Oshogatsu New Year Day
http://www.japaneselifestyle.com.au/culture/new_year.html **
This sites contains good New-Year-key-words such as Oseibo, Bonenkai,
http://www.jun-gifts.com/others/culturalcalendar4/culturalcalendar4.htm **
This site contains Annual Events by months (photos and descriptions).
http://home.netyou.jp/xx/hughcook/photos/newyear2003no1.html **
The first page coming up is useful photos.
Toshi Koshi soba New Year’s
Eve noodle for longevity
Photo at http://www.eicinengland.co.uk/english/paper/nov2.htm **
Recipe at http://www.geocities.com/orientalcs/issues/iss_08.html ** Scroll down to the
Oseibo The end of year gift giving
Beautiful photos of Japanese with Omikuji
http://phototravels.net/japan/photo-gallery/newyear.html **
Kohaku Red vs. White Popular Music of the year Singing Contest Show (description)
http://www.tokujo.ac.jp/Tanaka/Hello7/keiko-h7.htm **
Osechi Ryori:
The following are commonly seen dishes in Osechi and their
meanings and symbols.
Go here for recipes: http://japanesefood.about.com/library/weekly/aa120800a.htm
· Ebi-no-saka-mushi
(sake steamed shrimp)
Shrimp = longevity
· Date-maki
(rolled sweet omelet)
scroll-like-shape = academic success
· Kurikinton
(sweet mashed sweet potato with chestnuts)
gold color = fortune, wealth
· Kuro-mame
(sweet black beans)
mame (beans) = hard working and health
· Tazukuri
(teriyaki small dried sardines)
small sardine = used as a fertilizer in a field = good harvest
· Namasu
(daikon and carrot pickles)
· Pink and white kamaboko (fish paste
the color white (from daikon radish) and red or pink (from carrot) for happy
Recipe: http://tanutech.com/japan/namasu.html#Japanese%20Namasu%20Recipe **
· Kazunoko
(herring roe)
fish roe = fetility = happiness in the family
· Tai-no-shio-yaki
(grill sea bream)
Tai or sea bream = happy/joyous (occasions) A Japanese word “medeTAI” means
“happy, joyous, propitious (sign), auspicious (day), etc.”
· Kobu--maki (rolled kelp
with fish)
Kobu or kelp = happy occasions A
Japanese word “yoroKOBU” means “to become happy due to a good news.”
· Nimono
(simmered dish) with gobo (burdock root), satoimo (taro), carrot, shiitake
· Kinpira Gobo
(braised burdock strips)
site also show more food and its meaning for New Year’s food http://home.att.ne.jp/gold/aosara/articles/oshogatsu.htm
This sites contains good
New-Year-key-words in Japanese and more information such as religion
(Shinto). A photo of Osechi-ryori is
http://www.jinjapan.org/kidsweb/calendar/january/gantan.html **
This site contains Annual Events by months (photos and descriptions for kids).
http://ilc2.doshisha.ac.jp/users/kkitao/library/student/01/d302/ohhigashi-6.htm **
This site has a list of key words associated with Japanese New Year and
more links and Annual Events by months (small children’s site)
http://www.chinesewhispers.info/japan2001-newyear.htm **
A Japanese family’s site about their day in Oshogatsu (New
Their breakfast contains ozoni (soup with mochi, or rice cake), date-maki
(brown) and kamaboko (white, fish cake) and kobumaki (black) in the big
white plate, nimono in a bowl, etc.
Click on “Life in
http://www.geocities.com/orientalcs/issues/iss_08.html **
This site contains recipes and New Year Customs in different
countries such as
Other sites of interests:
I listed
some of the sites I came across when I was searching on the web.
New Year Greeting by
His Majesty the Emperor of
http://www.kunaicho.go.jp/egokansou/egokansou-00.html **
Food (for kids)
http://www.jinjapan.org/kidsweb/cook.html **
12-year cycle of the Chinese lunar calendar with animal Eastern zodiac
http://www2.gol.com/users/stever/akemasu.htm **
New Year: (This site takes a quite a
long time to download.)
http://www.web-holidays.com/lunar/ **
Lucky food around the world
http://allrecipes.com/advice/coll/all/articles/205P1.asp **
Chinese New Year’s food recipes: http://allrecipes.com/advice/coll/all/articles/519P1.asp **
Please remember that a fortune
cocky do not exist in