
Welcome to the PLS 308 Bulletin Board

Please check here frequently to find out about changes in the course schedule and other important announcements related to the class.

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bullet(6/14) - The take home final exam is now posted.  It involves answering a series of questions based on the film  The Last Castle (2001).  Be sure to sign and attach the honor pledge to your exam.  The final exam is due in my mailbox by  5:00 PM on Tuesday June 15, 2010 or electronically by email by 9:00 PMRevised memos for case #4 or #5 are also due with your final exam. 
bullet(6/8) - On Wednesday (6/9) we will discuss the readings on Motivation.  If you need help getting motivated, take a look at these slides (or these).  Case memo #4 on the initial ATF raid is also due at the start of class.  You may also want to use this exercises to examine your assumptions about what motivates people at work.  
bullet (6/8) - Next Monday (6/14) is our final class and we will discuss the readings on leadership and powerCase memo # 5 is also due.  You should also use this exercise to assess your preference for transactional vs. transformational leadership.  You can also revise two of your case memos and must turn in the original with the revised version and I'll average the grades.  Any revised memos for Case #1, #2, or #3 are due at the start of class.  Revised memos for case #4 or #5 are due with your final exam. 
bullet(6/8) - The take home final exam will be posted during class on Monday (6/14).  It will involve answering a series of questions based on a film.  That film will be shown during the second half of class.  The final exam will be due in my mailbox by  5:00 PM on Tuesday June 15, 2010 or electronically by email by 9:00 PM
bullet(6/1) - Next Monday (6/7) we will have the mid-term examination at the start of class.  You will have 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete the exam.  You must bring a blue book for the essay answers.  A review sheet is now posted online.  After the exam (7:30 PM), we will discuss the readings on communication and conflict and will discuss case memo #4 on the initial ATF raid on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, TX.  Your memo assignment for case #4 is due on Wednesday (6/9).
bullet(6/1) - On Wednesday (6/9) we will discuss the readings on Motivation.  If you need help getting motivated, take a look at these slides (or these). 
bullet(5/26) - There is no class next Monday (5/31) due to the Memorial Day Holiday.  Next Wednesday (6/2) we will discuss the readings on Organizational Design and Culture and your groups will briefly present the results of your organizational culture assignment.  Your memo for Case 3 on Challenger is also due.  We will also have a short review for the mid-term, please come with any questions you have about the review sheet
bullet(5/26) - Tonight (5/26) we will finish discussing the readings on ethics and accountability and your memo for Case #2 on MOVE is due.  We will then discuss the readings on decision making and discuss case #3 on the Challenger Disaster but the memo will be due on 6/2. 
bullet(5/25) - Just a reminder, Case Memo #2 is now due 5/26 and while we will discuss case memo #3 on the Challenger Disaster on 5/26, the writing assignment will be due on 6/2. You can also rewrite up to two memos and I will average your grades.  However, you must hand the original in with the revised assignment.
bullet(5/24) - Tonight (5/24) we will finish discussing the readings on the political environment of public administration and then discuss the readings on ethics and accountability.  We will also discuss Case Memo #2 on MOVE. On Wednesday (5/26) we will discuss the readings on decision making and discuss case memo #3 on the Challenger Disaster. 
bullet(5/24) - Your groups for the organizational culture group assignment are now posted
bullet(5/10) - Our first class is on Monday May 17th.  After reviewing the syllabus and assignments we will discuss the differences between managing in the public and private sector and begin discussing the readings related to the political environment of public administration.  We will finish discussing these readings on Wednesday May 19th.  Case memo #1 will also be due (download the reading).  I'll discuss the memo assignment on Monday but read over the assignment before class to see if you have any questions. 
bullet(5/10) - Welcome to the summer version of PLS 308 - Public Administration.  I will periodically post reminders and announcements so you should check the website frequently but be sure you are on the summer version of the course.  The syllabus can be viewed on the website or can be downloaded by clicking here.  You should view the course schedule for dates that readings and assignments are due.  Please check the class web site and your email frequently as the course schedule may change.
bullet(5/10) - Since this class involves writing a long policy analysis report, I advise you read this recent article in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (JPAM) that has a number of useful writing tips (Download). This website also provides useful style guidelines  (Click here).   

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Page last modified 11/17/05

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