CSC 455 Lecture Slides
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Instructions for using the relational algebra interpreter
- Zip
file containing text files corresponding to the relations referenced in
the university database in chapter 2. Download and unzip.
- Example queries
- Chapter 3
- MySql
- Unix-related
- University Database example from the book
- Text
files for creating and populating the example university
database. Download these files to satoshi and execute
the command
source filename
- SQLite
- sqlite
- Appropriate uses for SQLite
- SQLite quickstart
- Python and sqlite
- Example illustrating use of Python and SQLite
- university database for sqlite
- Chapter 4
- Some join examples
- Foreign key examples
- Foreign key examples using INNODB tables
- Person example
- Transactions in MySql
- Unique constraints in MySql
- Table creation
- On indices, another example
- Chapter 5
- Java and JDBC
- JDBC Basics
- A mini-tutorial on JDBC/MySql
- JDBC Example Instructions
- xkcd sql injection
- Reading/Writing blobs Java example , code to create corresponding table
- Python/Flask-related
- Some tutorials
- SQL-related
- Stored function - example - syntax tested on MySql
- Stored procedure - example - syntax tested on MySql
- Triggers - syntax tested on MySql
- Simple trigger example
- A second trigger example
- And a third example
- Recursive view example
- Chapter 6
- E-R Modeling Exercises
- ex_movies, ex_mailOrder
- ex_0, ex_1, ex_2, ex_sports
- Auto body shop
- Chapter 7, Normalization
- Normalization example exercises
- More examples
- Still more examples
- When not to normalize
- Chapter 9
- hello.php.txt, hello.php
- Guide to using resources on satoshi
- Example Database App, table referenced in example
- Chapter 10
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 12
- Chapter 13
- Chapter 14