
Coastal Resource Management



Overview of coastal issues and problems


Legislative history of the CZMA


Overview of the CZMA and various state programs


Networked vs. comprehensive state programs


Permitting vs. planning vs. coordination


Overview of NC's CAMA


Evaluating state programs - Section 312 of the CZMA


Boundaries and International Law (UNCLOS III)


Required Readings (Blackboard)

Kalo: 221 - 242; 369 - 440; 823 - 856
Beatley: 135 - 172 (Recommended)
Res #1:  Hershman, Marc J., James W. Good, Tina-Bernd-Cohen, Robert F. Goodwin, Virginia Lee, and Pam Pogue. 1999. “The Effectiveness of Coastal Zone Management in the United States.” Coastal Management 27 (no. 2/3, April): 113 – 138.
Res #2:  Godschalk, David R.. 1992. “Implementing Coastal Zone Management: 1972 – 1990.” Coastal Management 20: 93 – 116. 
Res #3:  Owens, David W.. 1992. “National Goals, State Flexibility, and Accountability in Coastal Zone Management.” Coastal Management 20: 143 – 165.
Res #4:  Born, Stephen M. and Allen H. Miller. 1988. “Assessing Networked Coastal Zone Management Programs.” Coastal Management 16 (No 3): 229 – 243. 
Res #5:  DeGrove, John M.. 1984. Land Growth and Politics. Washington, DC: American Planning Association. pp. 334 – 370. 
Res #6:  Owens, David W.. 1985. “Coastal Management in North Carolina: Building a Regional Consensus.” APA Journal (Summer): 322 – 329. 
Res #7:  Owens, David. 1991. The Coastal Management Program in North Carolina: Establishing a Process for Managing Development in Hazard Areas and Preparing Coastal Land Use Plans.” In Brian Needham (ed) Case studies of Coastal Management: Experience from the United States. Kingston, RI: University of Rhode Island Coastal Resources Center. pp. 23 – 34.
GAO - Coastal Zone Management: Measuring Program's Effectiveness Continues to be a Challenge, September 2008
More and Better Local Planning: State Mandated Local Planning in North Carolina
David Salvesen, 2005. "The Coastal Barrier Resources Act: Has it Discouraged Coastal Development? Coastal Management 33: 181-195 (Available electronically from the library)
bullet U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy - Primer on jurisdictions
bullet Handout: Legal jurisdictions
bullet State CZM program boundaries
bullet Report by Joseph Kalo and Lisa Schiavinato, Developing a Management Strategy for North Carolina's Coastal Ocean: Draft Report (2009) to DCM. 
bullet Handout: Federal & State environmental laws
bullet Obama Transition - Ocean Science Priorities (11/08)
bullet Russian claims on the arctic
bullet CZM Discussion paper - Changes to CZMA - 2006
bullet Reviewing CAMA's Effectiveness
bullet Land Use Plans in NC
bullet GA: Protecting undeveloped barrier beaches

Web Links

bullet Wikipedia - United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
Federal and State Statutes
bullet Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 as amended 
bullet 16 U.S.C. § 1451., et seq. (CZMA)
bullet 16 U.S.C. 33 (links to most NOAA programs)
bullet 15 CFR 923, et seq.
bulletNC Coastal Area Management Act of 1974 as amended
bullet CAMA's current rules

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)


National Ocean Service (NOS)


Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM)


Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Program


National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR)


National Marine Sanctuary Program


Marine Protected Areas


NOAA's Coastal Services Center 


National Sea Grant Program

U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy
Pew Oceans Commission
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR)
bulletDivision of Coastal Management (DCM)
bullet CAMA Rules and Policies
bulletCoastal Resources Commission
bulletNC NERR Program
Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs)
bulletCoastal States Organization
bulletNatural Resources Defense Council
bulletSierra Club
bulletSave Our Seas
bulletCoastal Alliance
bulletCenter for Marine Conservation
bulletSurfrider Foundation
bulletNC Coastal Federation
Links to Other State Programs
bullet Links to other state CZM Programs
bulletLinks to NERRs
bullet Links to Marine Sanctuaries
bullet Links to State Sea Grant Programs

Web Resources

bulletPLANetWIRE.org (a reporters guide to environmental issues)
bulletWilmington Star
bulletUSA Today
bulletWashington Post
bulletCurrent Events
bulletCSO's weekly updates on Congressional actions
bulletNC Sea Grant calendar of events
bulletNCDENR's DCM
bulletNC Coastal Federation's calendar of events
bulletCoastal Management Newsletters & Magazines
bulletInterCoast Network newsletter
bulletCoastlines newsletter
bulletCoastal Services magazine
bulletNonpoint Source News-Notes newsletter 
bulletThe Volunteer Monitor
bulletBay Journal (About efforts to protect Chesapeake Bay)
bulletLists of Publications
bulletOCRM Resources, Publications, and Outreach Materials
bulletList of Publications from OCRM's CZM Program
bulletCSC's Coastal Management Techniques Database
bulletCZM Effectiveness studies
bulletLinks to Other Coastal Management Information
bulletA History of NOAA
bulletList of OCRM's Coastal Program Division Staff

Other Recommended Books, Articles, and Government Reports

bulletBeatley, Timothy, David J. Brower, and Anna K. Schwab. . An Introduction to Coastal Zone Management. Second Edition. Washington, DC: Island Press. 2002. 
bulletClark, John R. 1996. Coastal Zone Management Handbook. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
bulletCicin-Sain and Robert W. Knect. 1998. Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management: Concepts and Practices. Washington, DC: Island Press.
bulletKay, Robert and Jacqueline Alder. 1999. Coastal Planning and Management. New York, NY: Spon Press.
bulletCenter for Urban and Regional Studies. Evaluation of the National Coastal Zone Management Program. Chapel Hill, NY: Center for Urban and Regional Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 

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