
Welcome to the PLS 595 Bulletin Board

Please check here frequently to find out about changes in the course schedule and other important announcements related to the class.

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(11/28) - Next week (12/5) is our last class.  It will be a short one and will involve reflecting on what has been learned working on your projects this semester.  I'll also be available to look over your presentations/draft project reports if you are looking for guidance.  You should also bring your journals and any other outstanding assignments that are do.  If you still need to present your case, you should also make an appointment to do so. 


(11/8) - Next week (11/14) we will discuss your assessments of the MPA program.  It is important that everyone is in attendance.  There will be no class on 11/21 because I will be giving a keynote presentation in Sweden.  Be sure to bring any project related questions or issues to next week's class since I will have limited communication while in Sweden. 


(10/24) - There will be no class next week (10/31).  I'll be available to meet with you about your projects if needed during class time by appointment. 


(10/23) - Next week (10/24) Mark Werbeach from career services will be here so be sure to bring your resumes. 


(10/3) - There is no class next week (10/10) due to Fall Break.  I'll be around by appointment during the day on Tuesday if you need assistance with any aspect of your projects.  Our next class is 10/17. 


(9/27) - Next week (10/3) we will discuss ethics and professionalism.  Be sure you are prepared to discuss your required journal entries


(9/22) - Next week (9/26) we will discuss your career strategies. You should bring your completed resumes and portfolios if you have them but we will come back to the resumes when Mark Werbeach visits class next month. 


(9/14) - It looks like Mark Werbeach from career services cannot come in until sometime in October.  But bring your draft portfolios and resumes and we'll still work on them and discuss your first and second required journal entries.  Bring your project contracts if you have worked one out as well. 


(9/8) - Next week (9/12) we will discuss your portfolio assignment and the first required journal entry that critiques your professional skills and the extent they match up with your career goals.  I will also want you to discuss your service projects in terms of the expected outcomes, major benchmarks, and a timeline for when you how to accomplish these tasks. 


(8/29) - Welcome to PLS 595 - Capstone Seminar in Public Administration.  I will periodically post reminders and announcements so you should check the website frequently.  The syllabus for this class can be viewed on the website or can be downloaded by clicking here.  You should view the course schedule for dates that readings and assignments are due.  Please check the class web site and your email frequently as the course schedule may change. 


(8/23) - Our first class is on Tuesday (8/29).  We will then spend our time discussing the project proposals received in response to the request for proposals.  Be sure to download and bring copies of the proposals with you and give some thought to which projects would provide the greatest service to the community and the projects that you would like to work on.  You should also think about what skills and abilities you have that could help with completing the projects.  By the end of class, we will select the projects and teams for the public service projects


(8/23) - Since this class involves a lot of writing, I advise you read this recent article in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (JPAM) that has a number of useful writing tips (Download).  

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Page last modified 11/17/05

Report problems to imperialm@uncw.edu