E-R Modeling Exercises

Design an ER model for the company CD-U that sells music CDs at its stores.

A trucking company called Truckers is responsible for picking up shipments from the warehouses of a retail chain called Maze Brothers and delivering the shipments to individual retail store locations of Maze Brothers. Currently there are 6 warehouse locations and 45 Maze Brothers retail stores. A truck may carry several shipments during a single trip, which is identified by a Trip#, and delivers those shipments to multiple stores. Each shipment is identified by a Shipment# and includes data on shipment volume, weight, destination, etc. Trucks have different capacities for both the volumes they can hold and the weights they can carry. The Truckers company currently has 150 trucks, and a truck makes 3 to 4 trips each week. A database - to be used by both Truckers and Maze Brothers - is being designed to keep track of truck usage and deliveries and to help in scheduling trucks to provide timely deliveries to the stores.

Design an ER model for the above application. State all assumptions.

Give an ER design to model the following scenario ...

State all assumptions used in developing your data model.

Give an ER design to model the following scenario ...

State all assumptions used in developing your data model.

Design an E-R model for a sports league, like the NFL, subject to the following requirements. 

Parts adapted from http://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs3311/09s1/exercises/01/