Information for undergrads and
prospective grad students Photographic guide to sponges of the Caribbean Courses: BIO 501: Science as a Profession | HOME |
![]() Below are links to PDFs of reprints of journal articles. These are for internal use by UNCW faculty and students. By clicking on these files, the user accepts all responsibility for their reproduction and dissemination. 175. Olinger, L.K., Strangman, W.K., McMurray, S.E., Mead, R.N., Pawlik, J.R. 2025. The giant barrel sponge Xestospngia muta takes up dissolved organic matter from benthic cyanobacterial mats. Organic Geochemistry, 200, DOI: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2024.104922 174. Pawlik, J.R. 2024. How are single-shot photographs orthorectified?: Comment on “Quantifying sponge communities from shallow to mesophotic depths using orthorectified imagery” (Lesser et al. 2023). Marine Biology, 171 DOI: 10.1007/s00227-024-04443-0 173. Olinger, L.K., McClenaghan B., Hajibabaei, M., Fahner, N., Berghuis, L. Rajabi, H., Erwin, P., Lane, C.S., Pawlik, J.R. 2024. Looking for the sponge loop: Analyses of detritus on a Caribbean forereef using stable isotope and eDNA metabarcoding techniques. PeerJ, 12:e16970 172. Scarpato, S., Teta, R., De Ciccio, P., Borrelli, F., Pawlik, J.R., Costantino, V., Mangoni, A. 2023. Molecular networking revealed unique UV-absorbing phospholipids: Favilipids from the marine sponge Clathria faviformis. Marine Drugs, 21(2) 58 DOI: 10.3390/md21020058 171. Conti-Jerpe, I.E., Pawlik, J.R., Finelli, C.M. 2022. Evidence for trophic niche partitioning among three temperate gorgonian octocorals. Coral Reefs, DOI: 10.1007/s00338-022-02279-y 170. Pawlik, J.R., Armstrong, R.A., Farrington, S., Reed, J. Rivero-Calle, S., Singh, H., Walker, B.K., White, J. 2022. Comparison of recent survey techniques for estimating benthic cover on Caribbean mesophotic reefs. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 686: 201-211 DOI: 10.3354/meps1401 169. Pawlik, J.R., Manker, D.C., Evans, J.W., Erwin, P.M., López-Legentil, S. 2021. Unusual morphotypes of the giant barrel sponge off the coast of Barbados. Diversity, 13: 663 DOI: 10.3390/d13120663 168. Wu, Q., Eisenhardt, N., Shaw Holbert, S., Pawlik, J.R., Kucklick, J.R., Vetter, W. 2021. Naturally occurring organobromide compounds (OBCs) including polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins in the marine sponge Hyrtios proteus from The Bahamas. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 172 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112872 167. Olinger, L.K., Strangman, W.K., McMurray, S.E., Pawlik, J.R. 2021. Sponges with microbial symbionts transform dissolved organic matter and take up organohalides. Frontiers in Marine Science, DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.665789 166. Evans, J.S., López-Legentil, S, Pawlik, J.R., Turnbull, I.G., Erwin, P.M. 2021. Molecular detection and microbiome differentiation of two cryptic lineages of giant barrel sponges from Conch Reef, Florida Keys. Coral Reefs, DOI: 10.1007/s00338-021-02089-8 165. Scarpato, S., Teta, R., Della Sala, G., Pawlik, J.R., Costantino, V., Mangoni, A. 2020. New tricks with an old sponge: Feature-based molecular networking led to fast identification of new stylissamide L from Stylissa caribica. Marine Drugs, 18(9), 443; 164. Pawllik, J.R., McMurray, S.E., Mead, R. Strangman, W., Gaitan Daza, L. 2020. Dining on DOM: Stimulus for the origin of metazoan life? Preprints, DOI: 10.20944/preprints202008.0302.v1. 163. Pawlik, J.R., McMurray, S.E. 2020. The emerging ecological and biogeochemical importance of sponges on coral reefs. Annual Review of Marine Science, 12: 315-337. 162. Olinger, L.K., Scott, A.R., McMurray, S.E., Pawlik, J.R. 2019. Growth estimates of Caribbean reef sponges on a shipwreck using 3D photogrammetry. Scientific Reports, 9: 19398. 161. Gantt, S.E., McMurray, S.E., Stubler A.D., Finelli, C.M., Pawlik, J.R., Erwin, P.M. 2019. Testing the relationship between microbiome composition and flux of carbon and nutrients in Caribbean coral reef sponges. Microbiome, 7: 124 160. Scott, A.R., Battista, T.A., Blum, J.E., Noren, L.N., Pawlik, J.R. 2019. Patterns of benthic cover with depth on Caribbean mesophotic reefs. Coral Reefs, 38: 961-972. 159. Pawlik, J.R., Scott, A.R. 2019. Sponge density increases with depth throughout the Caribbean: Comment. Ecosphere, 10(4):e.02689 158. Wooster, M.K., McMurray, S.E., Pawlik, J.R., Moran, X.A., Berumen, M.L. 2019. Feeding and respiration by giant barrel sponges across a gradient of food abundance in the Red Sea. Limnology and Oceanography, 64:1790-1801 157. Esposito, G., Teta, R., Della Sala, G., Pawlik, J.R., Mangoni, A., Costantino, V. 2018. Isolation of smenopyrone, a bis-ɣ-pyrone polypropionate from the Caribbean sponge Smenospongia aurea. Marine Drugs, 16: 285 DOI:10.3390/md160285. 156. Deignan, L.K., Pawlik, J.R., Erwin, P.M. 2018. Agelas wasting syndrome alters prokaryotic symbiont communities of the Caribbean brown tube sponge, Agelas tubulata. Microbial Ecology, 76: 459-466. 155. Scott, A.R., Pawlik, J.R. 2019. A review of the sponge increase hypothesis for Caribbean mesophotic reefs. Marine Biodiversity, 49: 1073-1083. 154. Deignan, L.K, Pawlik, J.R., López-Legentil, S. 2018. Evidence for shifting genetic structure among Caribbean giant barrel sponges in the Florida Keys. Marine Biology 165:106 DOI: 10.1007/s00227-018-3355-6 153. Pawlik, J.R., Loh, T.-L., McMurray S.E. 2018. A review of bottom-up vs. top-down control of sponges on Caribbean fore-reefs: What's old, what's new, and future directions. PeerJ 6:e4343 DOI 10.7717/peerj.4343 152. McMurray, S.E., Stubler, A.D., Erwin, P.M., Finelli, C.M., Pawlik, J.R. 2018. A test of the sponge-loop hypothesis for emergent Caribbean reef sponges. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 588: 1-14. DOI 10.3354/meps12466. Feature article!! 151. de Goeij, J.M., Lesser, M.P., Pawlik, J.R. 2017. Nutrient fluxes and ecological functions of coral reef sponges in a changing ocean. Chapter 8 in Climate Change, Ocean Acidification and Sponges, pp. 373-410, Carballo, J.L., Bell, J.J.(eds.) Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-59008-0_8 150. McMurray, S.E., Pawlik, J.R., Finelli, C. M. 2017. Demography alters carbon flux for a dominant benthic suspension feeder, the giant barrel sponge, on Conch Reef, Florida Keys. Functional Ecology, 31: 2188-2198. DOI 10.1111/1365-2435.12908 149. Della Sala, G., Teta, R., Esposito, G., Pawlik, J.R., Mangoni, A., Costantino, V. 2017. Zeamide, a glycosylinositol phosphorylceramide with a novel core Arap(1β→6)Ins motif from the marine sponge Svenzea zeai. Molecules, 22: 1455-1465 doi: 10.3390/molecues22091455 148. Hanmer, J., White, J.W., Pawlik, J.R. 2017. Application of diet theory reveals context-dependent foraging preferences in an herbivorous coral reef fish. Oecologia, 184: 127-137. DOI 10.1007/s00442-017-3855-y 147. Marino, C., Pawlik, J.R., López-Legentil, S., Erwin, P. 2017. Latitudinal variation in the microbiome of the sponge Ircinia campana correlates with host haplotype but not anti-predatory chemical defense. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 565: 53-66. 146. Wooster, M.K., Marty, M.J., Pawlik, J.R. 2017. Defense by association: Sponge-eating fishes alter the small scale distribution of Caribbean reef sponges. Marine Ecology, 38 DOI:10.1111/maec.12410. 145. Deignan, L.K. Pawlik, J.R. 2016. Demographics of the Caribbean brown tube sponge Agelas tubulata on Conch Reef, Florida Keys, and a description of Agelas Wasting Syndrome (AWS). Proceedings of the 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, Honolulu: pp. 72-84. 144. Pawlik, J.R., Loh, T.L. 2016. Biogeographical homogeneity of Caribbean coral reef benthos. Journal of Biogeography, 44: 950-952. doi: 10.1111/jbi.12858. 143. Marty, M.J., Blum, J.E., Pawlik, J.R. 2016. No accounting for taste: Palatability of variably defended Caribbean sponge species is unrelated to predator abundance. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 485: 57-64. 142. Pawlik, J.R., Burkepile, D.E., Vega Thurber, R. 2016. A vicious circle? Altered carbon and nutrient cycling may explain the low resilience of Caribbean coral reefs. BioScience, 66: 470-476 doi:10.1093/biosci/biw047. Read Prof. Peter Sale's blog about the "vicious circle hypothesis" here: 141. Esposito, G., Della Sala, G., Teta, R., Caso, A., Bourguet-Kondraki, M-L., Pawlik, J.R., Mangoni, A., Costantino, V. 2016. Chlorinated thiazole-containing polyketide-peptides from the Caribbean sponge Smenospongia conulosa: Structure elucidation on microgram scale. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2016: 2871-2875, DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.201600370. 140. McMurray, S.E., Johnson, Z.I., Hunt, D.E., Pawlik, J.R., Finelli, C.M. 2016. Selective feeding by the giant barrel sponge enhances foraging efficiency. Limnology and Oceanography, 61: 1271-1286. doi: 10.1002/lno.10287. 139. Pawlik, J.R., 2015. Overfishing aids sponges, hurts corals on Caribbean reefs. Alert Diver, 31(4): 22-23. 138. Puyana, M., Pawlik, J.R., Blum, J. and Fenical, W. 2015. Metabolite variability in Caribbean sponges of the genus Aplysina. Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy, 25: 592-599. 137. McMurray, S.E., Finelli, C.M. and Pawlik, J.R. 2015. Population dynamics of giant barrel sponges on Florida coral reefs. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 473: 73-80 DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2015.08.007 136. Loh, T.-L., McMurray, S.E., Henkel, T.P., Vicente, J. and Pawlik, J.R. 2015. Indirect effects of overfishing on Caribbean reefs: sponges overgrow reef-building corals. PeerJ, 3: e901 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.901 Article featured in PeerJ Press Release, click HERE 135. Pawlik, J.R., McMurray, S.E., Erwin, P., Zea, S. 2015. No evidence for food limitation of Caribbean reef sponges: Reply to Slattery & Lesser (2015). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 527: 281-284. 134. Zea, S., Henkel, T.P. and Pawlik, J.R. 2015. The sponge guide: Interactive photographic online guide to the identification of Caribbean sponges. Reef Encounter, 30: 25-28. 133. Pawlik, J.R. and Deignan, L.K. 2015. Cowries graze verongid sponges on Caribbean reefs. Coral Reefs, 34: 663. 132. Marty, M.J. and Pawlik, J.R. 2015. A fish-feeding laboratory bioassay to assess the antipredatory activity of secondary metabolites from the tissues of marine organisms. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 95: e52429; DOI: 10.3791/52429 Article PDF available HERE; HD video available HERE. 131. Pawlik, J.R., McMurray, S.E., Erwin, P. and Zea, S. 2015. A review of evidence for food-limitation of sponges on Caribbean reefs. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 519: 265-283. 130. Deignan, L.K. and Pawlik, J.R. 2015. Perilous proximity: Does the Janzen-Connell hypothesis explain the distribution of giant barrel sponges on a Florida coral reef?. Coral Reefs, 34: 561-567. 129. McMurray, S.E., Pawlik, J.R. and Finelli, C.M. 2014. Trait-mediated ecosystem impacts: How morphology and size affect pumping rates of the Caribbean giant barrel sponge. Aquatic Biology, 23: 1-13 FEATURE ARTICLE! 128. Vicente, J., Zea, S., Powell, R., Pawlik, J.R. and Hill, R.T. 2014. New epizooic symbioses between sponges of the genera Plakortis and Xestospongia in cryptic habitats of the Caribbean. Marine Biology, 161:2803-2818 127. Gloeckner, V., Wehrl, M., Moitinho-Silva, L., Gernert, C., Schupp, P., Pawlik, J.R. Lindquist, N.L., Erpenbeck, D., Wörheide, G. and Hentschel, U. 2014. The HMA-LMA dichotomy revisited: an electron microscopical survey of 56 sponge species. Biological Bulletin, 227: 78-88. 126. Henkel, T.H., and Pawlik, J.R. 2014. Cleaning mutualist or parasite? Classifying the association between the brittlestar Ophiothrix lineata and the Caribbean reef sponge Callyspongia vaginalis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 454: 42-58. Video of brittlestars eating sponge larvae at: 125. Loh, T.-L., and Pawlik, J.R. 2014. Chemical defenses and resource trade-offs structure sponge communities on Caribbean coral reefs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 111: 4151-4156. Cover article! Includes video. NSF coverage at 124. Pawlik, J.R., Amsler, C.D., Ritson-Williams, R., McClintock, J.B., Baker, B.J., and Paul, V.J. 2013. Marine chemical ecology: A science born of scuba. Pages 53-69 in: Research and Discoveries: The Revolution of Science through Scuba. Edited by: Lang, M.A., Marinelli, R.L., Roberts,S.J., and Taylor, P.R. Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences, Vol. 39. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. 258 pp. 123. Pawlik, J.R., Loh, T.-L., McMurray, S.E., and Finelli, C.M. 2013. Sponge communities on Caribbean coral reefs are structured by factors that are top-down, not bottom-up. PLoS One 8(5): e62573. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0062573. ***3 minute video about this paper awarded an honorable mention in the Ocean 180 Video Challenge, Feb 2014: ***Accompanying video shows French and Grey angelfishes eating grey tube sponges at Conch Reef, the same location as the reported research: 122. Miller, A.M., and Pawlik, J.R. 2013. Do coral reef fish learn to avoid unpalatable prey using visual cues? Animal Behaviour, 85: 339-347. 121. Loh, T.-L., and Pawlik, J.R. 2012. Specificity of larval settlement of the Caribbean Orange Icing Sponge Mycale laevis: A mutualistic response? Invertebrate Biology, 131: 155-164. 120. Loh, T.-L., and Pawlik, J.R. 2012. Friend or foe? No evidence that association with the sponge Mycale laevis provides a benefit to corals of the genus Montastraea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 465: 111-117. 119. A new sponge ecology. 2012. International Innovation, June issue, p.37. 118. Redwoods of the reef. 2012. International Innovation, June issue, pp.38-39. ***Accompanying video shows the size of barrel sponges, as well as their importance as habitat for fishes and invertebrates: 117. Angermeier, H., Glöckner, V., Pawlik, J.R., Lindquist, N.L., and Hentschel, U. 2012. Sponge white patch disease affecting the Caribbean sponge Amphimedon compressa. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 99:95-102. 116. Pawlik, J.R. 2012. Antipredatory defensive roles of natural products from marine invertebrates. Chapter 12, pages 677-710 in Handbook of Marine Natural Products. Edited by: Fattorusso, E., Gerwick, W.H., Taglialatela-Scafati, O. Springer Science, NY. 115. Loh, T.-L., López-Legentil, S., Song, B., and Pawlik, J.R. 2012. Phenotypic variability in the Caribbean Orange Icing sponge Mycale laevis (Demospongiae: Poecilosclerida). Hydrobiologia, 687: 205-217. 114. Hines, D.E. and Pawlik, J.R. 2012. Assessing the antipredatory defensive strategies of Caribbean non-scleractinian zoantharians (Cnidaria): Is the sting the only thing? Marine Biology, 159:389-398. 113. Echevarria, M, Naar, J.P., Tomas, C. and Pawlik, J.R. 2011. Effects of Karenia brevis on clearance rates and bioaccumulation of brevetoxins in benthic suspension feeding invertebrates. Aquatic Toxicology, 106-107:85-94. 112. Pawlik, J.R. 2011. The chemical ecology of sponges on Caribbean reefs: Natural products shape natural systems. BioScience, 61: 888-898. Cover article! 111. McMurray, S.E., Blum, J.E., Leichter, J.J. and Pawlik, J.R. 2011. Bleaching of the giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta in the Florida Keys. Limnology and Oceanography, 56: 2243-2250. 110. López-Legentil, S., Song, B., Bosch, M., Pawlik, J.R. and Turon X. 2011. Cyanobacterial diversity and a new Acaryochloris-like symbiont from Bahamian sea squirts. PLoS ONE, 6(8): e23938. 109. Henkel, T.P. and Pawlik, J.R. 2011. Host specialization of an obligate sponge-dwelling brittlestar. Aquatic Biology, 12: 37-46. 108. Leong, W. and Pawlik, J.R. 2011. Comparison of reproductive patterns among 7 Caribbean sponge species does not reveal a resource trade-off with chemical defenses. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 401: 80-84. 107. Angermeier, H., Kamke, J., Abdelmohsen, U., Krohne, G., Pawlik, J., Lindquist, N., Hentschel, U. 2011. The pathology of Sponge Orange Band disease affecting the Caribbean barrel sponge Xestospongia muta. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 75: 218-230. 106. López-Legentil, S., Erwin, P.M., Pawlik, J.R., and Song, B.K. 2010. Effects of sponge bleaching on ammonia oxidizing Archaea: Distribution and relative expression of ammonia monooxygenase genes associated with the barrel sponge Xestospongia muta. Microbial Ecology, 60: 561-571. 105. Morinaka, B., Pawlik, J.R.,and Molinski, T.F. 2010. Amaranzoles B-F, imidazole-2-carboxy steroids from the marine sponge Phorbas amaranthus. C24-N- and C24-O-analogues from a divergent oxidative biosynthesis. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 75: 2453-2460. Cover article! 104. Leong, W. and Pawlik, J.R. 2010. Evidence of a resource trade-off between growth and chemical defenses among Caribbean coral reef sponges. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 406: 71-78. 103. Leong, W. and Pawlik, J.R. 2010. Fragments or propagules? Reproductive trade-offs among Callyspongia spp. from Florida coral reefs. Oikos, 119: 1417-1422. 102. López-Legentil, S., Henkel, T.P., Erwin, P.M., Loh, T.-L., and Pawlik, J.R. 2010. Phenotypic plasticity in the Caribbean sponge Callyspongia vaginalis (Porifera: Haplosclerida). Scientia Marina, 74: 445-453. 101. McMurray, S.E., Henkel, T.P., and Pawlik, J.R. 2010. Demographics of increasing populations of the giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta in the Florida Keys. Ecology, 91:560-570 Appendicies: Ecological Archives E091-040-A1-A10 Reefs of the future -- Random Sample 2010. Science, 327: 253. 100. Bickmeyer, U., Grube, A., Klings, K.-W., Pawlik, J.R. and Köck, M. 2010. Siphonodictyal B1 from a marine sponge increases intracellular calcium levels comparable to the Ca2+ - ATPase (SERCA) inhibitor thapsigargin. Marine Biotechnology, 12: 267-272. 99. Lee, O.O., Chui, P.Y., Wong, Y.H., Pawlik, J.R., and Qian, P-Y. 2009. Evidence for vertical transmission of bacterial symbionts from adult to embryo in the Caribbean sponge Svenzea zeai. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75: 6147-6156. 98. Zea, S., Henkel, T.P., and Pawlik, J.R. 2009. The Sponge Guide: a picture guide to Caribbean sponges. Available online at Accessed on: 2009-06-16. 97. Loh, T.-L and Pawlik, J.R. 2009. Bitten down to size: Fish predation determines growth form of the Caribbean coral reef sponge Mycale laevis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 374: 45-50. 96. Ein-Gil, N., Ilan, M., Carmeli, S., Smith, G.W., Pawlik, J.R., and Yarden, O. 2009. Presence of Aspergillus sydowii, a pathogen of gorgonian sea fans in the marine sponge Spongia obscura. ISME Journal, 3: 752-755. 95. Morinaka, B. I., Pawlik, J.R. and Molinski, T.F. 2009. Amaroxocanes A and B: Sulfated dimeric sterols defend the Caribbean coral reef sponge Phorbas amaranthus from fish predators. Journal of Natural Products, 72: 259-264. 94. López-Legentil, S. and Pawlik, J.R. 2009. Genetic structure of the Caribbean giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta using the I3-M11 partition of COI. Coral Reefs, 28: 157-165. 93. McMurray, S.E. and Pawlik, J.R. 2009. A novel technique for the reattachment of large coral reef sponges. Restoration Ecology, 17: 192-195. Cover photo feature article!! Reef Repair -- Research Highlights 2009. Nature, 459: 12. 92. Pawlik, J.R., Henkel, T.P., McMurray, S.E., López-Legentil, S., Loh, T.-L., Rohde, S. 2008. Patterns of sponge growth and recruitment on a shipwreck corroborate chemical defense resource trade-off. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 368: 137-143. 91. McMurray, S.E., Blum, J.E., and Pawlik, J.R. 2008. Redwood of the reef: growth and age of the giant barrel sponge, Xestospongia muta in the Florida Keys. Marine Biology, 155:159-171. Redwoods of the Reef -- Random Sample 2008. Science, 321: 19. 90. Nagelkerken, I., Blaber, S.J.M., Bouillon, S., Green, P., Haywood, M., Kirton, L.G., Meynecke, J.-O., Pawlik, J.R., Penrose, H.M., Sasekumar, A., Somerfield, P.J. 2008. The habitat function of mangroves for terrestrial and marine fauna: A review. Aquatic Botany, 89: 155-185. 89. López-Legentil, S., Song, B.K., McMurray, S.E. and Pawlik, J.R. 2008. Bleaching and stress in coral reef ecosystems: hsp70 expression by the giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta. Molecular Ecology, 17: 1840-1849. 88. Meredith, T.L., Cowart, J.D., Henkel, T. and Pawlik, J.R. 2007. The polychaete Cirriformia punctata is chemically defended against generalist coral reef predators. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 353: 198-202. 87. Grube, A., Assmann, M., Lichte, E., Sasse, F., Pawlik, J.R. and Köck, M. 2007. Bioactive metabolites from the sponge Aka coralliphagum. Journal of Natural Products, 70: 504-509. 86. Pawlik,J.R., McMurray, S.E. and Henkel, T.P. 2007. Abiotic factors control sponge ecology in Florida mangroves. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 339: 93-98. 85. Lee, O.O., Yang, L.H., Li, X., Pawlik, J.R., Qian, P.Y. 2007. Surface bacterial community, fatty acid profile, and antifouling activity of two congeneric sponges from Hong Kong and the Bahamas. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 339: 25-40. 84. Pawlik, J.R. 2007. Cast iron beauty: an antique J.W. Fiske Aquarium. Tropical Fish Hobbyist, 55: 111-114. 83. Epifanio, R., Maia, L.F., Pawlik, J.R. and Fenical W. 2007. Antipredatory secosterols from the octocoral Pseudopterogorgia americana. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 329: 307-310. 82. Odate, S. and Pawlik, J.R 2007. The role of vanadium in the chemical defense of the solitary tunicate, Phallusia nigra. Journal of Chemical Ecology 33: 643-654. 81. Pawlik, J.R., Steindler, L., Henkel, T.P., Beer, S., and Ilan, M. 2007. Chemical warfare on coral reefs: sponge metabolites differentially affect coral symbiosis in situ. Limnology and Oceanography 52: 907-911. 80. Qian, P.Y., Dobretsov, S., Dahms, H.U. and Pawlik, J.R. 2006. Comparison of the antifouling activities and microbial diversity of two congeneric sponges (Callyspongia spp.) from Hong Kong and the Bahamas. Marine Ecology Progress Series 324: 151-165. 79. Cowart, J.D., Henkel, T.P., McMurray, S.E., and Pawlik, J.R. 2006. Sponge orange band (SOB): a pathogenic-like condition of the giant barrel sponge, Xestospongia muta. Coral Reefs 25: 513. 78. Lau, S.C.K., Tsoi, M.M.Y., Li, X.C., Plakhotnikova, I., Dobretsov, S.V., Wu, M., Wong, P.K., Pawlik, J.R., and Qian, P.Y. 2006. Description of Fabibacter halotolerans gen. nov., sp. nov. and Roseivirga spongocola sp. nov. and reclassification of [Marinicola] seohaensis as Roseiviga seohaensis comb. nov.. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 56: 1059-1065. 77. Lau, S.C.K., Tsoi, M.M.Y., Li, X.C., Plakhotnikova, I., Dobretsov, S.V., Wong, P.K., Pawlik, J.R., and Qian, P.Y. 2006. Stenothermobacter spongiae gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel member of the family Flavobacteriaceae isolated from a marine sponge in the Bahamas, and emended description of Nonlabens tegetincola. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 56: 181-185. 76. Kelly, S.R., Garo, E., Jensen, P.R., Fenical, W. and Pawlik, J.R. 2005. Effects of sponge secondary metabolites on bacterial surface colonization. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 40: 191-203. 75. Engel, S. and Pawlik, J.R. 2005. Interactions among Florida sponges. II. Mangrove habitats. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 303: 145-152. 74. Engel, S. and Pawlik, J.R. 2005. Interactions among Florida sponges. I. Reef habitats. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 303: 133-144. 73. Lau, S.C.K., Tsoi, M.M.Y., Li, X.C., Plakhotnikova, I., Dobretsov, S.V., Wong, P.K., Pawlik, J.R. and Qian, P.Y. 2005. Nonlabens tegetincola gen. nov, sp. nov., a new member of the family Flavobacteriaceae isolated from a microbial mat in a subtropical estuary. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 55: 2279-2283.
72. Jones, A.C., Blum, J.E. and
Pawlik, J.R. 2005. Testing for defensive synergy in
71. Walters, K.D. and Pawlik,
J.R. 2005. Is there a trade-off between
wound-healing and chemical defenses among
70. Lau, S.C.K., Tsoi, M.M.Y., Li,
X.C., Plakhotnikova, 69. Henkel, T.P., and Pawlik, J.R. 2005. Habitat use by sponge-dwelling brittlestars. Marine Biology 146: 301-313. 68. Masuno, M.N., Pawlik, J.R., and Molinski, T.F. 2004. Phorbasterones A-D, cytotoxic nor-ring A steroids from the sponge Phorbas amaranthus. Journal of Natural Products 67: 731-733. 67. Pawlik, J.R. 2003. Sorting sponges. (Book review.) Science 299: 1846-1847. 66. Burns, E., Ifrach, I., Carmeli, S., Pawlik, J.R. and Ilan, M. 2003. Comparison of anti-predatory defenses of Red Sea and Caribbean sponges: I. Chemical defense. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 252: 105-114.
65. Kelly, S.R., Jensen, P.R., Henkel,
T.P. and Pawlik, J.R.
2003. Effects of
Caribbean sponge extracts on bacterial attachment. Aquatic Microbial Ecology,
31: 175-182.
64. Puyana, M., Fenical, W., and
Pawlik, J.R. 2003. Are there activated chemical
defenses in sponges of the genus Aplysina from the Caribbean? Marine Ecology Progress
Series, 246: 127-135. 63. O'Neal, W. and Pawlik, J.R. 2002. A reappraisal of the chemical and physical defenses of Caribbean gorgonian corals against predatory fishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 240: 117-126
62. Pisut, D.P. and Pawlik, J.R. 2002. Anti-predatory chemical defenses of
ascidians: Secondary metabolites or inorganic acids? Journal of Experimental Marine
Biology and Ecology, 270: 203-214.
61. Kubanek, J., Whalen, K.E., Engel,
S., Kelly, S.R., Henkel, T.P., and Pawlik, J.R. 2002. Multiple defensive roles for
triterpene glycosides from two Caribbean sponges. Oecologia, 131:
60. Pawlik, J.R., McFall, G., and Zea,
S. 2002. Does the odor from sponges of the genus
Ircinia protect them from fish predators? Journal of Chemical
Ecology, 28: 1103-1115.
59. Toonen, R.J., and Pawlik,
J.R. 2001. Foundations of gregariousness: A
dispersal polymorphism among the planktonic larvae of a marine
Evolution, 55: 2439-2454.
58. Toonen, R. J. and Pawlik,
J.R. 2001. Settlement of the
gregarious tube worm Hydroides
dianthus (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) II Testing the desperate larva
hypothesis. Marine Ecology Progress Series,
224: 103-114.
57. Toonen, R. J. and Pawlik,
J.R. 2001. Settlement of the
gregarious tube worm Hydroides
dianthus (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) I. Gregarious and non-gregarious
settlement. Marine Ecology Progress Series,
224: 115-131.
56. Kubanek, J. Fenical W., and
Pawlik, J.R.. 2001. New antifeedant triterpene
glycosides from the Caribbean sponge Erylus formosus. Natural Products Letters,
15: 275-285.
55. Pawlik, J.R. 2000. Marine Chemical Ecology. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 207: 225-226.
Engel, S. and Pawlik, J.R. 2000. Allelopathic activities of
sponge extracts. Marine Ecology Progress Series,
207: 273-281.
53. Assmann, M., Lichte, E., Pawlik,
J.R., and Köck, M. 2000. Chemical defenses of the Caribbean sponges Agelas wiedenmayeri and Agelas conifera. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 207: 255-262.
52. Kubanek, J., Pawlik, J.R.,
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2000. Triterpene
glycosides defend the Caribbean reef sponge Erylus formosus from predatory
fishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series,
207: 69-77.
51. Lindel, T., Hoffmann, H.,
Hochgürtel, M., Pawlik, J.R.
2000. Structure-activity relationship of the
inhibition of fish feeding by sponge-derived and synthetic
pyrrole-imidazole alkaloids.
Journal of Chemical
Ecology, 26:
50. Waddell, B., Pawlik,
J.R. 2000. Defenses of Caribbean sponges
against invertebrate predators: II. Assays with sea stars. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 195: 133-144.
49. Waddell, B., Pawlik,
J.R. 2000. Defenses of Caribbean sponges
against invertebrate predators: I. Assays with hermit crabs. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 195: 125-132.
48. Wilson, D.M., Puyana, M.,
Fenical, W., Pawlik, J.R.
1999. Chemical defense of the Caribbean reef sponge Axinella corrugata against
predatory fishes. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 25: 2811-2823.
47. Newbold, R.W., Jensen, P.R.,
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1999. Antimicrobial
activity of Caribbean sponge extracts. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 19: 279-284.
46. Dunlap, M., Pawlik, J.R. 1998. Spongivory by parrotfish
in Florida mangrove and reef habitats. P.S.Z.N.I: Marine Ecology, 19: 325-337
45. Swearingen, D.C. III,
Pawlik, J.R. 1998. Variability in the chemical defense of
the sponge Chondrilla nucula
against predatory reef fish.
Marine Biology, 131: 619-627.
44. Vervoort, H.C., Pawlik, J.R.,
Fenical, W. 1998. Chemical defense of the Caribbean
ascidian Didemnum
conchyliatum. Marine Ecology
Progress Series, 164:
43. Pawlik, J.R. 1998. Coral reef sponges: Do predatory
fishes affect their distribution?
Limnology and
Oceanography, 43:
42. Henrikson, A.A., Pawlik,
J.R. 1998. Seasonal variation in biofouling
of gels containing extracts of marine organisms. Biofouling, 12: 245-255.
41. Chanas, B., Pawlik, J.R. 1997 Variability in the chemical
defense of the Caribbean reef sponge Xestospongia muta. Proceedings of the 8th International
Coral Reef Symposium, 2:
40. Pawlik, J.R. 1997. Fish predation on Caribbean reef
sponges: an emerging perspective of chemical defenses. Proceedings of the 8th International
Coral Reef Symposium, 2:
39. Toonen, R.J., Pawlik,
J.R. 1996. Settlement of the tube worm Hydroides dianthus (Polychaeta:
Serpulidae): Cues for Gregarious Settlement. Marine Biology, 126: 725-733.
38. Chanas, B., Pawlik, J.R.,
Lindel, T., Fenical, W.
1996. Chemical
defense of the Caribbean sponge Agelas clathrodes (Schmidt). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology
and Ecology, 208:
37. Dunlap, M., Pawlik, J.R. 1996. Video-monitored predation by
Caribbean reef fish on an array of reef and mangrove sponges. Marine Biology, 126: 117-123.
36. Chanas, B., Pawlik, J.R.
1996. Does the skeleton
of a sponge provide a defense against predatory reef fish? Oecologia, 107: 225-231.
35. Pawlik, J.R., Chanas, B.,
Toonen, R.J., Fenical, W. 1995. Defenses of Caribbean
sponges against predatory reef fish: I. Chemical deterrency. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 127: 183-194..
34. Chanas, B., Pawlik, J.R.
1995. Defenses of Caribbean sponges against
predatory reef fish: II. Spicules, tissue toughness, and nutritional
quality. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 127: 195-211.
33. Henrikson, A.A. and J.R.
Pawlik. 1995. A new
method of assaying extracts of marine organisms for antifouling
properties. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology
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32. Albrizio, S., Ciminiello, P.,
Fattorusso, E., Magno, S. and J.R. Pawlik. 1995. Amphitoxin, a
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compressa. Journal of Natural Products, 58: 647-652.
31. Toonen, R.J. and J.R. Pawlik.
1994. Foundations of gregariousness. Nature (London) 370: 511-512.
30. Pawlik, J.R. and D.J.
Mense. 1994. Larval transport, food limitation,
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in: Reproduction and Development of
Marine Invertebrates.
Edited by Wilson, Jr., W.H., Stricker, S.A. and Shinn, G.L. Johns Hopkins University Press,
Baltimore, Maryland.
29. Pawlik, J.R. and C.A.
Butman. 1993. Settlement of a marine tube worm as a
function of current velocity: interacting effects of hydrodynamics and
behavior. Limnology and Oceanography, 38: 1730-1740.
28. Pawlik, J.R. 1993. Marine Invertebrate Chemical
Defenses. Chemical Reviews, 93: 1911-1922.
27. Pawlik, J.R. and W. Fenical. 1992. Chemical defense of Pterogorgia anceps, a Caribbean
gorgonian coral. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 87: 183-188.
26. Pawlik, J.R. 1992. The Spanish Dancer Nudibranch. Oceanus, 35: 85-86.
25. Pawlik, J.R. 1992. Chemical Ecology of the Settlement of
Benthic Marine Invertebrates.
Oceanography and Marine
Biology: An Annual Review, 30: 273-335.
24. Pawlik, J.R. 1992. Induction of Marine Invertebrate Larval
Settlement: Evidence for Chemical Cues. Pages 189-236 in: Ecological Roles of Marine Natural
Products. Edited by V.J.
Paul. Cornell University
Series in Chemical Ecology, Cornell University Press.
23. Fenical, W., and J.R.
Defensive properties of secondary metabolites from the Caribbean
gorgonian coral Erythropodium
caribaeorum. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 75: 1-8.
22. Pawlik, J.R., and F.S.
Larval settlement of Sabellaria cementarium Moore, and
comparisons with other species of sabellariid polychaetes. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 69: 765-770.
21. Pawlik, J.R., C.A. Butman and
V.R. Starczak. 1991. Hydrodynamic facilitation of
gregarious settlement of a reef-building tube worm. Science, 251: 421-424.
20. Roussis, V., J.R. Pawlik,
M.E. Hay and W. Fenical.
Secondary metabolites of the chemically
rich ascoglossan Cyerce
nigricans. Experientia, 46: 327-329.
19. Pawlik, J.R. 1990. Natural and artificial induction of
metamorphosis of Phragmatopoma
lapidosa californica (Polychaeta: Sabellariidae), with a critical look
at the effects of bioactive compounds on marine invertebrate larvae. Bulletin of Marine Science, 46: 512-536.
18. Pawlik, J.R., and M.G.
Hadfield. 1990.
Symposium on chemical factors that
influence the settlement and metamorphosis of marine invertebrate larvae:
introduction and perspective.
Bulletin of Marine
Science, 46:
17. Hay, M.E., J.R. Pawlik, J.E.
Duffy, and W. Fenical.
Seaweed-herbivore-predator interactions: host-plant specialization
reduces predation on small herbivores. Oecologia, 81: 418-427.
16. Pawlik, J.R. 1989. Tubeworms. Pages 341-343 in: 1990 McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science
and Technology, McGraw-Hill, San Francisco.
15. Pawlik, J.R., and W.
A re-evaluation of the ichthyodeterrent role of prostaglandins in
the Caribbean gorgonian coral, Plexaura homomalla. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 52: 95-98.
14. Pawlik, J.R. 1989. Larvae of the sea hare Aplysia californica settle and
metamorphose on an assortment of macroalgal species. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 51: 195-199.
13. Pawlik, J.R., M.R. Kernan,
T.F. Molinski, M.K. Harper, and D.J. Faulkner. 1988. Defensive chemicals of the Spanish Dancer
nudibranch, Hexabranchus
sanguineus, and its egg ribbons:
Macrolides derived from a sponge diet. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology
and Ecology, 119:
12. Pawlik, J.R. 1988. Larval settlement and metamorphosis of
sabellariid polychaetes, with special reference to Phragmatopoma lapidosa, a
reef-building species, and Sabellaria floridensis, a
non-gregarious species. Bulletin of
Marine Science, 43:
11. Pawlik, J.R., J.B. O'Sullivan
and M.G. Harasewych.
The egg capsules, embryos, and larvae of
Cancellaria cooperi
(Gastropoda: Cancellariidae).
The Nautilus, 102: 47-53.
10. Pawlik, J.R. 1988. Larval settlement and metamorphosis of
two gregarious sabellariid polychaetes: Sabellaria alveolata compared with
Phragmatopoma californica. Journal of the Marine Biological
Association of the United Kingdom, 68: 101-124.
9. Pawlik, J.R. and
D.J. Faulkner.
The gregarious settlement of sabellariid polychaetes: New perspectives on chemical
cues. Pages 475-487 in: Marine Biodeterioration. Advanced
Techniques Applicable to the Indian Ocean. Edited by: M.-F. Thompson,
R. Sarojini and R. Nagabhushanam. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., Ltd.,
New Delhi. 826 pp.
8. Amieva, M.R.,
C.G. Reed and J.R. Pawlik.
Ultrastructure and behavior of the larva
of Phragmatopoma californica
(Polychaeta: Sabellariidae):
Identification of sensory organs potentially involved in substrate
selection. Marine Biology, 95: 259-266.
7. Pawlik, J.R.,
M.T. Burch and W. Fenical.
Patterns of chemical defense among
Caribbean gorgonian corals: a preliminary survey. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology
and Ecology, 108: 55-66.
6. Pawlik, J.R. 1987. Bocquetia rosea, new genus, new
species, an unusual rhizocephalan parasite of a sponge-inhabiting
barnacle, Membranobalanus
orcutti (Pilsbry), from California. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 7: 265-273.
5. Pawlik, J.R. and
D.J. Faulkner. 1986. Specific free fatty acids induce larval
settlement and metamorphosis of the reef-building tube worm Phragmatopoma californica
(Fewkes). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology
and Ecology, 102:
4. Pawlik, J.R. 1986. Chemical induction of larval settlement
and metamorphosis in the reef-building tube worm Phragmatopoma californica
(Polychaeta: Sabellariidae).
Marine Biology, 91: 59-68.
3. Pawlik, J.R.,
K.F. Albizati and D.J. Faulkner.
Evidence of a defensive role for limatulone, a novel triterpene
from the intertidal limpet Collisella limatula. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 30: 251-260.
2. Albizati, K.F.,
J.R. Pawlik and D.J. Faulkner.
Limatulone, a potent defensive metabolite of the intertidal limpet
Collisella limatula. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 50: 3428-3430.
1. Pawlik, J.R. 1983. A sponge-eating worm
from Bermuda: Branchiosyllis oculata
(Polychaeta, Syllidae). P.S.Z.N.I: Marine Ecology, 4: 65-79. | |