Jammie Price
Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice
The University of North Carolina at Wilmington

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social change, SOC 366 

Date Topic Assignment
Week 1 1/9 Syllabus


Order Text Book 

Subscribe to Futurist Update: News & Previews from the World Future Society. This is a free electronic newsletter distributed monthly to members of the World Future Society who provide their e-mail address.  (Nonmembers may also sign up for a limited, three-month subscription.)  You can subscribe by sending an e-mail message to majordomo@wfs.org with the words "subscribe futurist-update" in the body (not the subject heading) of the message.

Week 2: 1/14 and 1/16 Global Social Changes: 

Globalization, Urbanization, Population, Health, Education

Read Shackman, Liu, and Wang Social Change Website: Read the following





Lecture Notes 

Watch Understanding Human Security, 1999. Produced by the Center for Defense Information


Week 3: 1/21 and 1/23 Causes of Global Social Change: Technology and Economics,  Modernization,  Industrialization, Urbanization, Bureaucratization
Vago Chapter 1

Lecture Notes

Watch The Environment: A Historical Perspective, 2000.  Produced by Productions Coscient Inc for Films for the Humanities and Sciences

Week 4: 1/28 and 1/30 Causes of Global Social Change: Conflict and Competition, Politics, Law, Ideology, Diffusion, Acculturation 


Vago Chapter 3  

Lecture Notes

Week 5: 2/4 and 2/6 Major Social Changes in the U.S.:

Family, Education, Economy, Stratification


Vago Chapter 4 

Lecture Notes

Guest Lecture: Pat Ulbrich, PhD
Feminist Activist Lecturer

Sociologists for Women in Society

Women and Philanthropy 

The Women and Girls Foundation of Southwest Pennsylvania

Family Health Council Inc


Week 6: 2/11 and 2/13 Short Term Social Change


Vago Chapter 5 

Lecture Notes

Read Futurist Update e-newsletter:

Computers in Churches and Laundries?

Towards an Urban Atlas

Week 7: 2/18

No Class -2/20 NCSA Conference 

No Office Hours Friday

Theories of Social Change



Vago Chapter 2 

Guest Lecture:  Leslie Hossfeld, PhD 

Additional Readings on Macro Theories of Social Change

Exam 1 Essay Questions

Week 8: 2/25 and 2/27 Mid-Term:  

Tuesday: Work on essay questions

Thursday: Turn in typed essay answers

Exam 1 Essay Questions

Week 9: 3/4 and 3/6 Reactions to Social Change


Vago Chapter 6

Lecture Notes

Spring Break: 3/11 and 3/13


No Class No Class
Week 11: 3/18 and 3/20
Return Exam 1

Movies as a Means of  Social Change 

War as a Means of Social Change

Exam 1 Feedback

Discuss Bowling for Columbine

Discuss War with Iraq

Frontline Video Clips

Week 10: 3/25 and 3/27

Impact and Costs of Social Change

Vago Chapter 7 & 8

Unintended Consequences of Social Change

Coping with Social Change

Costs of Social Change 


Week 12: 4/1 and 4/3


Doing Social Change


4/1 Watch Michael Moore's interview with Oprah

4/3: Guest Lecture Mac Legerton "Social Change in Southeastern NC".  We meet in DOBO 205 this day.

Read the following to prepare for Rev. Legerton's lecture:

Values-Based Grassroots Leadership Development

Week 13: 4/8 and 4/10 Doing Social Change 

4/8: Discuss Doing Social Change:  Vago Chapter 9; Social Change Strategies 

Discuss Social Change Organizations 

Work on Projects

4/10: Course Visit: Bo Dean, Community Organizer, Founder and Chair of OutWilmington

Read Futurist Magazine on Library Reserve

Week 14: 4/15 
No Class 4/17: Easter Break


4/14: Attend Benjamin Hooks Lecture, Extra Credit Opportunity.

4/15:  Attend Teach-In on the War with Iraq. Extra Credit Opportunity.

4/17:  No class, University Closed

Read Futurist Magazine on Library Reserve


Week 15: 4/22 and 4/24 Future Social Change:




Discuss Final Exam

Watch Blue Vinyl

Visit "Support Our Troops" Table Outside Randall Library 4/22 and 4/23 10am - 2pm.  Write a letter to the Troops and their families.  Extra Credit Opportunity.

NC Budget Crisis Town Hall.  7pm King Hall. Sponsored by NC Common Cause Education Fund. Extra Credit Opportunity.

4/24: Guest Lecture Dr. Kristen Myers, "Race Talk: The Perpetuation of Racism Through Private Discourse."  We meet in DOBO 205 this day.

Week 16: 4/29 and 5/1 Future Social Change 4/29: Attend Freedom Rally, 11:00am-1:30pm University Commons.  Extra Credit Opportunity.

5/1:  Discuss Final Exam Questions  

Discuss Futurist Magazine Articles  

Discuss Social Change Websites

Watch Blue Vinyl