Course Schedule

PLS 308 - Public Administration

Summer I 2010

Mark T. Imperial, Ph.D.
Office: LH 260
E-mail: imperialm@uncw.edu
Phone: (910) 962 - 7928 (Office)
(910) 790 - 5528 (Home)
Fax: (910) 962 - 3286
Secretary: Donna Treolo (treolod@uncw.edu)
(910) 962 - 3220
Class Times: M & W 5:00 - 9:10 (LH 111)
Office Hours: M & W 4:00 - 5:00, T 4:30 - 6:00, & by appointment

What's New


(6/16) - Have a nice summer!


(5/10) - Welcome to the summer version of PLS 308 - Public Administration.  I will periodically post reminders and announcements so you should check the website frequently but be sure you are on the summer version of the course.  The syllabus can be viewed on the website or can be downloaded by clicking here.  You should view the course schedule for dates that readings and assignments are due.  Please check the class web site and your email frequently as the course schedule may change.


(5/10) - Since this class involves writing a long policy analysis report, I advise you read this recent article in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (JPAM) that has a number of useful writing tips (Download). This website also provides useful style guidelines  (Click here).    

Click here for past announcements

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Page last modified 11/17/05

Report problems to imperialm@uncw.edu