of the course readings are contained in the following books that can be
purchased at local book stores or through vendors on the internet:
Starling, Grover. 2011. Managing
the Public Sector. Ninth Edition.
Cengage Learning.
Reserve Readings
The following
readings are on reserve in the library:
Reserve #1
Allison, Graham T.,
Jr.. 1980. "Public and Private Management: Are They Fundamentally
Alike in All Unimportant Respects." in Frederick S. Lane (ed) Current
Issues in Public Administration. Fifth Edition. New York, NY:
St Martin's Press (1994). pp. 16 - 32.
Reserve #2
Hebert, F.
Ted, Deil S. Wright, and Jeffrey I. Brudney. 1994. "Challenges to
State Governments: Policy and Administrative Leadership in the
1990s." in Frederick S. Lane (ed) Current Issues in Public
Administration. Fifth Edition. New York, NY: St Martin's Press.
pp. 93 - 110.
Reserve #3
Romzek, Barbara S.
and Melvin J. Dubnick. 1994. "Accountability in the Public Sector:
Lessons from the Challenger Tragedy." Frederick S. Lane (ed.) Current
Issues in Public Administration. Fifth Edition. New York, NY: St.
Martins Press. pp. 158 - 176
Reserve #4
Palumbo, Denise and
Steven Maynard-Moody. 1991. Contemporary Public Administration.
White Plains, NY: Longman Publishing Group. pp. 135 - 153.
Reserve #5
Cole Blease Graham.
Jr. and Steven W. Hays. 1993. "3: Organizing" in Managing the
Public Organization. Second Edition. Washington, DC: Congressional
Quarterly Press. pp. 69 - 106.
Reserve #6
Cole Blease Graham.
Jr. and Steven W. Hays. 1993. "5: Leadership" in Managing the
Public Organization. Second Edition Washington, DC: Congressional
Quarterly Press. pp. 155 - 203.
Reserve #7
Garnett, James L.
1996. "Communicating Effectively." in James L. Perry (ed.) Handbook
of Public Administration. Second Edition San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
pp. 665 - 681.
Reserve #8
Faerman, Sue R.
1996. "Managing Conflicts Creatively." in James L. Perry (ed.) Handbook
of Public Administration. Second Edition. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
pp. 632 - 646.
Reserve #9
Johnson, William
C.. 1996. "Chapter 15: Administrative Accountability." in Public
Administration: Policy, Politics, and Practice. Dubuque, IA: Brown
and Benchmark Publishers. pp. 431 - 460.
Reserve #10
Dwight. 1994. "Public Administration and Ethics." in
Frederick S. Lane (ed) Current Issues in Public Administration.
Fifth Edition. New York, NY: St Martin's Press. pp. 176 - 190.
Reserve #11
Stephen and Donald Menzel. 1996. "Achieving the Ethical
Workplace." in Howard R. Balanoff (ed) Public
Administration Fourth Edition. Guilford, CT: Dushkin/McGraw-Hill. pp.
24 - 28.
Reserve #12
E. S. Savas. 1994.
"On Privatization" in Frederick S. Lane (ed.) Current Issues
in Public Administration. Fifth Edition New York, NY: St Martin's
Press. pp. 404 - 413.
Reserve #13
David Osborne and
Ted Gaebler. 1994. "Reinventing Government." in Frederick S.
Lane (ed.) Current Issues in Public Administration. Fifth Edition.
New York, NY: St Martin's Press. pp. 438 - 449.
Reserve #14
Barzelay, Michael
(with the collaboration of Babak J. Armajani). 1994. "The
Post-Bureaucratic Paradigm in Historical Perspective." in in
Frederick S. Lane (ed.) Current Issues in Public Administration.
Fifth Edition New York, NY: St Martin's Press. pp. 449 - 467.