Week |
& Assignments |
Readings |
8/29 |
Public Service Project
Review Syllabus &
Assignments |
Assign groups, cases, and projects |
Class time to organize project teams |
Meet w/clients and negotiate contract |
9/5 |
Career Development
Myers-Briggs |
Career anchor exercise |
9/12 |
Career Development & Public Service Project
Meet w/clients, negotiate contract, and begin project |
Bring an updated resume to class |
Bring all papers/products appropriate for a portfolio
to class |
Complete and discuss required journal entry #1
(professional skills and abilities) |
Mintrom: Ch 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 |
9/19 |
Career Development & Public Service Project
Presentation by career services |
Bring updated resume |
Bring draft portfolio |
Complete and discuss required journal entry #2
(interview) |
Turn in contract w/client |
Mintrom: Ch 2, 10 |
Ashworth: 34 - 44, 63 - 72, 134 - 144 |
9/26 |
Career Development & Public Service Project
Bring final portfolio and resume |
Complete and discuss required journal entry #3
(career strategy) |
Present overview of the project to date including a
timeline, scope of work, and deliverables. Comment on major
challenges and what you will do to overcome them. |
Ashworth: 73 - 81 |
10/3 |
Ethics & Professionalism
Mintrom: Ch 11 |
Ashworth: Ch 82 - 88, 145 - 184 |
10/10 |
No Class - Fall Break |
10/17 |
Public Administration Theory & Practice
Presenting and writing for multiple audiences |
Professional networking |
Time to work with groups |
Mintrom: Ch 5, 8, 10 |
Ashworth: 1 - 33, 89 - 120 |
10/24 |
Public Administration Theory & Practice
Career Development |
Presentation by career services |
Bring final portfolio and resume |
Ashworth: 45 - 72 |
10/31 |
Public Administration Theory & Practice
11/7 |
MPA Program Evaluation & Public Service Project
Evaluation of the MPA Program's strengths and
weaknesses |
Complete and discuss required journal entry #6
(MPA assessment) |
Time to work with groups |
11/14 |
Finding a Job & Public Service Project
11/21 |
Public Service Project
Time to work with groups |
11/28 |
Present and discuss draft report with
clients this week |
Hand in draft report for comments |
Time to work with groups |
12/5 |
12/7 |
Final Presentations to Faculty, Students, and Clients
at 5:00 PM
12/8 |
Final Report due to clients and me by 4:30 PM
schedule is subject to change. |
should check the schedule frequently for
announcements made via the web or
by email. |