
Protecting and Restoring Coastal Habitats



National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)


Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)


Section 404 of the CWA and the definition of navigable waters


Wetlands delineation


State wetlands programs


Readings  (Blackboard)

Kalo: 97 - 220, 513 - 772
Res # 15: Schoenbaum, Thomas J., Ronald H. Rosenberg, Holly D. Doremus. 2002. Environmental Policy Law. Fourth Edition. New York, NY: Foundation Press. pp. 218 - 280.
Res #16:  Good, James W., John W. Weber, and James Charland. 1999. “Protecting Estuaries and Coastal Wetlands Through State Coastal Zone Management Programs.” Coastal Management 27 (no. 2/3, April): 139 – 186.
Res #17: Bernd-Cohen, Tina and Melissa Gordon. 1999. “State Coastal Program Effectiveness in Protecting Natural Beaches, Dunes, Bluffs, and Rocky Shores.” Coastal Management 27 (no. 2/3, April): 187 – 217.
Res # 18: Kalo, Joseph J.. 2001. "Article: Balancing Administrative Law in North Carolina: A Collection: "Now Open for Development?": The Present State of Regulation of Activities in North Carolina Wetlands." 79 North Carolina Law Review 1667 
Adler: 199 - 225


bulletMap of COE jurisdictions
bullet Handout - Supreme Ct limits wetlands regulation in Rapanos and Carabells cases
bullet Handout - New wetlands rules (3/08)
bulletHandout - WI responds to recent Supreme Court decision on isolated wetlands
bulletHandout - COE may relax CWA wetland rules in response to Supreme Court decision
bulletHandout - Changing mission of the COE
bullet Handout - Wetlands Mitigation in NC
bulletHandout - Some problems with wetlands mitigation programs
bullet Handout - OLF proposal in NC rejected (1/08) & other materials related to this controversy

Web Links & Resources

bullet C-SPAN - Panel Discussion after oral arguments in Rapanos v. U.S.
bullet YouTube video by Pacific Legal Foundation defending Rapanos
bullet YouTube video discussing impacts from environmentalist point of view
bullet C-SPAN - Senate oversight hearing on impact of Rapanos v. U.S. (Go 44:28 in to testimony by John Cruden and Q & A)
bullet Senate Bill S. 787 (December 10, 2010) - The Clean Water Restoration Act
bullet YouTube - Fox News report on Clean Water Restoration Act (CWRA) (introduced to change definition of "waters of the U.S." in the CWA)
bullet YouTube - Lisa Jackson, EPA Administrator pushing for CWRA
bullet YouTube - Glen Beck commenting on CWRA
bullet YouTube - Video promoting a company that manages wetlands mitigation banks
bulletEPA - Wetlands information website
bulletUS Army COE Regulatory Programs
bulletUS Army COE - Wilmington District
bulletNC Wetlands Restoration Program
bulletNCDENR - Division of Coastal Management's Wetlands webpage
bulletNCDENR - Wetlands/Section 401 Program
bulletU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - National Wetlands Inventory
bulletSociety of Wetlands Scientists - Links page
bulletWetlands.com - The wetlands regulation center

Recommended Books, Articles, and Government Reports

bulletAdd links in the future

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Page last modified 08/17/11

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