Coastal Resource Management
 | Overview
of coastal
issues and problems |
history of the CZMA |
of the CZMA and various state programs |
vs. comprehensive state programs |
vs. planning vs. coordination |
of NC's CAMA |
 | Evaluating
state programs - Section
312 of the CZMA |
Boundaries and International Law (UNCLOS
III) |
Required Readings
Required: |
Kalo: 221 -
242; 369 - 440; 823 - 856 |
Beatley: 135 - 172
(Recommended) |
#1: Hershman,
Marc J., James W. Good, Tina-Bernd-Cohen, Robert F. Goodwin, Virginia Lee,
and Pam Pogue. 1999. “The Effectiveness of Coastal Zone Management in
the United States.” Coastal
Management 27 (no. 2/3, April): 113 – 138. |
#2: Godschalk,
David R.. 1992. “Implementing Coastal Zone Management: 1972 – 1990.”
Coastal Management 20: 93 –
116. |
#3: Owens,
David W.. 1992. “National Goals, State Flexibility, and Accountability
in Coastal Zone Management.” Coastal
Management 20: 143 – 165. |
Res #4: Born,
Stephen M. and Allen H. Miller. 1988. “Assessing Networked Coastal Zone
Management Programs.” Coastal Management 16 (No 3): 229 – 243. |
Res #5: DeGrove,
John M.. 1984. Land Growth and Politics. Washington, DC: American
Planning Association. pp. 334 – 370. |
Res #6: Owens,
David W.. 1985. “Coastal Management in North Carolina: Building a
Regional Consensus.” APA Journal (Summer): 322 – 329. |
Res #7: Owens,
David. 1991. The Coastal Management Program in North Carolina:
Establishing a Process for Managing Development in Hazard Areas and
Preparing Coastal Land Use Plans.” In Brian Needham (ed) Case studies
of Coastal Management: Experience from the United States. Kingston,
RI: University of Rhode Island Coastal Resources Center. pp. 23 – 34. |
Coastal Zone Management: Measuring Program's Effectiveness Continues to be a
Challenge, September 2008 |
More and
Better Local Planning: State Mandated Local Planning in North Carolina |
Recommended: |
Salvesen, 2005. "The Coastal Barrier Resources Act: Has it Discouraged
Coastal Development? Coastal Management 33: 181-195 (Available
electronically from the library) |
Handouts |
Web Links
Federal and State Statutes
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
U.S. Commission
on Ocean Policy |
Pew Oceans
Commission |
North Carolina
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR)
Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs)
Links to Other State Programs
Web Resources
 | News
 | Current Events
 | Coastal Management Newsletters & Magazines
 | Lists of Publications
 | Links to Other Coastal Management Information
Other Recommended Books, Articles, and Government Reports
 | Beatley, Timothy, David J. Brower, and Anna K.
Schwab. . An Introduction to Coastal Zone Management. Second
Edition. Washington, DC: Island Press. 2002. |
 | Clark, John R. 1996. Coastal Zone Management
Handbook. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. |
 | Cicin-Sain and Robert W. Knect. 1998. Integrated
Coastal and Ocean Management: Concepts and Practices. Washington,
DC: Island Press. |
 | Kay, Robert and Jacqueline Alder. 1999. Coastal
Planning and Management. New York, NY: Spon Press. |
 | Center for Urban and Regional Studies. Evaluation
of the National Coastal Zone Management Program. Chapel Hill, NY:
Center for Urban and Regional Studies, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill. |