
Public Trust Doctrine



Title to submerged lands


Navigable waters


Equal footing doctrine


State management of submerged lands


Using the Public Trust Doctrine to improve CRM


Readings   (Blackboard)

Kalo: 1 - 46
Res #13: Archer, Jack H., Donald L. Connors, Keneth Laurence, Sarah Chapin Columbia, and Robert Bowen. 1994. The Public Trust Doctrine and the Management of America’s Coasts.  Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press. pp. 15 – 136.


bullet ME - Protecting water dependent uses
bullet MA - Two-tier user fees
bullet WA - Submerged lands leasing program
bullet NJ - Litigating the public trust doctrine

Web Resources

bullet The Public Trust Doctrine - NOAA, Coastal Services Center E-Learning
bullet Public Access in New Jersey: The Public Trust Doctrine and Practical Steps to Enhance Public Access (NJDEP)
bullet The Public Trust Doctrine - Wikipedia
bulletThe Public Trust Doctrine: A Key to Natural Resource Protection (Wisconsin Stewardship Network)
bullet The Public Trust Doctrine, California State Lands Commission
bullet The Public Trust Doctrine - CATO institute's take

Recommended Books, Articles, and Government Reports

bulletCoastal States Organization. 1997. Putting the Public Trust Doctrine to Work.  Second Edition. Washington, DC: Coastal States Organization.  (it is the bible for understanding the public trust doctrine order)
bulletArcher, Jack H., Donald L. Connors, Keneth Laurence, Sarah Chapin Columbia, and Robert Bowen. 1994. The Public Trust Doctrine and the Management of America’s Coasts.  Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press. 

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