
Case Study 9: Waco

Read "Case Study 9: Waco." It is on reserve in the library.  You should also read the following:
Handouts: Waco 
Time permitting, we will supplement the class discussion with a PBS Frontline video entitled "Waco: The Inside Story".  The video picks up where the case ends and examines the FBI's efforts to negotiate with David Koresh and the Branch Davidians.  To help you prepare your assignment and participate in class discussion you may want to examine some of the different perspectives (and conspiracy theories)  surrounding the ATF and FBI raids on the Branch Davidian's compound that have sparked so much controversy.  If you are interested in the conspiracy theories, you may want to check out a video entitled "Waco: The Big Lie" that argues that the government has gone to great lengths to cover up illegal actions.  The litigation surrounding the incidents at Waco and the allegations of a cover-up by the FBI even sparked (pardon the pun) a new investigation and appointment of a special prosecutor.  Despite the findings that supported the FBI, charges of a government cover up remain.  


Once you have read the case, prepare a memorandum that answers the following questions:
Imagine you are a staff person working for a congressional committee investigating the initial ATF raid on the Branch Davidian compound.  Prepare a memorandum for the committee that critiques the actions of the ATF and identifies any problems with the agency's behavior.  Be sure to include recommendations that will help avoid similar problems in the future.  
Your memo should follow the guidelines for analyzing cases and preparing memos provided on this web site.

Class Discussion

After reading the case carefully, you should come to class prepared to discuss questions such as:
  1. Who are the principal actors or players?
  2. How was the case affected by the sequence of events?
  3. What do you think about the ATF's decision to use dynamic entry?  Was this decision justified at the time?  
  4. What do you think of the ATF's planning?  Should steps have been taken to prepare for the raid that were ignored?
  5. What were the major problems with how the ATF dealt with the media?  Did the media act properly?
  6. How would you have acted if you were the ATF special agent in charge?
Students are reminded that failure to actively participate in case discussions will adversely affect your class participation grade.

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Page last modified 08/03/04

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