Sometimes it can be overwhelming entering a new environment and not knowing what to pay attention to.  Listed below is an observation guideline that can help you in your familiarization with the school, the classroom and the students.


1.  School Orientation

Procedures, responsibilities and personnel to help familiarize you with the school.  Click here



2.  Students’ Abilities and Interaction.         

Select one of the classes that you will be teaching.  From observations and assignments, use the following questions to guide you in identifying students’ skills. 


I.          Reading Skills

A.     Does the class complete reading assignments for homework?

B.     Do most students read aloud fluently?

C.     Do most students successfully respond to questions (orally/written) which require comprehension of text?

D.     Do most appear to read on or above their grade level?


II.                 Written Skills

A.     Are most students able to write answers to essay questions that are coherent, well organized, and grammatically correct?

B.     How often do students write?

C.     What types of written assignments are given most frequently?


III.             Listening Skills

A.     Are most students engaged in active listening during lectures, presentations, and/or group work?

B.     How long are students able to be attentive to a lecture?

C.     Are they required to take notes on their own during lectures, or do they copy from the overhead?


IV.              Speaking Skills

A.     Are most confident about speaking out in front of one another?

B.     Do all students respond equally during class discussions, or do some students dominate?

C.     When called on to answer a question in class, can most students express themselves adequately?


V.                 Cooperative Skills

A.     Are they used to working together on projects or in groups?

B.     How are groups formed?

C.     Is there accountability for each group members' work?

D.     Are the roles clearly defined within the group?


VI.              Computer Skills

A.  What level of competency do students possess in using computers (refer to the NC 9-12            Computer Competencies)?