The Paraguin Project
CS Dept.
Dr. Ferner's Research
- Quantum Computing
- Grid Computing
- Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Parallel Compilers for Parallel and Distributed Computing
[31] |
Clayton S. Ferner, "Quadratic Classical Solution to Simon's
Algorithm", submitted to IEEE International Conference
on Quantum Computing, Montreal, CA
Sep 15-20, 2024.
[30] |
Clayton Ferner, "Contributions of Quantum Factoring
on Quantum Research", IEEE Computing Edge,
9(9):24--26, September 2023 [republication].
[31] |
C. S. Ferner, "Card Game to Demonstrate Quantum Key
Exchange," IT Professional,
25(3):74--77, May-June 2023, doi: 10.1109/MITP.2023.3279688.
[30] |
C. Ferner, "Contributions of Quantum Factoring
on Quantum Research", IEEE Computer,
55(8):5--7, August 2022, doi: 10.1109/MC.2022.3178307.
Barry Wilkinson and Clayton Ferner,
"The Suzaku Pattern Programming Framework," in the
proceedings of the
6th NSF/TCPP Workshop on Parallel and Distributed
Computing Education (EduPar-16), held in
conjunction with the
30th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed
Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2016), Chicago, IL
May 23, 2016. (pdf) |
C. Ferner, B.
Wilkinson, and B. Heath (2014), "Using Patterns to
Teach Parallel Computing,” in the proceedings of the
Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing
Education (EduPar-14), held in conjunction
with the 28th IEEE International Parallel &
Distributed Procession Symposium (IPDPS 2014),
Phoenix, AR, May 19, 2014.(pdf) |
C. Ferner, B.
Wilkinson, B. Heath, “Toward using higher-level
abstractions to teach Parallel Computing”, in the
proceedings of the Third NSF/TCPP Workshop on
Parallel and Distributed Computing Education
(EduPar-13), held in conjunction with the
27th IEEE International Parallel &
Distributed Procession Symposium (IPDPS 2013),
Boston, MA, May 20, 2013.(pdf) |
B. Wilkinson, J.
Villalobos, and C.S. Ferner, "Pattern programming
approach for teaching parallel and distributed
computing", in the proceedings of The 44th ACM Technical
Symposium on Computer Science Education
(SIGCSE2013), Denver, CO, March 8, 2013. (pdf)
Barry Wilkinson and
Clayton Ferner, "Teaching Grid Computing across
North Carolina and Beyond", Education Program
Plenary Session presentation at SC11 International
Conference for High Performance Computing,
Networking, Storage, and Analysis, Seattle
WA, Nov. 12, 2011. |
Barry Wilkinson and
Clayton Ferner, "Teaching Grid Computing across
North Carolina and Beyond", SC11 Education &
Broader Engagement Resource Fair Poster presented at
SC11 International
Conference for High Performance Computing,
Networking, Storage, and Analysis, Seattle
WA, Nov. 12, 2011.
Tammy Tran and
Clayton Ferner, "Development of an Electronic
Medical Record System for the University of North
Carolina Wilmington School of Nursing", in The
2011 International Conference on e-Learning,
e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and
e-Grovernment (EEE'11), WORLDCOMP'11, Las Vegas,
NV, June 18-21, 2011. (acceptance rate -
23%) (pdf). |
C. Ferner and B. Wilkinson, "Constructing
Distributed Computations in an Undergraduate Grid
Computing Course", in The 2010 International
Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer
Science and Computer Engineering (FECS'10),
WORLDCOMP'10, Las Vegas, NV, June 12-15, 2010.
(acceptance rate - 26%) (pdf).
P. Jerry Martin and C.S. Ferner, "Independent
loop suppression to reduce message size for
message-passing code", in The 2009
International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Processing Techniques and
Applications (PDPTA'09 ), WORLDCOMP'09, Las
Vegas, NV, June 13-16, 2009. (acceptance rate -
25%) (pdf)
Clayton Ferner and Barry Wilkinson,
"Pair-teaching a course on Grid computing from two
campuses on NCREN", in The 2009 International
Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer
Science and Computer Engineering (FECS'09),
WORLDCOMP'09, Las Vegas, NV, June 13-16,
2009. (acceptance rate - 25%) (pdf)
Barry Wilkinson and Clayton Ferner, "Towards a
top-down approach to teaching an undergraduate
grid computing course," in the Proceedings
of The 36th ACM Technical Symposium on
Computer Science Education (SIGCSE2008),
Portland, Oregon, March 12-15, 2008. (acceptance
rate - 31%) (pdf)
P. Jerry Martin and C.S. Ferner, "Suppressing
independent loops in packing/unpacking loop nest
to reduce message size for message-passing code",
in the Proceedings of the The 2007
International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Processing Techniques and
Applications (PDPTA'07), WorldComp'07, Las
Vegas, NV, June 15-18, 2007. (pdf)
B. Wilkinson and C. Ferner, "Statewide
Undergraduate Grid Computing Course," NSF CCLI
Project Showcase Poster presentation at the ACM
SIGCSE 2007 Technical Symposium on Computer
Science Education, Covington Kentucky, March
7-10, 2007.
B. Wilkinson and C.S. Ferner, "Chapter 151 Grid
Computing Implementation and Applications",
chapter in The Handbook of Computer Networks,
H. Bidgolo, Editor-in-Chief, John Wiley &
Sons, 2006.
Barry Wilkinson and Clayton Ferner, "Teaching
Grid Computing in North Carolina: Part II," IEEE
Distributed Systems Online, vol. 7, no. 7,
2006, art. no. 0607-o7003. (html,
Barry Wilkinson and Clayton Ferner, "Teaching
Grid Computing in North Carolina: Part I," IEEE
Distributed Systems Online, vol. 7, no. 6,
2006, art. no. 0606-o6003. (html,
C.S. Ferner, "Revisiting communication code
generation algorithms for message-passing
systems", International Journal of Parallel,
Emergent and Distributed Systems (JPEDS),
21(5):323--344, October 2006. (pdf)
J. Brown, C. Ferner, T. Hudson, A. Stapleton, R.
Vetter, T. Carland, A. Martin, J. Martin, A.
W. Shipman, and M. Wood, "GridNexus: A grid
services scientific workflow system", International
Journal of Computer & Information Science
(IJCIS), 6(2):72--82, June 2005. (pdf)
M. Baker, A. Apon, C. Ferner, J. Brown, "Emerging
grid standards", IEEE Computer,
38(4):43--50, April 2005. (acceptance rate - 25%)
B. Wilkinson, M. Holliday, and C. Ferner,
"Experiences in teaching a geographically
distributed undergraduate grid computing course",
in the Proceedings of The Second International
Workshop on Collaborative and Learning
Applications of Grid Technology and Grid
Education (Held in conjunction with CCGrid2005),
May 9 - 12, 2005, Cardiff, United Kingdom. (pdf)
C.S. Hunt, C.S. Ferner, and J.L. Brown, "JXPL: An
XML-based scripting language for workflow
execution in a grid environment", in the Proceedings
of the IEEE SoutheastCon 2005, Fort
Lauderdale, FL, April 8-10, 2005. (pdf)
M.A. Holliday, B. Wilkinson, J. House, S. Daoud,
C. Ferner, “Geographically-distributed,
assignment-structured undergraduate grid computing
course”, in the Procceedings of the 36th ACM
Technical Symposium on Computer Science
Education (SIGCSE2005), St. Louis, Missouri,
pp 206--210, February 23-27, 2005. (acceptance
rate - 32%) (pdf)
M. Wood, C. Ferner, J. Brown, "Toward a graphical
user interface for grid services," in the Proceedings
of the IEEE Southeastern Conference,
Greensboro, NC, pp. 316--324, March 26-28, 2004. (pdf)
C.S. Ferner and R. Vetter. "An integrated
framework for implementing quality of network
concepts," Journal of Network and Systems
Management, 10(4):439--455, December 2002.
C.S. Ferner, "The Paraguin
compiler---Message-passing code generation using
SUIF," in the Proceedings of the IEEE
SoutheastCon 2002, Columbia, SC, pp. 1--6,
April 5-7, 2002. (pdf)
N.H. Martin, K.H. Nance, J.D. Brown, C.S.
Ferner, and W.A. Randall, "Predicting
Through-Space NMR Deshielding by Several Organic
Functional Groups," poster session at The
84th Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC)
Conference and Exhibition , Montreal,
Canada, May 26, 2001.
C.S. Ferner and R.G. Babb, "Automatic choice of
scheduling heuristics for parallel/distributed
computing," Scientific Programming,
7(1):47--65, 1999. (pdf
, postscript ,
C.S. Ferner, "Automatic Choice of Scheduling
Heuristics for Parallel/Distributed Computing,"
Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics and
Computer Science, University of Denver, 1997.
C.S. Ferner and K.Y. Lee, "Hyperbanyan networks:
A new class of networks for distributed-memory
multiprocessors," in the Proceedings of the
Fourth Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively
Parallel Computation, McLean, Virginia, pp.
254--261, October 19-21, 1992.
Grants, Contracts,
and Other Funding
- Principal Investigator, "ExpandQISE: Track 1: Training a Quantum-ready Workforce Prepared to Apply Quantum Optimization Solutions to Industry Needs"
with Greg Byrd and Thang Dinh submitted to NSF 24-523: Expanding Capacity in Quantum Information Science and Engineering (ExpandQISE), submitted
$799,934, August 2024 to July 2027.
- Co-Principal Investigator, "Collaborative Research:
Teaching Multicore and Many-Core Programming at a Higher
Level of Abstraction" with B. Wilkinson submitted to NSF
TUES - Phase I, awarded
$94,469, August 2012 to July 2015.
Lead Principal Investigator, "Collaborative Research:
Enhancing Teaching of Grid Computing to Undergraduate
Students by using a Workflow Editor" with B.
Wilkinson, Y. Li submitted to NSF CCLI - Phase I, awarded
$149,924, June 2008 - June 2010.
Co-Principal Investigator, "Fostering Undergraduate
Research Partnerships through a Graphical User
Environment for the North Carolina Computing Grid,"
with R. Vetter, J. Brown, T. Hudson, T. Janicki, N.
Martin, A. Stapleton, B. Tyndall, B. Miller, D.
Berman, R. Boston, L. Bartolotti, M. McClelland, J.
Port, and A. Wilkinson, UNC Office of the President, awarded
$557,634, June 1, 2004 - June 30, 2006.
Co-Principal Investigator, "The UNCW Grid Computing
Project," with R. Tyndall, B. Miller, S. Cowdrey, J.
Brown, N. Martin, A. Stapleton, and R. Vetter,
submitted to UNC Office of the President, awarded
UNC OP: $82,723; UNCW HPC: $65,000; In-kind Support:
$59,097; Project total: $206,820; March 17, 2003 -
June 30, 2003.
Co-Principal Investigator, "The UNCW Grid Computing
Project," with J. Brown and R. Vetter, UNCW
Information Technology Award, awarded $23,760,
March 17, 2003 - October 31, 2003.
Co-Investigator, "Monograph and Phylogenetic Research
on the Saprolegnials (Watermolds)," with David Padgett
and Craig Baley, submitted to NSF Systematic
Biology directorate, NSF Grant #DEB0328316, awarded
$742,000, Sep. 1 2003 - Aug. 31 2008.
Principal Investigator, "Comparison of
Message-Passing vs. Distributed-Shared Memory",
Charles L. Cahill Award, awarded $2,500,
Principal Investigator, "Paraguin - Parallelizing
Compiler for Distributed Memory Parallel Systems; CSC
337 - Parallel Computing", Computational Science
Faculty Account submitted to the North Carolina
Supercomputing Center (NCSC), awarded:
200 hours of time on the SGI Origin 2400 and 2000
hours of time on the IBM SP, August 2001 - October
Co-Principal Investigator, "A Collaborative Proposal
for E-Learning in Computer Science and Engineering",
submitted to UNC Office of the President, awarded
$60,000, Summer 2001.
UNCW International Programs for travel expenses to
attend the IPDPS 2000 conference in Cancun, Mexico May
1 to May 5, awarded $500, 2000..
Co-Investigator, "Incorporation of Additional New
Algorithms into Existing Commercial Software for
Predicting NMR Spectra," with Ned H. Martin and Allen.
Randall, submitted to UNCW Information Technology
Systems Division (ITSD), awarded $11,148.00,
Presentations, Workshops, and Invited Talks
- Ferner, C. S., SIGCSE, Baltimore, MD, "Teaching
Multicore and Many-Core Programming at a Higher Level of
Abstraction", NSF Showcase, SIGSCE, Baltimore, MD,
February 23, 2018.
- "Experiences and Reflections of using Parallel Design
Patterns Tools in an Undergraduate Program", Envisioning
the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education (EnFUSE):
Research and Practice, Washington, DC., April
27-29, 2016. (pdf)
- "Making Parallel Programming Easier using Patterned
Programming Techniques and Tools", Computer Science
Department Colloquium, Wake Forest University,
Winston-Salem, NC, October 3, 2014.
- "Making Parallel Programming Easier using Patterned
Programming Techniques and Tools", Computer Science
Department Colloquium, UNC Greensboro, Greensboro, NC,
October 2, 2014.
- B. Wilkinson and C. Ferner, "Regional Workshop on
Teaching an Undergraduate Parallel Programming Course
with Pattern Programming", UNC Charlotte, July 25, 2014.
- Brown, R. A., Adams, J. C., Ferner, C., Shoop, E., and
Wilkinson, B., "Teaching Parallel Design Patterns to
Undergraduates in Computer Science," panel session, SIGCSE 2014 Technical
Symposium on Computer Science Education,
Atlanta, USA,
March 8, 2014. (pdf)
- B. Wilkinson and C. Ferner, "Workshop 31: Developing a
Hands-On Undergraduate Parallel Programming Course with
Pattern Programming”, workshop at The 44th ACM
Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
(SIGCSE2013), Denver, CO, March 9, 2013.
- C. Ferner, "Other Means of Executing Parallel
Programs: OpenMP and Paraguin", presented to the Grid Computing course (CSC
446/546), November 15, 2011. (ppt)
B. Wilkinson and C. Ferner, "Workshop 20: Teaching a
Hands-On Undergraduate Grid Computing Course”,
workshop at The 41st ACM Technical Symposium on
Computer Science Education (SIGCSE2010),
Milwaukee, WI, March 12, 2010.
Clayton Ferner and Barry Wilkinson, "Introduction to
Teaching Grid Computing", presented at Open Source
Grid & Cluster Conference, Oakland, CA, May
12-14, 2008.
Clayton Ferner and Barry Wilkinson, “New Developments
in a State-wide Undergraduate Grid Computing Course”,
presented at SIAM Conference on Parallel
Processing for Scientific Computing (SIAM PP08),
Atlanta, GA, March 12-14, 2008.
P. Jerry Martin and C.S. Ferner, "Suppressing
independent loops in packing/unpacking loop nest to
reduce message size for message-passing code",
presented at PDPTA'07- The 2007 International
Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing
Techniques and Applications (as part of
WorldComp'07), Las Vegas, NV, June 15-18, 2007.
J.L. Brown, C.S. Ferner, and B. Shipman, “GridNexus
and JXPL: A Grid Services Workflow System”, presented
at globusWORLD, Boston, Massachusetts,
February 7-11, 2005.
"Creating Message Passing code for MPI," Computer
Science Department Spring 2002 Seminar Series, March
21, 2002.
Students Advised
- Lyndon Kyle Holt, M.S. Computer Science and
Information systems. Masters Project: "Extending
Shared-Memory Parallelism to a Distributed-Memory
Parallelizing Compiler", December 2011.
- Tammy Tran, B.S. Computer Science with University
Honors and Honors in Computer Science. Honor Project:
"Development of an Electronic Medical Record System for
the University of North Carolina Wilmington School of
Nursing", May 2011.
- Shun Jiang, M.S. Computer Science and Information
Systems. Masters Project: "Optimizing Join Query in
Distributed Database", May 2011.
- P. Jerry Martin, M.S. Computer Science and Information
Systems. Masters Project: "Suppressing Independent Loops
in Packing/Unpacking Loop Nests to Reduce Message Size
for Message-Passing Code", May 2010.
Media Coverage