RELATE Premarital Questionnaire Part 2 - Individual Traits
Copyright by Jeffry Lawson (2000)
The following part of the RELATE Premarital Questionnaire assesses many of your personal traits that have been found to predict marital satisfaction and outcome. Use this score sheet to manually score yourself. I recommend you read the Explanations of Results for Part 2 linked at the bottom of this questionnaire as you evaluate your score sheet.
Your Personality Traits
Use the following scale to answer items 1 - 32. Please note reverse scored items are scored differently and are indicated by red font.
Normal Scoring |
Reverse Scoring |
1 - Never |
1 -Very Often |
2 - Rarely |
2 - Often |
3 - Sometimes |
3 - Sometimes |
4 - Often |
4 - Rarely |
5 - Very Often |
5- Never |
Answer how well these words describe you.
1) Talkative 2) Quiet 3) Shy 4) Outgoing
5) Worried 6) Fearful 7) Tense 8) Nervous
9) Open minded 10) Flexible 11) Easy going 12) Adaptable
13) Fight with others, lose temper 14) Act immature under pressure 15) Easily irritated or mad
16) Sad and blue 17) Hopeless 18) Depressed
19) Impulsive 20) Act before thinking first 21) Easily tempted
22) Deal well with stress 23) Fall apart in a crisis 24) Helpless under pressure
25) Speak up in a crowd 26) Tell it like it is 27) Say what I really think 28) Assertive
29) Take a positive attitude toward myself 30) Think I am not good at all 31) Feel I am a person of worth 32) Think I am a failure
Personal and Partner Health
33) My partner or I have an emotional or personal problem that should be treated by a professional - depression, phobia, anxiety, eating disorder, or some other. (Answer YES, NO or UNSURE)
34) My partner or I have serious, chronic physical health problems that should be treated by a professional - ulcer, diabetes, a handicap, chronic fatigue, or some other. (Answer YES, NO or UNSURE)
Your Beliefs About Individuals or Relationships
Use the following scale to indicate extent of agreement with the items 35 - 51.
1 - Strongly Disagree |
2 - Disagree |
3 - Undecided |
4 - Agree |
5 - Strongly Agree |
35) Time will resolve any problems we have as a couple.
36) There are many things about my partner I would like to change after marriage.
37) If your partner disagrees with your ideas, he or she probably does not think highly of you.
38) I cannot accept it when my partner disagrees with me.
39) I take it as a personal insult when my partner disagrees with an important idea of mine.
40) I get very upset if my partner does not recognize how I am feeling and I have to tell him or her.
41) People who have a close relationship can sense each other's needs as if they could read each other's minds.
42) It is important to me for my partner to anticipate my needs by sensing changes in my moods.
43) My partner does not seem capable of behaving other than he or she does now.
44) A partner who hurts you badly once will probably not hurt you again.
45) I do not expect my partner to be able to change.
46) A good sexual partner can get him or herself aroused for sex whenever necessary.
47) If I cannot perform well sexually whenever my partner is in the mood, I would consider that I have some problem.
48) Some difficulties in my sexual performance mean personal failure to me.
49) Misunderstandings between partners generally are due to inborn differences in the psychological makeup of men and women.
50) You can't really understand someone of the opposite sex.
51) One of the major causes of marital problems is that men and women have different emotional needs.