
The ACT Lab is located in the Teaching Laboratory building (TL) on the third floor in room 3100.

ACT Lab Directors

Jeffery P. Toth, Ph.D. 


Karen A. Daniels Ph.D.


Research Opportunities

Interested in Science?

Want experience working in a lab?

We are always looking for bright, enthusiastic students to join our research team.

 If you are interested, contact Dr. Jeffrey Toth at tothj@uncw.edu or Dr. Karen Daniels at           danielsk@uncw.edu or 910-962-7875 or 910-962-4057.

Want to participate in psychological research?

If you are a UNCW student between 18 and 25 or an older adult 60 years of age or older call us at 910-962-7875 to learn more about participating in one of our studies

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