Jan 10






Teacher Role: Okay to be friendly but not friends



NC Social Studies Conference Feb 22-23 Registration form due 1/29/07 (Student $15 per day)


Portfolio: Summary of Performance

Examples Reflections, Introduction



Jan 17

Check In




Complete folders. Complete one page with phone information, email etc


Remember to get your sub application completed so it can be approved by the Board of Education. This can take a month. You want to be able to sub for your teacher if he/she is out sick – need to check whether this is appropriate with Mrs. Dempsey


Praxis II is not needed for Initial Licensure (Standard Professional 1 License). It is one of 3 Options for teachers to complete to obtain Continuing Licensure (Standard Professional 2 Licensure) - Praxis Review


Assignment Change. I need more time to pilot the new cameras. Instead of Videotape of teaching we will change assignment to Analysis of Student Work.


Observation Guide. This guide helps you consider student skills that you may not have thought about. (Not an assignment)


In creating your lesson plans, remember to look at the resources that DPI has put together for teaching US and C&E. This gives you objectives and teaching strategies  US  C&E


Inquiry Projects: Examples: http://www.uncwil.edu/ed/ss/SecondaryInterns/inquiryprojectsreport.pdf



Meet in groups by discipline (US WH, C&E)

·       Make sure each person gets a turn

·       Make sure each person gets help - if needed


Next EDN 408 class Weds 1/24.

First EDN 402 Class 1/22 plus Career Planning 1/22 at 3:30pm

Unit Plan Rough Draft



Unit Plan Feedback:

·       Variety for Guided Practice

·       Group Assignment

·       Check Links on EDN 408 Web page for resources from partnership teachers.


Examples of letter to parents. Student survey


Teaching Portfolio: Template on Taskstream - Secondary Education Licensure Portfolio Spring 07. See link in syllabus for directions


Advanced Technology Standards ISTE NETS (National Educational Technology Standards)


Assignment – syllabus has been changed. Sign-up to present Analysis of Student Work


Coaching Model of Supervision: http://www.uncwil.edu/ed/ss/SecondarySupervisionForms/coachingmodelofsupervision.pdf




Groups by discipline (US WH, C&E)

·       Make sure each person gets a turn

·       Make sure each person gets help - if needed


Next EDN 408 Class 2/12

Workshop 1/29 at 3:30 in Dobo 103

Final Copy of Unit Plan


 How’s it going? Class changes


Coaching/Extra Curricular Duties


Good to keep a written record of contact with families


Job Fair – note from Diane Reed.  Don't forget to work on your resume and get it reviewed by me.  Please utilize this service.  All you need to do is email me your resume at HYPERLINK "blocked::mailto:reedd@uncw.edu. Once it is critiqued, get it uploaded into UNCW Experience and published to the "seeking pre-K - 12 teaching jobs 06-07" resume book.  If you get it in this book by March 2, it will be included on the resume CD for employers. 


Inquiry Project: Form due 3/12. Make sure you get your teachers involved – needs their signature to approve your question


Presentation: Brian, Carl, Matt


Next Class Feb 26 – Cameron, Mark, Stephen





See latest on Podcasts: View Cara Ward’s presentation at NCCSS Conference:

http://tinyurl.com/gc48z (Under Contents, click on the link titled “This is Your Classroom”


Reminder that the Assignment Analysis of Student Work, is an analysis of one student’s work. After presentation, turn in to me to be graded.


March 6, Job Fair 10:30-12:00 Warwick Center


Licensure Meeting  9:00-10:30 Change to King Hall Auditorium – more convenient



Presentation: Cameron, Mark, Stephen


Inquiry Project – what are possible questions that you are thinking about.


Create your own online Games: http://www.cybertrain.info/ (Click on Quiz Game Master)


Next Class March 12 – Inquiry Project forms due

Presentations March 12: Sarah, Jamie, Kris



South Brunswick needs a teacher to cover maternity leave


Peer Observation: During the weeks of March 19 and March 26


Inquiry Project – leave in folders


Social Studies Teaching – National Board examples


Variety of strategies – refer to links on EDN 408 Notes page for ideas


Presentations: Sarah, Jamie, Kris


Next Class March 26, Presentations: Katie, Tom, Kyle





·       Peer Evaluation – need a copy of the evaluation – due today


·       Teaching Portfolio: Template on Taskstream - Secondary Education Licensure Portfolio Spring 07. See link in syllabus for directions

    Advanced Technology Standards ISTE NETS (National Educational Technology         Standards). Portfolio is due May 1st.


·       Inquiry Projects -  due April 16th


a)    Identify and describe your question

b)    Describe your implementation plan

c)    Present findings

d)    Discussion of findings including 2 references on your topic

e)    Conclusion  (50 points).


May 1st, Secondary interns will display their inquiry projects in the atrium. Create a 10 slide ppt, print in color and display on a tri-fold.


·       Presentations: Katie, Tom, Kyle


End of semester:

·       Get references completed

·       Invite others to observe your class

·       Use your time to continue your development.

·       Keep one class up until Friday April 27. Schedule


Presentations: Mike, Ken, Kevin




Name Check for Certificate:


Assignments due: Inquiry Project and Peer Evaluation


Schedule for May 1


Tuesday May 1. 2007



Interns meet by discipline


Room 226

11:15 -11:45

Presentation of Inquiry Projects

 Group 1 Presents

Education Building, Atrium


 Group 2 Presents






Final Meeting, all secondary interns including PE and Music


Education Building Room 162


·       Licensure Paperwork, Dr. Thomas

·       Presentation of Certificates - University supervisors present certificates



2 Forms that your partnership teacher has to sign:

·       Technology Standards – ideally share your portfolio or at least technology evidence

·       Recommendation for Licensure


Licensure information: Praxis 2 Reminder – one of 3 options for going from Licensure 1 to Licensure 2



Ken, Kris, Mike, Kevin



Social Studies Meet 9-11:00 in Ed Building Room


Assignments due: Electronic Portfolio & Display of Inquiry Project


·       Inquiry Projects – Please return assignment to me


·       So is there a Big purpose to teaching Social Studies?


·       Feedback on Methods course/408.


·       Job Search – Faith McPherson


·       Closure


·       SPOTS