. Two cheeseburger and medium sprint, please. |
Cashier: フライドポテトはいかがですか。 |
Would you like french fries? いかがis a respective form of どう"how." |
いくらですか。 |
How much (Is it)? |
Cashier: スモールサイズは 280円(えん)、ミディアムは 340円、ラージは420円に なります。 |
The small size is 280yen. The medium is 340 yen. The large us 420 yen. |
じゃ、ラージをください。 ぜんぶ
で(total) いくら ですか。 |
Well then, I will take the large. How much in total? |
Cashier: はい、ありがとうございます。 おかいけい、ぜんぶで 1300円に なります。 |
Thank you very much. The bill is 1300 yen in total. |
You: はい、じゃ、これ。
(Handing over the cash 2000yen) |
Here with this. |
Cashier: はい、ありがとうございます。 おつり、700円の おかえしに なります。 |
Thank you very much, The change is 700 yen to return. |
Break Time ひとやすみ
Video on Kushi Katsu, Okonomiyaki, and Takoyaki made by UNCW students, Nicole Corso and Chang Liu at
Daily Activities
Words indicating
today, きのう
yesterday, おととい
the day before yesterday/two days ago, せんしゅう
last week, せんせんしゅう
the week before last week/two weeks ago, きょねん
last year,
last year (formal)
が but, however (at the end of a sentence
followed by comma instead of period)、そして and
、しかしbut (at the beginning of a sentence. formal)
You are hungry enough to eat a horse (we actually do have it in a menu at some Japanese restaurants). Pick a place (you can pick from the list below) to read the menu and order your meals. Suppose, you have received a meal Boucher (money) from the study abroad program as follows, 1000 yen for a breakfast, 2000 yen for lunch, and 3000 yen for dinner. Even if you spend less, you do not get any cash back or credit so order as much as you can afford within the budget. Write a name of a restaurant (or the place you are placing an order) and write out a possible conversation that you might be having at the place, using as many phrases as you have learned in the Sample Conversations above as well as a number of menu items at the place you are placing your orders. Please include a set menu, drinks, and some deserts. You need to eat variety of food to keep you healthy. You have to create conversations at three different restaurants, which can be a coffee shop, Japanese diner, a Japanese version of American-style restaurant, and/or a fast food place. Each situation has to have a different type of food and a restaurant.
You are most likely
eating breakfast at a fast food restaurant, a coffee shop, bakery shop with
tables or a counter. It is not a common practice for the Japanese to eat
out for breakfast so other types of restaurants are usually open around 11 a.m. for lunch.
If you get a chance, please ask your Japanese partners about the polite phrases that they hear at a fast food or family restaurant to get some super polite Keigo Japanese phrases. Some Japanese students may actually work there and have studied a restaurant manual.
Below is some choices I picked up but you can search and find others on your own.
(printable menu)
ミスター ドーナッツ
Western Style Family restaurants:
Summer is almost over. You have realized that you have not written to a Japanese friend for a while. Practice reading the following passage aloud, record (your recording should be less than 90 seconds) stop watch here at and submit it to my e-mail or Voice Mail in the Blackboard. Also submit the translation typed in a document file such as Microsoft Word or equivalent. Your reading shows how much you understand the passage. Please translate it first.
Beginner: おひさしぶりです。 おげんきですか。 なつ休みは もう あしたで おわりです。 ことしは いろんなことを しました。 まずは、6月に 日本に 行きました。 日本で 京都のホテルに 7はく とまりました。 京都で 金閣寺や 清水寺を かんこうしました。日本りょうりも たくさん 食べました。日本の おすしは ほんとうに おいしいです。 こんかいは 東京へは 行きませんでしたが、しょうらい、また、行きます。 そのあと、アメリカに かえりました。 アメリカでは まいにち しょくりょうひんてんで あさの 10じから ゆうがたの 5じまで アルバイトを しました。 日本で おみやげを たくさん 買いました。 いま、クレジットカードの しはらいが たいへんです。 あしたから がっこうが はじまります。 ひろこさんの なつ休みは どうでしたか。 じゃ、また、おたよりします。おげんきで。 |
Intermediate: お久しぶりです。 お元気ですか。 夏休みはもう明日で終わりますが、今年は色々なことをして楽しくて忙しかったです。 まずは、6月に日本に行きました。 日本で京都のホテルに7泊し、金閣寺や清水寺を観光して、大阪や奈良にも行って来ました。 奈良の大仏様は本当に大きくてすばらしかったです。 鹿はかわいかったですが、鹿せんべいを持っていると、襲われるのでちょっと怖かったです。 今年は東京へはいきませんでしが、今度日本に行く時は、必ず行くつもりです。 アメリカに帰って来てからは、毎日食料品店で朝の10時から夕方の4時までアルバイトをしていましたが、7月は両親の家に帰って、独立記念日を祝いました。 バーベキューや花火をしたりして、のんびりしました。 そして、日本で両親やいとこに買ったお土産をあげました。 日本では、買い物をたくさんしました。 だから、今クレジットカードの支払いで大変です。 でも、もっと日本にいたかったです。 また、日本かアメリカでお会いしましょう。それまでお元気で。また、お便りします。 Te-forms of verbs ーてor-で, Te-forms of -desu-で, Te-forms adjectives ーくて
Progressive action -te imasu ーて います・いる more usage
When... ー時(とき)
In-exhaustive listing of action or states ーたり、-たり します
Request ーて ください
Look at our itinerary in Japan (Click here) and write what you will do in Kyoto before you meet your homestay family, Japanese friends, or Japanese people whom you will meet (we usually find some women talk to us on buses). This will help you to practice some conversation with them. They will be curious to know what you have done or will do in Japan. Take lots of photos for show-and-tell!.
Ask your partner in Japanese (beginners: talk in Japanese as much as you can. Intermediate: try to conduct this conversation entirely in Japanese. The classroom instructions that you learned in the Chapter 0 will be helpful to ask them "how do you say ... in English or "Please repeat it", etc.) what they did in the past (last week, last month, last summer vacation なつ休み, winter break ふゆ休み, spring break はる休み, etc.) summarize your interview in one paragraph and turn it in. Click here for the note to request "Japanese only"