Jammie Price
Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice
The University of North Carolina at Wilmington

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Projects in Progress
Cotten, Shelia R., Jammie Price, Jenny Preece, and Elizabeth Davison.  Internet Use and Adjustment Outcomes Among College Freshmen: A Pilot Study. Grant Proposal.

Smith Lukhard, Kimberly, Rose Tindall Postel, Jammie Price and  Dori Finley.  Quantity Food Production Management:  Interactive Cd-Rom Vs. Lecture Methods Of Instruction.  Submitted to Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

Price, Jammie, Sheila Cotten, Janice Wittekind, Shirley Keeton, and Russell Burton. Transitions: New Faculty Discuss the First Year as an Assistant Professor. To be submitted to the American Sociologist.

Estrada, Carlos, Jammie Price, and Debra Thompson.  Associating   Severity of Illness and Comorbidities with Resource Utilization.

Lewellyn Jones, Angela, Shannon N. Davis, and Jammie Price. Preparing Future Faculty: A New Approach at North Carolina State University.  To be submitted to the Teaching Sociology.

Hossfeld, Leslie and Jammie Price. Comparing On-Line and In-Class Instruction in Sociology.  To be submitted to the Teaching Sociology.

Price, Jammie and Christopher Mansfield.  Surveying Physicians: The Case of Emergency Services for Children in North Carolina.
2003.  Czaja, Ron, Clara Manfredi and Jammie Price.  Information Seeking Among Cancer Patients.  Forthcoming, Journal of Health Communication.
2003. Steele, Stephen F. and Jammie Price.  Applied Sociology: Topics, Terms, Tools and Tasks.  Wadsworth.
2003. Price, Jammie, T. David Evans and Rebecca Bates.  Victimization and Fear of Crime at a Southern Public University.  Journal of Applied Sociology.
2003. Price, Jammie, Carlos, Estrada, and Debra Thompson. Health Outcomes Research: Administrative Data versus Corrected Administrative Data. American Journal of Medical Quality 18(1):38-45.

2003. Jammie Price, Catherine Mobley, Judith Little, and Steve Steele. The Society for Applied Sociology’s Student Problem-Solving Exercise. In Teaching Applied Sociology, Duane Dukes, Jim Petersen and Tom Van Valey (Editors). American Sociological Association.

2003. Jammie Price.  Friendships between Gay and Straight Men. Enclyopedia on Men and Masculinities. ABC-Clio Press. 

2002. Price, Jammie. Developing An Undergraduate Internship Program In Applied Sociology.  Sociological Practice: A Journal of Clinical and Applied Sociology 4(1):53-66.

2002. Price, Jammie and Sheila Cotten, with Janice Wittekind, Shirley Keeton, and Russell Burton.  New Faculty Discuss the First Year as an Assistant Professor.  American Sociological Association.

2002. Cotten, Sheila and Jammie Price, with Janice Wittekind, Shirley Keeton, and Russell Burton.  Advice from the Field: Faculty Discuss Academic Job Searching.  American Sociological Association.

2001. Cotten, Sheila, Jammie Price, Janice Wittekind, Shirley Keeton, and Russell Burton.  The Academic Job Search in Sociology: A Personal Account and Analysis.  The American Sociologist 32(3):26-42.

2001. Mansfield, Christopher J., Jammie Price, Karen S. Frush and John Dallara. Preparedness for Child Emergencies: A Comparison of Family and Pediatric Physicians.  Journal of Family Practice 50(9):757-761.  

2000. Estrada, Carlos A., John N. Uterborn, Jammie Price, and Debra Thompson.  Judging the Effectiveness of Clinical Pathways for Pneumonia: The Role of Risk Adjustment.  Effective Clinical Practice 4:221-228. 

2000. Pololi, Linda and Jammie Price.  Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure the Learning Environment as Perceived by Medical Students. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 12(4): 201-207.

1999. Proctor, Deborah, Jammie Price, Balbir Minhas, Subhash Gumber and Evangeline Christie.  Patient Recall and Appropriate Timing for Obtaining Informed Consent.  American Journal of Gastroenterology 94:967-971.

1999. Price, Jammie.  Navigating Differences: Friendships between Gay and Straight Men. Haworth Press.

1998. Price, Jammie and Michael G. Dalecki.  The Social Basis of Homophobia: An Empirical Illustration.  Sociological Spectrum 18(2):143-159.

1998. Proctor, Deborah, Jammie Price, Kathleen Dunn, Barbara Williamson, Raette Fountain and Balbir Minhas.  Prospective Evaluation of a Teaching Model to Determine Competency in Performing Flexible Sigmoidoscopies. American Journal of Gastroenterology 93(8):1217-1221.

1995. Price, Jammie, Christopher J. Mansfield, Therese G. Lawler, and Paige Latham.  Job Turnover Among Advanced Practice Nurses in North and South Carolina.  Carolina Health Services Review 3:71-83.

1995. Anderson, Cynthia, Kristen Myers, and Jammie Price.  The Re-Production of Feminist Theory in Sociology Graduate Programs.  Journal of Creative Social Discourse 1(2):30-41.  

1994. Dalecki, Michael and Jammie Price.  Dimensions of Pornography: Perceptions Among College Students.  Sociological Spectrum 14(3):205-219.

1993. Manfredi, Clara, Ron Czaja, Jammie Price, Marianne Buis, and Rosie Janiszewski. Cancer Patients' Search for Information. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 14:93-104.