Ph.D. 2017 Earth Sciences, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego
M.S. 2013 Earth Sciences, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego
B.S. 2011 Marine Science, Coastal Carolina University
Offices: CMS 1330 and Deloach 104
B.S. degree 2021, UNCW - Geology
B.S. degree 2021, UNCW - Oceanography
UNCW graduate student currently pursuing a M.S. degree in Geoscience with a concentration in Geology; research involves using sedimentology and geophysical interpretations to reconstruct the depositional history preserved on the continental shelf offshore from central Oregon.
Offices: Deloach 209 and CMS Marine Geology lab
Information about a future student!
M.S. Geoscience 2022
B.S. University of Delaware
Studied changes in paleodrainage morphology between the lowstand and present in coastal Wilmington (offshore Masonboro Island).
Information about a future student!