Course Readings
Many of the required or
recommended readings are contained in the following
books that can be purchased at local book stores or through vendors on the
internet: |
Kalo, Joseph J, Richard G. Hildreth, Alison Rieser, Donna R. Christie,
and Jon L. Jacobson. 2007. Coastal and Ocean Law: Cases and Materials.
Third Edition. St Paul, MN: West Group. ISBN 978-031415620-4 (Required) |
 | Beatley, Timothy, David J. Brower, and Anna K. Schwab.
. An
Introduction to Coastal Zone Management. Second Edition.
Washington, DC: Island Press. 2002. (Recommended) Can
be ordered
online. |
 | Robert W. Adler, Jessica C. Landman, and Diane M. Cameron. 1993. The
Clean Water Act 20 Years Later. Washington, DC: Island Press.
(Recommended) Can
be ordered
online. |
The following readings are required or
The exams and assignments cover the required readings. The
recommended readings are designed particularly for students who have not
had prior coursework covering a particular topic. The readings
are either contained in the books listed above, are on reserve in the
library, are available electronically through the library, or can be downloaded directly from this
web site, or . A packet of all of the reserve readings that are not
available electronically can be checked out from the professor for photo
copying. |
Schedule of Readings
Introduction |
Required: |
None |
Recommended: |
Beatley: 1 - 133 |
Resource Management |
Required: |
Kalo: 221 -
242; 369 - 440; 823 - 856 |
Beatley: 135 - 172 |
#1: Hershman,
Marc J., James W. Good, Tina-Bernd-Cohen, Robert F. Goodwin, Virginia Lee,
and Pam Pogue. 1999. “The Effectiveness of Coastal Zone Management in
the United States.” Coastal
Management 27 (no. 2/3, April): 113 – 138. (EBSCO you will need to follow links to
the journal, volume, number, and pages) |
#2: Godschalk,
David R.. 1992. “Implementing Coastal Zone Management: 1972 – 1990.”
Coastal Management 20: 93 –
116. (Library
reserve) |
#3: Owens,
David W.. 1992. “National Goals, State Flexibility, and Accountability
in Coastal Zone Management.” Coastal
Management 20: 143 – 165. (Library reserve) |
Res #4: Born,
Stephen M. and Allen H. Miller. 1988. “Assessing Networked Coastal Zone
Management Programs.” Coastal Management 16 (No 3): 229 – 243.
(Library reserve) |
Res #5: DeGrove,
John M.. 1984. Land Growth and Politics. Washington, DC: American
Planning Association. pp. 334 – 370. (Library reserve) |
Res #6: Owens,
David W.. 1985. “Coastal Management in North Carolina: Building a
Regional Consensus.” APA Journal (Summer): 322 – 329.
(Library reserve) |
Res #7: Owens,
David. 1991. The Coastal Management Program in North Carolina:
Establishing a Process for Managing Development in Hazard Areas and
Preparing Coastal Land Use Plans.” In Brian Needham (ed) Case studies
of Coastal Management: Experience from the United States. Kingston,
RI: University of Rhode Island Coastal Resources Center. pp. 23 – 34.
(Library reserve) |
Recommended: |
Salvesen, 2005. "The Coastal Barrier Resources Act: Has it Discouraged
Coastal Development? Coastal Management 33: 181-195 (Available
electronically from the library) |
Federal Consistency |
Required: |
Kalo: 243 -
278; |
Res #8: Schoenbaum, Thomas J.,
Ronald H. Rosenberg, Holly D. Doremus. 2002. Environmental Policy Law.
Fourth Edition. New York, NY: Foundation Press. pp. 160 - 194. (Library
reserve) |
Res #9: Archer,
Jack H.. 1991. “ Evolution of Major 1990 CZMA Amendments: Restoring
Federal Consistency and Protecting Coastal Water Quality.” Territorial Sea Journal 1 (no. 2): 191 – 222. |
Res #10: Duff,
John A. 2001. “The Coastal Zone Management Act: Reverse Pre-Emption Or
Contractual Federalism?” 6 Ocean & Coastal Law Journal 109 (Lexis-Nexis
- you will have to search for the article) |
Res #11: Kuhse,
Bruce. 2001. “The Federal Consistency Requirements Of The Coastal Zone
Management Act Of 1972: It's Time To Repeal This Fundamentally Flawed
Legislation.” 6 Ocean & Coastal Law Journal 77. (Lexis-Nexis
- you will have to search for the article) |
Recommended: |
Kalo: 441 - 512 |
Res #12: Johnson,
Kristi. 1999. "Comment: The Mythical Giant: Clean Water Act Section
401 and Nonpoint Source Pollution." 29 Environmental Law 417 (Lexis-Nexis
- you will have to search for the article) |
Public Trust Doctrine |
Required: |
Kalo: 1 - 46 |
Res #13: Archer,
Jack H., Donald L. Connors, Keneth Laurence, Sarah Chapin Columbia, and
Robert Bowen. 1994. The Public Trust Doctrine and the Management of
America’s Coasts.
Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press. pp. 15 – 136.
(Library reserve) |
Recommended: |
Rights and Public Access |
Required: |
Kalo: 47 -
94; 318 - 347 |
Res #14: Pogue,
Pamela and Virginia Lee. 1999. Providing Public Access to the Shore: The
Role of Coastal Zone Management Programs.” Coastal
Management 27 (no. 2/3, April): 219 - 237. (EBSCO you will need to follow links to
the journal, volume, number, and pages) |
Recommended: |
Protecting and
Restoring Coastal Habitats |
Required: |
Kalo: 97 -
220 |
Res # 15: Schoenbaum, Thomas J.,
Ronald H. Rosenberg, Holly D. Doremus. 2002. Environmental Policy Law.
Fourth Edition. New York, NY: Foundation Press. pp. 218 - 280. (Library
reserve) |
Res #16: Good,
James W., John W. Weber, and James Charland. 1999. “Protecting Estuaries
and Coastal Wetlands Through State Coastal Zone Management Programs.” Coastal
Management 27 (no. 2/3, April): 139 – 186. (EBSCO you will need to follow links to
the journal,volume, number, and pages) |
Res #17: Bernd-Cohen,
Tina and Melissa Gordon. 1999. “State Coastal Program Effectiveness in
Protecting Natural Beaches, Dunes, Bluffs, and Rocky Shores.” Coastal
Management 27 (no. 2/3, April): 187 – 217. (EBSCO you will need to follow links to
the journal, volume, number, and pages) |
Recommended: |
Kalo: 513 -
772 |
Adler: 199 - 225 |
Res # 18: Kalo,
Joseph J.. 2001.
"Article: Balancing Administrative Law in North Carolina: A
Collection: "Now Open for Development?": The Present State of
Regulation of Activities in North Carolina Wetlands." 79 North
Carolina Law Review 1667 (Lexis-Nexis
- you will have to search for the article) |
Managing Coastal
Development |
Required: |
Kalo: 279 -
317 |
Beatley: 197 - 247 |
Res #19: Schoenbaum, Thomas J.,
Ronald H. Rosenberg, Holly D. Doremus. 2002. Environmental Policy Law.
Fourth Edition. New York, NY: Foundation Press. pp. 196 - 215. (Library
reserve) |
Res #20: Marine
Law Institute. 1988. Managing the
Shoreline for Water Dependent Uses: A Handbook of Legal Tools. North
Atlantic Water Dependent Use Study. Portland, ME: Marine Law Institute.
pp. 45 – 154. (Library reserve) |
Res #21: Marine
Law Institute. 1988. Managing the
Shoreline for Water Dependent Uses: A Handbook of Legal Tools. North
Atlantic Water Dependent Use Study. Portland, ME: Marine Law Institute.
pp. 165 - 180. (Library reserve) |
Res #28: Marine
Law Institute. 1988. Managing the
Shoreline for Water Dependent Uses: A Handbook of Legal Tools. North
Atlantic Water Dependent Use Study. Portland, ME: Marine Law Institute.
pp. 155 – 164. (Library
reserve) |
Res #22: Goodwin,
Robert F.. 1999. “Redeveloping Deteriorated Urban Waterfronts: The
Effectiveness of U.S. Coastal Management Programs.” Coastal Management 27 (no. 2/3, April): 239 – 269. (EBSCO you will need to follow links to
the journal, volume, number, and pages) |
Recommended: |
Point & Nonpoint
Source Pollution |
Required: |
Kalo: 214 -
216 |
Res #23: Schoenbaum, Thomas J.,
Ronald H. Rosenberg, Holly D. Doremus. 2002. Environmental Policy Law.
Fourth Edition. New York, NY: Foundation Press. pp. 866 - 955. (Library
reserve) |
Res #24: National Research
Council. 2001. Assessing the TMDL Approach to Water Quality Management.
Washington, DC: National Academy Press. pp. 12 - 102. (Library
reserve) |
Res #25: Dzurik, Andrew A..
2003. Water Resources Planning. Third Edition. New York, NY: Rowman
& Littlefield Publishers, Inc. pp. 233 - 252. (Library
reserve) |
Res #26: Solomon,
Andrew. 2001. “Comment:
Section 6217 Of The Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments Of 1990:
Is There Any Point?” 31
Environmental Law 151. (Lexis-Nexis - you will have to search for the article) |
Recommended: |
Kalo: 773 -
822 |
Adler: 1 - 170; 171 - 198 |