Seminar Links


Here are offices for you to contact when you need a speaker:

Speaker on Japan:

Emiko Nishiwaki at Western Carolina University International Program Services
Tel: 828-227-3457
Fax: 828-227-7080
Since it is far to come to Wilmington, hotel and transportation expenses need to be provided by a school that request a speaker.  Plan an event as a school-wide or share activities with other school to share the cost.

Speaker on Asia and others:

If you need East Asian speakers, contact Terra Muller who runs the following center at UNC-Chapel Hill. 


NCTAN 2005-2006 seminar at UNC-Wilmington

Photos and information on Oriental Architectures:

Vietnam Map came from

 Map of South China Sea came from: SS01-Asia.htm

MIT Visualizing Cultures:

Korean traditional dress (Han bok):

Korean language:

Asia Food :  Korean Food

Breaking into Japanese Literature, ed. By Giles Murray,  The site containing audio files:

From Professor Tony Moyer:  The reference for the book on Chinese Symbols is:  Wolfram Eberhard, "A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols:  Hidden Symbols in Chinese Life and Thought"

China Project by Creative Connections (effective until Nov. 19th to NCTAN teachers.  A user name and password was sent to you via e-mail but if you did  not receive a message, obtain it from Yoko Kano)

Families of the World:

Asia for Educators:

Resources for Secondary Teachers by Duke University:

NCTAN Seminar Links at UNC-Chapel Hill:

Images of the Silk Road

NCTAN 2003-2004 seminar at East Carolina University

Dana Sachs's suggested books on Vietnam.  Click here.


North Carolina Consortium of Social Studies (NCCSS) conference presenters/contributor and their handouts:

Matthew Ripley-Moffitt's handouts  &  Power Point on Grand Ise Shrine
Michelle Luckadoo's handouts & Power Point about Japanese Family
Jane Shlenski's web site for various visual materials and lessons is :   Please go to "Resources for Teachers."
Wanda Forte's handouts on three lessons
Yoko Kano's power point about NCTAN


(From Dr. Christine Avenarius) Below I have listed a three web pages, which are gateways to very helpful information on East Asian Cultures.


Click here to get the handouts of Dr. Christine Avenarius

see especially for religion and philosophy. Some material accessible through this gateway seems to be well suited for presentations in middle and high schools

this one can also be accessed through the first one...

a Chinese operated website with material presented from a different perspective

Japan National Tourist Organization:  This organization will send you travel tip guidebook, maps, etc if you say that you are going to visit Japan.  This is an comprehensive guide for study abroad in Japan.

Ackland Museum web site:  The page containing sample lesson ideas:    The site containing resource information:

Japanese New Year by Yoko Kano: click here or go to:

Mathew Ripley-Moffit web site:  Especially check out the link to East Asia: on line unit:

Three Gorges Dam by Dr.Xie. Click here for the Power Point Presentation or go to

Rice and Japanese Culture by Yoko Kano  Click here for handouts or go to

Fund way to learn geography of East and South Asia by Karen Griggs  Click here or go to

UNC, Chapel Hill site (NCTAN 2001-2001 seminar)
This site has a lot of useful links and sample lesson plans of participated teachers.

Kobe College Corporation annual High School Essay Contest.  It is a scholarship for your high school students to go and stay in Japan for one month for free!  To learn more, go to the following site:

Japan Information Center  Get brochures, posters, and printed materials about Japan and more!

Teacher Survey form: Those who can not open the attachment, which is teacher survey, please click here.  Please copy and past the questions to Microsoft Word and send it back to Yoko by e-mail before Nov. 17.  Thank you.

NCTAN 2002-2003 seminar at UNC-Wilmington

Japanese sweets:  Daifuku & Kashiwa Mochi  (10/24/02)

Chinese Art by Annie Wu (11/7/02)

Nihongo Library at Japan Foundation in Los Angels, CA
Scroll down and look under "Nihongo Library."  And then "Material List" or "Video List".  Then click on "Culture."

Japanese New Year by Yoko Kano

Chinese New Year by Paula Haller

Essay about Chinese New Year "Spring Festival" by Jin   Sample Implementation plans of the former participants.  Asian Women:   Dr. Jan Bardsley's website


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