Group Project


Grant Proposal
One of the things you will discover in this class is that a great deal of work in today's changing public sector occurs in groups, teams, and interagency work groups.   Typically you have little control over who you are assigned to work with.   Accordingly, it is important for you to learn how to work effectively in groups.   Accordingly, during the first few weeks of class you will be randomly assigned to a project team.  Your assignment is to develop a grant proposal that responds to the following:
Request for Proposals (RFP)
This assignment requires that your team undertake the following tasks: 
Submit a pre-proposal:  Short 1 - 2 page summary of the proposed project.  It is not graded but the more details you provide, the more comments you will receive
Written proposal: Limited to 10 single-spaced pages plus attachments.  It should be professional in nature
Presentation: Limited to 10 minutes.  It should be professional in nature (e.g., use powerpoint, appropriate attire, well rehearsed presentation, etc.).
Following the presentations, each team will take on the role of the agency that issued the RFP.  Your team will then review and rate the other group’s proposals to determine which proposals get funded.  The grade for this project will be a combination of the quality of the presentation and your written proposal.  
At the conclusion of the assignment, you will complete a peer evaluation form in which you rate the other group members contributions to the project.  If you do not contribute to the project, your grade will be adjusted accordingly.  

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