Course Schedule

PLS 521

Foundations of Coastal and Environmental Management


Mark T. Imperial, Ph.D.
Office: LH 260
E-mail: imperialm@uncw.edu
Phone: (910) 962 - 7928 (Office)
Fax: (910) 962 - 3286
Secretary: Donna Treolo (treolod@uncw.edu)
(910) 962 - 3220
Class Times: T 6:30 - 9:15 (LH 254A)
Office Hours: M 4:00 - 6:00 & by appointment

What's New


(7/14) - Next week (7/21) we will continue the presentations of the briefing papers.  Two copies of your comments on the briefing paper you were assigned to review is due at the start of class.


(7/14) - The take home final exam is now posted.  It is due in my mailbox or as an email submission no later than 5:00 PM on Thursday July 24th. 


(7/14) - Your final briefing paper (including the response to reviewers comments) is due in my mailbox no later than 5:00 PM on Thursday July 24th. 


(7/9) - Next week's class (7/14) will finish our discussion of the readings related to regulating coastal development and we'll focus mainly on a discussion of eminent domain.  You need to bring 2 copies of your final draft of the briefing paper (one for me and one for your reviewer).  You should also come prepared to present your briefing papers and I will randomly select presenters.  You should be prepared to present your findings and teach us about your topic.  You should plan on at least 30 minutes, no more than 45 minutes.  Let me know if you have any questions. 


(6/17) - Next week's class will focus on the readings related to regulating coastal development.  Most of our discussion will focus on regulatory takings and the use of eminent domain.  Revised Memo #2 is due.  Memo #4 which looks at a regulatory scenario is also due.  We will begin class in our regular location and then move to LH 110 for a guest lecture by the candidate for the MCOP faculty opening at 5:00.  Once that is completed, we'll discuss the readings and memo.


(6/16) - Tonight's class will focus on habitat protection with a particular emphasis on the regulation of coastal wetlands and an overview of the CWA and the control of point and nonpoint sources of pollution Memo #3 looks at wetlands alteration.  Your revised Memo #1 is also due.  We will begin class in our regular location and then move to LH 110 for a guest lecture by the candidate for the MCOP faculty opening at 5:00.  Once that is completed, we'll discuss the readings and memo with particular emphasis on the regulation of wetlands under the CWA and Rivers and Harbors Act and the basic features of the CWA. 


(6/4) - Next week's class (6/9) will focus on two interrelated topics - the public trust doctrine and riparian rightsMemo #2 looks at the dredging of the Coast Guard station in Wrightsville Beach and raises both legal issues.  Our discussion will focus on some of the important court decisions that shape the public trust doctrine and the scope of riparian rights.  We'll also focus on some of the related policy issues associated with expanding public access, protecting water dependent uses, and the permanent occupation of public trust lands. 


(5/19) - There is no class next week (5/26) due to Memorial Day. Our next class is on  6/2 and we will discuss the readings on Coastal Resources Management and Federal ConsistencyMemo #1 on user conflict from offshore wind is due (additional materials are contained on blackboard).  You should also come prepared to discuss the topic for your briefing paper and presentation. 


(5/19) - Welcome to PLS 521 - Foundations of Coastal & Environmental Management!  Class begins on Monday May 19th at 4:00 PM in LH 254A.  I will periodically post reminders and announcements on this website so you should check this webpage frequently.  Reserve readings for each course topic can be accessed through Blackboard.  Additional materials related to each topic can be found on the corresponding topics pages located on this website. 


(5/19) - Our first class (5/19) will discuss the readings associated with the history and future of coastal resource management located on blackboard.  There are links to other materials that will be used in our discussion located there as well.


(5/19) - The syllabus for this summer class can be downloaded for printing by clicking here for the PDF version (MS word version has working hyperlinks) Be sure to bring your own copy of the syllabus to the first class.  Please disregard the syllabus and course schedule that can be found on this website (they correspond to the regular semester format).  Instead, consult the summer syllabus which contains a different schedule of topics, readings, and assignments and a modified description of the course requirements than is found on this website.  However, students should consult the course topics when doing the readings since they contain a variety of supplemental materials.  The assignments are described in the syllabus and have links to corresponding websites located in blackboard.  Disregard the assignment links on these web pages because they correspond to the semester format)


(5/19) - Since this class involves a lot of professional writing and presentations to develop your communication skills, I have added several sets of readings to help with these assignments are included in a set of folders in blackboard.  You are expected to submit all documents in both a hard copy at the start of class.  They should be typed and be professional in appearance.  Be sure to follow an appropriate style guide.    

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Page last modified 08/17/11

Report problems to imperialm@uncw.edu