ACE SF - Series Singles Image Library

The ACE SF singles were released concurrently with many of
the ACE SF Doubles. In many cases the same cover art was used. A listing
for the ACE SF Singles (includes only author, title and year of
publication) is available in the reference by Harold R. Peters (1996) Science
Fiction, Fantasy & Horror in the Ace Letter-Series Editions: A
Collector's Notebook, Silver Sun Press, P. O. Box 647
Grindstone, PA, 15442 (listed price $6.50; out-of-print). At this time I
have not found any additional comprehensive catalogue for the ACE SF
Singles. In time I hope that this site will form the basis of a
comprehensive catalogue (but only time will tell).
I am
always interested in better images or new titles that I have not listed.
If you would like to use images from these pages, please contact me. Thank
Please note that these pages are continually under
construction. Any corrections, images or supplemental information should
be send to IronWolf Engine Works.
Have Fun!

ACE Science Fiction Single format

Last Update: 31 January 2020