
Federal Consistency



CZMA's federal consistency provisions - federal activities, federal license and permits, and federal funding


Appeals to the Secretary of Commerce


Interstate consistency problems


Section 401 of the Clean Water Act


Federalism and its influence on coastal management - Who should set and implement policy?


Readings  (Blackboard)

Kalo: 243-278, 441 - 512

Res #8: Schoenbaum, Thomas J., Ronald H. Rosenberg, Holly D. Doremus. 2002. Environmental Policy Law. Fourth Edition. New York, NY: Foundation Press. pp. 160 - 194.

Res #9: Archer, Jack H.. 1991. “ Evolution of Major 1990 CZMA Amendments: Restoring Federal Consistency and Protecting Coastal Water Quality.” Territorial Sea Journal 1 (no. 2): 191 – 222.

Res #10: Duff, John A. 2001. “The Coastal Zone Management Act: Reverse Pre-Emption Or Contractual Federalism?” 6 Ocean & Coastal Law Journal 109

Res #11: Kuhse, Bruce. 2001. “The Federal Consistency Requirements Of The Coastal Zone Management Act Of 1972: It's Time To Repeal This Fundamentally Flawed Legislation.” 6 Ocean & Coastal Law Journal 77.

Res #12: Johnson, Kristi. 1999. "Comment: The Mythical Giant: Clean Water Act Section 401 and Nonpoint Source Pollution." 29 Environmental Law 417

Handouts & Web Resources

bulletNews articles on federal consistency and oil and gas development
bullet President tries to override conflict on sonar impacts on whales under NEPA (2/8), Supreme Ct hears case, & Supreme Ct  ruling (11/08)
bullet Information about Lake Gaston (involved in VEPCO appeal)
bullet CZMA Federal Consistency Overview (NOAA 2009)
bullet Consistency Review Map
bullet Interstate consistency fact sheet (2007)

Web Links

bulletFederal and State Statutes
bullet Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 as amended 
bullet16 U.S.C. § 1451., et seq. (CZMA)
bullet16 U.S.C. 33 (links to most NOAA programs)
bullet 15 CFR 930, et seq.
bulletFederal register notice of the final rule revising the federal consistency regulations in December 2000
bullet33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq. (CWA)
bullet33 U.S.C. 1341 (Section 401 of the CWA)
bulletNC Coastal Area Management Act of 1974 as amended
bulletCAMA's current rules

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM)


Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Program


OCRM's Federal Consistency website


NOAA Office of General Counsel (handles federal consistency appeals)


NOAA's General Counsel Office for Appeals to the Secretary of Commerce

bulletEnvironmental Protection Agency
bulletEPA Laws and Regulations Links page
bulletEPA site with text of Section 401 and its link to wetlands regulation
bulletNorth Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR)
bulletDivision of Coastal Management (DCM)
bulletCAMA Rules and Policies
bulletCoastal Resources Commission
bulletDCM's federal consistency web page
bulletWetlands/401 Certification Unit

Other Recommended Books, Articles, and Government Reports

bulletAdd in the future

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Page last modified 08/17/11

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