These are examples from the text Fundamentals of Numerical Computation, by Driscoll and Braun, 1st edition (2017). To use these functions, Right-click the MATLAB links and download to your MATLAB file directory. [mlx - Live Editor, vs m-file] Click the Sections Numbers to show static webpage.

Chapter 1: Numbers, problems, and algorithms
     Combined files: NumAnal01.mlx, NumAnal01.m, NumAnal01.pdf

Chapter 2: Square linear systems:
     Combined files: NumAnal02.mlx, NumAnal02.m, NumAnal02.pdf

Chapter 3: Overdetermined linear systems
     Combined files: NumAnal03.mlx, NumAnal03.m, NumAnal03.pdf

Chapter 4: Roots of nonlinear equations
     Combined files: NumAnal04.mlx, NumAnal04.m, NumAnal04.pdf

Chapter 5: Piecewise interpolation
     Combined files: NumAnal05.mlx, NumAnal05.m, NumAnal05.pdf

Chapter 6: Initial-value problems
     Combined files: NumAnal06.mlx, NumAnal06.m, NumAnal06.pdf

Chapter 7: Matrix analysis
     Combinded files: NumAnal07.mlx, NumAnal07.m, NumAnal07.pdf, hello.png, voting.mat