Basin Analysis Research Group

The LaMaskin Lab

...Dr. Todd LaMaskin...


Earth and Ocean Sciences


LaMaskin, T.A., Koster*, O.A., Lane, C.S., Hawkes, A.D., in review, A short-circuit of the long-term carbon cycle: Geologically instantaneous transfer of 13C-enriched carbon from the lithosphere to the dissolved inorganic carbon pool during the Late Devonian (Frasnian) Alamo impact: Geology.


Bremner, P.M., Panning, M.P., Russo, R.M., Mocanu V., Stanciu, A.C., Torpey, M., Hongsresawat, S., VanDecar, J.C., LaMaskin, T.A., and Foster, D.A., in review, Crustal shear-wave velocity structure of central Idaho and eastern Oregon from ambient seismic noise: Results from the IDOR Project: Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth.




Abrams, W.*, Ghoneim, E., Shew, R., LaMaskin, T., Al Bloushi, K., Hussein, S., AbuBakr, M., El-Baz, F., Almulla, A., Al-Awar, M., 2018, Delineation of groundwater potential (GWP) in the northern United Arab Emirates and Oman using geospatial technologies in conjunction with Simple Additive Weight (SAW), Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), and Probabilistic Frequency Ratio (PFR) techniques: Journal of Arid Environments, doi: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2018.05.005.




Christe, G., LaMaskin, T.A., and Schweickert, R.A., 2018, Implications of new detrital-zircon data for the depositional history, provenance, and paleogeography of Upper Triassic–Middle Jurassic rocks within the Northern Sierra terrane, California, USA, in Ingersoll, R.V., Lawton, T.F., and Graham, S.A., eds., Tectonics, Sedimentary Basins, and Provenance: A Celebration of William R. Dickinson’s Career: Geological Society of America Special Paper 540, p. XXX–XXX, doi:10.1130/2018.2540(13).





Gaschnig, R., Macho, A.S., Fayon, A., Schmitz, M., Ware, B.D., Vervoort, J., Kelso, P., LaMaskin, T.A., Kahn, M.J., and Tikoff, B., 2016, Intrusive and depositional constraints on the Cretaceous tectonic history of the southern Blue Mountains, eastern Oregon: Geosphere, doi: 10.1130/L554.1.



Vallier, T.L., Schmidt, K.L., and LaMaskin, T.A., 2016, Geology of the Wallowa terrane, Blue Mountains province, in the northern part of Hells Canyon, Idaho,Washington, and Oregon, in Lewis, R.S., and Schmidt, K.L., eds., Exploring the Geology of the Inland Northwest: Geological Society of America Field Guide 41, p. 1–40, doi:10.1130/2016.0041(07).



LaMaskin, T.A., and Dorsey, R.J., 2016, Westward growth of Laurentia by pre-Late Jurassic terrane accretion, eastern Oregon and western Idaho, United States: A Reply: Journal of Geology, v. 124, p. 143–147, doi: 10.1086/684120.



LaMaskin, T.A., Dorsey, R.J., Vervoort, J.D., Schmitz, M.D., Tumpane, K.P., and Moore, N.O., 2015, Westward growth of Laurentia by pre-Late Jurassic terrane accretion, eastern Oregon and western Idaho, United States: Journal of Geology, vol. 123, p. 233-267, doi:10.1086/681724.



Lewis, R., Schmidt, K., Gaschnig, R., LaMaskin, T.A., Lund, K., Gray, K., Tikoff, B., Stetson-Lee, T., Moore, N. O.*, 2014, Hells Canyon to the Bitterroot Front: Transect from the Accretionary Margin Eastward across the Idaho Batholith: in, Shaw, C., and Tikhoff, B., eds., Exploring the Northern Rocky Mountains: Geological Society of America Field Guide 41, p. 1–50, doi: 10.1130/9780813700373.



LaMaskin, T.A., 2012, Detrital zircon facies of Cordilleran terranes in western North America: GSA Today, v. 22, p. 4–11, doi: 10.1130/GSATG142A.1



LaMaskin, T.A., Stanley, G.D., Jr., Caruthers, A.*, and Rosenblatt, M.*, 2011, Detrital record of Upper Triassic reef facies in the Blue Mountains Province, northeastern Oregon: Implications for early Mesozoic paleogeography of western North American Cordilleran terranes: PALAIOS, v. 26, p. 779–789, doi: 10.2110/palo.2011.p11-006r



Schwartz, J.J., Snoke, A.W., Cordey, F., Johnson, K., Frost, C.D., Barnes, C.G., LaMaskin, T.A., Wooden, J.L., Gehrels, G., 2011, Late Jurassic magmatism, metamorphism, and deformation in the Blue Mountains Province, northeast Oregon: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 123, p. 2083–2111, doi: 10.1130/B30327.1.



LaMaskin, T.A., Vervoort, J.D., and Dorsey, R.J., 2011, Early Mesozoic paleogeography and tectonic evolution of the western United States: Insights from detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology of the Blue Mountains Province, northeastern Oregon, U.S.A.: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 123, p. 1939–1965, doi: 10.1130/B30260.1.



LaMaskin, T.A., Schwartz, J.J., Dorsey, R.J., Snoke, A.W., Johnson, K., and Vervoort, J.D., 2009, Mesozoic sedimentation, magmatism, and tectonics in the Blue Mountains Province, northeastern Oregon, in O’Connor, J.E., Dorsey, R.J., and Madin, I.P., eds., Volcanoes to Vineyards: Geologic Field Trips through the Dynamic Landscape of the Pacific Northwest: Geological Society of America Field Guide 15, doi: 10.1130/2009.fld015(09).



LaMaskin, T.A., Dorsey, R.J., and Vervoort, J.D., 2008, Tectonic controls on mudrock geochemistry, Mesozoic rocks of eastern Oregon and Western Idaho, U.S.A.: Implications for Cordilleran tectonics: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 78, p. 787–805, doi: 10.2110/jsr.2008.087.



LaMaskin, T.A., 2008, Late Triassic (Carnian–Norian) mixed volcaniclastic-carbonate facies of the Olds Ferry Terrane, eastern Oregon and western Idaho, in Blodgett, R., and Stanley, G., eds., The Terrane Puzzle: New Perspectives on Paleontology and Stratigraphy from the North American Cordillera: Geological Society of America Special Paper 442, p. 251–267, doi: 10.1130/2008.442(13).



Dorsey, R.J., and LaMaskin, T.A., 2008, Mesozoic collision and accretion of oceanic terranes in the Blue Mountains Province of northeastern Oregon: New insights from the stratigraphic record, in Spencer, J.E. and Titley, S.R., eds., Circum-Pacific Tectonics, Geologic Evolution, and Ore Deposits: Tucson, Arizona, Arizona Geological Society Digest 22.



Dorsey, R.J., and LaMaskin, T.A., 2007, Stratigraphic record of Triassic–Jurassic collisional tectonics in the Blue Mountains Province, northeastern Oregon: American Journal of Science, v. 307, p. 1167–1193.



LaMaskin, T.A., and Elrick, M., 1997, Sequence stratigraphy of the Middle to Upper Devonian Guilmette Formation, southern Egan and Schell Creek ranges, Nevada, in Klapper, G., Murphy, M.A., and Talent, J.A., eds., Paleozoic Sequence Stratigraphy: Studies in Honor of J. Granville (Jess) Johnson: Geological Society of America Special Paper 321, p. 89–112.