PLS 405
American Parties and Pressure Groups
Roger C. Lowery, Ph.D.
Week 1
Introduction to the Course
Course syllabus
Course schedule
Week 2
Hershey 1:
What are Political Parties?
Week 3
Hershey 2:
The American Two-Party System
Centrist Public v. Polarized Government
Week 4
Hershey 3:
State and Local Party Organizations
Hershey 4:
The Parties' National Organizations
Week 5
Hershey 5:
Party Activists
Week 6
Hershey 6:
Party Identification
The Case for Weighting Partisan Identification
Week 7
Hershey 7:
Party Coalitions and Party Change
Brewer & Stonecash 1: Divisions in American Politics
Brewer & Stonecash 2: Inequality and Opportunity in America
Party systems
Income inequality over time
Religion & the 2006 Election
An Imperfect Fit: Mormons and Evangelical Christians
Week 8
Hershey 8:
Who Votes -- and Why It Matters
Brewer & Stonecash 3: Parties and Policy Proposals on Class Issues
Brewer & Stonecash 4: Class Divides in the American Public
Cross-national data on election turnout
Week 11
Hershey 9:
How Parties Choose Candidates
Hershey 10:
Choosing the Presidential Nominees
Week 12
Hershey 11:
The General Election
Presidential Election Maps, 1789-2000
Election 2008
Week 13
Hershey 12:
Financing the Campaigns
The misguided theories behind Citizens United v. FEC.
Citizens United paved the way for the return of soft money
Week 14
Hershey 13:
Parties in Congress and State Legislatures
Brewer & Stonecash 5: The Rise of Cultural Issues
Brewer & Stonecash 6: Party and Policy Proposals
Week 15
Hershey 14:
The Party in the Executive and the Courts
Brewer & Stonecash 7: Cultural Divides in the American Public
Brewer & Stonecash 8: The Dual Divisions of Class and Culture
Week 16
Hershey 15:
The Semi-Responsible Parties
Hershey 16:
The Place of Parties in American Politics
Is There a Culture War?
The Culture War and the Coming Election