
Welcome to the PLS 308 Bulletin Board

Please check here frequently to find out about changes in the course schedule and other important announcements related to the class.

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(12/6) - The optional final exam is now posted.  It is due in my mailbox or by email by 10:00 PM on Friday December 8, 2006.  (Download exam by clicking here) (Click here for the honor pledge) (download reading for one of the questions)


(11/28) - On Wednesday we will finish the presentations for your your grant proposal projects and I will collect them at the beginning of class.


(11/28) - Next week (12/5) we will discuss the changing nature of the public sector.  Your memos for CTE #6 are also due.  Remember I take your best 4 of 6 grades on these assignments. 


(11/14) - Mid-term #2 is on Wednesday (11/15).  The review sheet is now posted.  Be sure to bring a blue book. 


(11/14) - There will be no class on Monday (11/20) because I have to make a presentation at a conference in Stockholm, Sweden.  After Thanksgiving we will be doing presentations on your grant proposal projects.  All groups must be prepared to present on Monday (11/27) and your final project is due at the start of class on Wednesday (11/29). 


(11/8) - Next week on Monday (11/13) we will continue our discussion of ethics and accountability in the public sector.  We will also have a brief review for mid-term #2 at the beginning of class.


(11/8) - Mid-term #2 is on Wednesday (11/15).  The review sheet is now posted.  Be sure to bring a blue book. 


(10/25) - Next week on Monday (10/30) we will continue discussing the readings on leadership and power.  On Wednesday (11/1) we will view a film that complements case analysis #2 on Waco.  Your memos are also due at the start of class. 


(10/16) - Mid-term #1 is scheduled for Wednesday 10/18.  The review sheet is now posted.  Be sure to bring a bluebook.  It is also your last opportunity to turn in late memos for a grade. 


(10/16) - On Monday (10/23) we will continue discussing the readings on motivation.  If you're having trouble getting motivated, try downloading this file (or this one).  On Wednesday (10/25) we'll begin discussing the readings on leadership and power and your memo for CTE #4 is also due. 


(10/3) - There is no class on Monday (10/9) due to fall break and Wednesday's (10/11) class is replaced by PLS week.  Our next class is Monday 10/16 and we will begin discussing the readings on motivation.  If you're having trouble getting motivated, try downloading this file (or this one).


(10/3) - Mid-term #1 is scheduled for Wednesday 10/18.  The review sheet is now posted.  We'll have a short review at the beginning of class on Monday 10/16. 


(9/27) - On Monday (10/2) we'll continue discussing the readings on organizations and begin discussing organizational culture.  On Wednesday (10/4) we'll continue discussing organizational culture and your memos for CTE #3 are also due (download reading).


(9/27) - Mid-term #1 is scheduled for Wednesday 10/18.  The review sheet is now posted.  We'll have a short review at the beginning of class on Monday 10/16. 


(9/22) - On Monday (9/25) we will begin discussing the readings on problem solving and policy analysis.  On Wednesday (9/27) CTE #2 is due (Download reading). 


(9/22) - Interested to see if you have any hidden biases or stereotypes, click here to take a test like those in the video


(9/14) - On Monday (9/18) we will continue discussing the readings on decision making.  Your memos for case analysis #1 on the Challenger disaster are also due.  Unlike the CTE assignments, you are required to do memos for each case analysis.  The readings for the case are on reserve in the library.  Read this interesting handout on stereotyping as well (download). 


(9/8) - On Monday (9/11) we will continue discussing the readings on fiscal federalism and budgeting.  We will also discuss CTE # 1.  On Wednesday (9/13) we will begin discussing the readings on decision making


(9/8) - You have been randomly assigned to the teams for your grant proposal assignment.  I will give you some time to swap personal information in class next week. 


(8/30) - On Wednesday we will begin discussing federalism and intergovernmental relations.  There is no class on Monday (9/4) due to labor day.  On Wednesday (9/6) we will discuss the readings on fiscal federalism and budgeting.  The memos for CTE # 1 are also due. 


(8/23) - Welcome to PLS 308 - Public Administration.  I will periodically post reminders and announcements so you should check the website frequently.  The syllabus for this class can be viewed on the website or can be downloaded for printing by clicking here.  You should view the course schedule for dates that readings and assignments are due.  Please check the class web site and your email frequently as the course schedule may change.


(8/23) - My graduate assistant for this class is Courtney Pickett (cbp8237@uncw.edu).  If you have questions about the grades for your memo assignments feel free to make an appointment to see her or stop by during my office hours. 


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Page last modified 11/17/05

Report problems to imperialm@uncw.edu