At the end of this file you will find functions that define a system of three equations and its Jacobian matrix. (These functions could be written as separate files, or embedded within another function as we have done here.) Our initial guess at a root is the origin.
x = [0;0;0]; % column vector!
We need the value (residual) of the nonlinear function, and its Jacobian, at this value for
f = nlvalue(x);
J = nljac(x);
We solve for the Newton step and compute the new estimate.
s = -(J\f);
x(:,2) = x(:,1) + s;
Here is the new residual.
format short e
f(:,2) = nlvalue(x(:,2))
We don't seem to be especially close to a root. Let's iterate a few more times.
for n = 2:7
f(:,n) = nlvalue(x(:,n));
s = -( nljac(x(:,n)) \ f(:,n) );
x(:,n+1) = x(:,n) + s;
We find the infinity norm of the residuals.
residual_norm = max(abs(f),[],1)' % max in dimension 1
We don't know an exact answer, so we will take the last computed value as its surrogate.
r = x(:,end);
x = x(:,1:end-1);
The following will subtract r from every column of x.
z = size(x);
e = x - r*ones(1,z(2));
Now we take infinity norms and check for quadratic convergence.
logerrs = log(abs( max(e,[],1)' ));
ratios = logerrs(2:end) ./ logerrs(1:end-1)
For a brief time, we see ratios around 2, but then the limitation of double precision makes it impossible for the doubling to continue.
This function defines the system of nonlinear equations.
function f = nlvalue(x)
f = zeros(3,1); % ensure a column vector output
f(1) = exp(x(2)-x(1)) - 2;
f(2) = x(1)*x(2) + x(3);
f(3) = x(2)*x(3) + x(1)^2 - x(2);
Here is a function that computes the Jacobian matrix.
function J = nljac(x)
J(1,:) = [-exp(x(2)-x(1)),exp(x(2)-x(1)), 0];
J(2,:) = [x(2), x(1), 1];
J(3,:) = [2*x(1), x(3)-1, x(2)];