
The ACT Lab is located in the Teaching Laboratory building (TL) on the third floor in room 3100.

ACT Lab Directors

Jeffery P. Toth, Ph.D. 


Karen A. Daniels Ph.D.


Current Projects
Decision Making and Cognition
Default Mode Network
Exercise, Lifestyle Choices and Cognition
Near-infrared Spectroscopy
Video Game Training
Past Projects
Video Game Training

Art Dealer

Art Dealer is a theory-based game designed to train controlled forms of memory and attention. The game uses the Avoiding-Repetitions/Incremented-Difficulty training procedure developed by Jennings & Jacoby (2003). A recent study (Toth, Daniels, & Jacoby, submitted) found that older adults who played Art Dealer for 8 hours over a one-week period showed enhanced cognitive performance relative to a control group.

Trivia Poker

Trivia Poker is a theory-based game designed to measure and train working memory. The game takes its inspiration from cognitive measures of working memory such as Operation Span and the n-back task. We are currently investigating whether Trivia Poker can help increase the working-memory spans of older adults.

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