Dr. Todd LaMaskin Associate Professor |
Ph.D., 2009, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon M.S., 1995, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico B.S., 1992, Radford University, Radford, Virginia
Todd A. LaMaskin, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Geography and Geology
(p) 910-962-2655 (f) 910 962-7077
lamaskint(AT)uncw.edu |
Contact: |
M.S. Students |
Graduated with MS in Geoscience: |
Jonathan Rivas
B.S. California State University Northridge
Research: Testing an exotic vs. endemic origin for the Rattlesnake Creek terrane, Klamath Mountains, California
Krysden Schantz
B.S. College of Wooster
Research: Testing models for the timing and magnitude of stable carbon isotope excursions during the Middle Devonian punctata conodont zone. |
Basin Analysis Research Group The LaMaskin Lab |
Olivia Koster
B.S. Hamilton College
Research: High-resolution stable carbon isotope record across the Alamo meteorite-impact horizon in eastern central Nevada.
Basin Analysis Research Group The LaMaskin Lab |
Amelia Perry
B.S. University of Georgia
Research: Magnetic susceptibility and paleoproductivity during the “punctata” event in central Nevada. |
Earth and Ocean Sciences |