
Riparian Rights & Public Access



Rights of access


Riparian rights


Federal and state navigation servitudes


Public Access to and along the shore


Creative ways to expand public access


Readings (Blackboard)

Kalo: 47 - 94; 318 - 347
Res #14:  Pogue, Pamela and Virginia Lee. 1999. Providing Public Access to the Shore: The Role of Coastal Zone Management Programs.” Coastal Management 27 (no. 2/3, April): 219 - 237.

Handouts & Recent Court Cases

bulletStop the Beach Nourishment, Inc. v. Florida Department of Environmental Protection, et al (2010) (Florida Supreme Court Decision, Writ of Certiorari, CNN news account of the oral arguments, and Supreme Court Decision).
bullet Pacific Legal Foundation disappointed in Supreme Court's Ruling and its impact on property rights
bullet Regulating Beach Clubs in NC
bullet Beach renourishment project in LI
bulletParking fees in Wrightsville Beach
bulletAccess problem in Carolina Beach
bulletControversey with Kure Beach's access plan
bulletCOE asks for access as a condition of renourishment
bullet CA: Condo hotels being used to circumvent access requirements

Web Resources

bullet Public Access in New Jersey: The Public Trust Doctrine and Practical Steps to Enhance Public Access (NJDEP)
bullet NCDENR, Division of Coastal Management's Public Access website
bulletNOAA's public access website
bulletSection 309 Enhancement Grant Accomplishment Report for Public Access
bulletState, Territory, and Commonwealth Beach Renourishment Programs: A National Overview (NOAA)
bulletCalifornia Coastal Commission's Prescriptive Rights Program
bulletCalifornia Coastal Conservancy

Recommended Books, Articles, and Government Reports

bullet Effectiveness of State Coastal Management Programs in Providing Public Access to the Shore: A National Overview

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Page last modified 08/17/11

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