analysis of case studies essentially is self-learning through simulated
experience. Therefore, its
success depends on the lively interchange of information, ideas, and
opinions brought out in class discussion.
Students are required to complete 6 memos based on cases of
varying length and complexity. Since case analysis and writing memos
may be a new experience, students can rewrite 2 memos and I will
average the grades. Accordingly, students concerned about their
final course grade should consider revising memos with poor grades.
Failure to complete a memo results in a zero. Memo grades are
reduced by a letter grade each day they are late.
memo asks the student to respond to a specific question(s) and usually
involves an element of role playing.
Guidelines for analyzing cases
and preparing memos can be found on the course web site.
Your memos are limited to 2 single-spaced pages with 12 point font
and 1 inch margins and must be in a standard memo format.
A sample memo format can
be downloaded from the course web site and most word processing software
has templates that can be used. Click
here for detailed directions.