Chapter 6 How to get around the town

Objectives (what you should be able to do in this chapter) and Evaluations:

100 levels (Beginners):

Speaking and Listening Objectives:
To be able to get a help to buy a train ticket (short and long distance).
To be able to find a way around the train station to get on a right train to the destinations.
To be able to get a help to get off at a right station.
To be able to get a help on the street to get to the destination.
To be able to ask how long it will take from one place to the other and its vicinity.
To be able to express existence.
To be able to ask/tell a location of items, people, and places around the town (building and cities).
To be able to ask for a direction when you get lost.
To be able to use Ko-so-a-do words for places and directions.
To be able to take a taxi and ask you to take back to a hotel or a destination.
To be able to use various questions words.

Writing and Reading Objectives:
To be able to understand and write a direction how to get from one place to the other.

How you will be evaluated?
Required items: a web camera with a microphone and a whiteboard with a black pen (or a thick black pen and paper).
First, you will be asked to scan your room, on and under the desk and chair, and compute area with your web camera.  If I have not met you in person, I will ask you to show me your student ID (or any photo ID).  All the instructions will be done in Japanese using the Classroom Instructions in the chapter 0.  No English is allowed to be spoken by a test taker unless the instructor ask you to do so.  All the test has to be completed in 10 minutes so f you cannot respond to a question in several seconds, please say "すみません、わかりません or  わすれました。 つぎ おねがいします" 

Speaking and Listening Skills: Written situations will be shown for you to act out the situations with the instructor. Please be able to understand what a ticket clerk or a person on the street  (the instructor plays these roles) would say and be able to play "you" part/role in the sample conversations below so that you can act out the situations with the instructor to buy train/bus ticket and find your way to a destination.  Please practice with the video practices as well.  Situation will be similar to the dialogues in the text and sample situations that you were asked to create as assignments.

Reading and Writing:  You will be asked to write some phrases or Kanji (please follow stroke orders of each letter/Kanji characters).  Also you will be asked to read some tickets and/or reading passages written in Japanese aloud to the instructor.  After reading them, you will be asked to answer in Japanese or English to show your reading comprehension. 


200 levels (Intermediate): The test needs to be taken by Thursday of the week.
The same as above but make sure you will include all the grammar structures introduced in this chapter.
Pick 20 new kanji on your own and submit the list (Kanji, its meanings, & kana writings) to the instructor.  You can chose them from the sample conversation, writings, internet search, etc. 


Click here for the Chapter 6 Kanji
(Please refer to the kanji glossary as well.)

Click here (train station) for the conversations recorded by previosu students.

Click here (on the street) for the conversations recorded by previosu students.


Direct Link: 

Hours and Minutes and Commuting

Review Chapter 2  "Sample Conversation 2: Time Expressions"

Click here to practice hours and minutes with transportation

Learn about the differences between goro-kurai/ ごろ&くらい and ちかい&とおい

Sample Conversation 1: At Train Station (Buying a short distance ticket)

Vocabulary Glossary Key Word "train short distance"

View this video first to understand how to buy a local ticket.


Imagine you are at a train station, going to Shin Osaka.  Have a simulation in your mind and remember the steps from how to find how much it will const to getting to the destination.

In traveling a short distance:  You have to first buy a ticket from a machine.   You have to look at the map above the ticket machine to determine how much it would cost to your destination.  A lot of signs are also written in English in Tokyo but at a local city, the signs are all in Kanji. If you cannot find out how much the ticket costs to go, for example, to Osaka, ask a stranger for help at the ticket machine and find out how much you have to pay.  Read the note below for more information.

Audio Files for Listening and Speaking

You: すみません。ちょっと、おうかがい しますが、

ここから しん大阪
まで いくらですか?

Excuse me, but…How much is it to Shin-Osaka?

A stranger:
しん大阪まで ですか? 480円です.

To Shin-Osaka? (it is) 480 yen.
You: どうも ありがとうございます

Thank you very much.
ticket machine map     ticket machine    ticket gate machine

Now, you need to find out where to go to catch the next train to Shin-Osaka.  It is best to ask a station worker (SW) in uniform near the gate machine as you see in the photo below (the two ladies in navy blue uniform with a hat on.  Please see the photo below and videos in the "Break Time" to visually understand what I am talking about.   Notice the kanji for entrance 入口 (いりぐち) and exit 出口 (でぐち) to find which machine you have to go through to enter the station.      You have to go through from 入口 (いりぐち).  When you arrive at a destination and exit the station, you have to go through the machine which says 出口 (でぐち).  It sometimes has/shows just an arrow (no kanji word) and a stop sign (see the photos below).  You have to use the one which has an arrow that indicates which one you should use to go (enter or exit the station).  It just means "Go through this path."  You may see "O" and  "X" marks above the machines as you see in the photo above , some gates automatically changes the entrance and exit signs as people approach.  The two machines on the left in the photo above (on right) shows they are exits since you see O but two people are approaching so They are about to change the signs to "X" .  Third one from the left is clearly "X"  since a lady has already fed a ticket into the machine so you have to wait for her to go through.  Modern technology confuses us sometimes. You may be dancing (or you may see people dancing) with the machines when many people are coming in and out trying to dodge people. 

If you are using JR pass, you cannot use the machine since it is just a plain paper pass so you cannot feed it into the machine.  You have to show the pass to a station worker at a window near the machines to enter or exit.  A station worker is always at the ticket feeder machines. In the above photo (on right) you can see a small box office of a station worker on the right (hidden in this photo).
gate machine    gate entrance  gate ticket machine
Now, you approach a station worker at the ticket feeder machines and ask:
You:  すみません。 次のしん大阪行
きは 何番線ですか?

Excuse me. What platform number is the next train to Shin-Osaka?

SW: 次のしん大阪
ですか。 新快速でんしゃは 6番線ですが、 快速は 1番線です。

The next train to Shin-Osaka (echo)? Shinkaisoku Express train is platform #6 but Kaisoku Express is the platform #1.
You: どちらのほうが はやいですか

Which one is faster?
SW: 新快速 (のほう)が はやいです。

Shinkaisoku is faster.
You:  新快速は しん大阪に とまりますよね? Shinkansoku stops at Shin-Osaka, (I am pretty sure) right?
SW:  はい、とまります。京都を 出て、次の次の駅です。 Yes, it does. (It is) the next station after the next after leaving Kyoto.
You:  新快速で ここから (しん大阪まで) 何ぷんくらいですか。 How long/how many minutes (is it) from here by Shinkaisoku (to Shin-Osaka)?

(it is) about 25 minutes.
You: ありがとうございました。

Thank you very much.
Other useful words:  上り(のぼり)and 下り(くだり) 上り is toward Tokyo.  

下り is going down away from Tokyo


Note:  There are different types of trains such as Super Express, Express, Semi-Express, and Local.  Long-distance express trains has names such as のぞみNozomi, こだまKodama, ひかりHikari for Shinkansen Super Express trains.  のぞみ does not stop many stations, thus it is the fastest Shinkansen and you cannot take it with JR pass (consider that のぞみ
 is like a business class) , then  ひかり and こだま.    There is a bargain ticket of taking こだま but it may take twice the time to get to a destination than Hikari since Kodama usually stops every Shinkansen stations and you have to fill out a form in Japanese to get the bargain. 


The express train to go to 関西空港(関空)Kansai Airport from Kyoto is called 関空特急はるかKankuu Tokkyuu Haruka. See more details in the Break Time.   As for the short-distance trains in the JR line in Osaka and Kyoto area, the fastest express train is called 新快速Shin Kai Soku (densha).  The next fastest is 快速Kai Soku (densha) and then local trains, which stop every station, are called 普通Futsuu (densha).  Another popular way for calling "express" is 特急(電車)Tokkyuu (densha). Refer more to JNTO


When I am in a hurry or do not feel like stopping many stations, I take 新快速Shin Kai Soku (densha) but it is always crowded and hard to find a seat to sit down.  So when I want to sit down and do not mind stopping a bit more stations and taking a bit longer, I usually take 快速Kai Soku (densha).  If I am traveling a short distance, I take 普通Futsuu (densha) and sit and enjoy the view and people.  People watching on the train is fun.  You may find some unique/strange Japanese.  It amazes me that some are sleeping on the train pretty well but they wake up when they get to the destinations.  Amazing skill!



Sample Conversation 2: At Train Station (Buying a long distance ticket)

Vocabulary glossary key word "calendar"

Vocabulary glossary key word "train long distance"

View this video first to understand How to use JR Pass, to look at Shinkansen time table, to look at a Shinkansen reserved ticket, and more  

midori no madoguchi long distance ticket officeMidori no madoguchi logo Midori no madoguchi office

When you are traveling a long distance, it is the best to use JR Shinkansen bullet train. If you are taking a round trip, for example, between Kyoto and Tokyo, one-week pass is about the same price buying a round trip ticket .  There are some restrictions but you can reserve a seat on Shinkansen with the JR pass without any extra fee.  Read and see a video for more details at the Break Time.
Here is a sample conversation at みどりの窓口(まどぐち)to buy a long distance ticket. MMC= みどりの窓口(まどぐち)clerk.

Audio Files for Listening and Speaking

You: すみません。 これで(showing the JR pass) 京都から 東京までの していせきを おねがいします。出発は 6月22日の あさ10時ごろ です。

Excuse me.  Please (let me have) a reserved seat from Kyoto to Tokyo with this (JR pass). The departure is around ten in the morning on June 22nd.
MMC: 6月22日の あさ10時ですね。おうふくですか。 かたみちですか。 きんえんですか。 きつえん ですか。

(It is) 10 a.m. on June 22nd (echo), right? Round trip or one way?  Non-smoking or smoking?
You: かたみちの きんえんせきを おねがいします。

(Let me have) one way non-smoking, please.
MMC: あさ 10時6ぷん発 の のぞみ220号と 10時9ふん発の こだま646号が ありますが...。

(We have/ there is) Nozomi #220 departing at 10:06 and Kodama #646 departing at 10:09.
You: じゃ、10時6ぷん (発) の のぞみを おねがいします。 クレジットカードは つかえますか (だいじょうぶですか)。

Well then, Nozomi #220 departing at 10:06, please. Can I use a credit card (Is a credit card OK)?
MMC:  はい、つかえます。 6月22日 ごぜん 10時6ぷん発の のぞみ220号ですね。しょうしょう おまちください。

Yes, you can. (it is) Nozomi #220 departing at 10:06 , right?  Please wait a moment.
You: はい。

Yes. it is.
MMC: (After a bit) おまたせしました。13,220円に なります。

Thank you for waiting.  (It) comes to 13220 yen.
You: じゃ、これで おねがいします。(handing a credit card)

With this (a credit card), please.
MMC: こちらに ごしょめいを おねがいいたします。こちら (特急券と) 指定席券に なります。 ありがとうございました。(bow)

Please sign here.  This is (an express ticket and) reserved seat ticket.  Thank you very much.
Make sure the ticket date and time are correct.  When you use the ticket, find out which platform you have to go.  Shinkansen information shows both Japanese and English but if you want to ask a station worker at the ticket feeder machine, here is the phrases.  If you are using the JR pass, you have to go through them anyway since the JR pass cannot be fed into the gate machine.
You:   すみません。 これ(showing the reservation ticket or saying  10時6ぷん(発) の のぞみ220号は 何番線ですか。

Excuse me.  What platform number is  this (the ticket or saying Nozomi 220 at 10:06)?
SW: えーと、18番線です。

Let me see... platform #18.
You: ありがとう。

When you are using escalator in Japan especially at a train station, you need to stand on one side.  Just follow the person/ crown to determine which side you need to stand so that people in a hurry can run through the escalator to catch a train. escalator line
When you go to the platform, you will see a train information as you see below.  The photo on the left is the platform of local trains, and the photo on the right is Shinkansen platform.  The gate to Shinkansen train is often insides the local train station. So you sometimes have to go through two gates to get to Shinkansen platform.
train information sign at platform     Shinkansen platform information
The local trains sometimes have "Women Only" trains.  They are well marked so if you are a guy, you want to avoid getting in it.  The sign also is written in English so you cannot pretend that you do not understand Japanese writings...
women only train  women only train sign  women only train sigm



Sample train tickets

Vocabulary glossary key word "train long distance"

I was going from Kyoto to Kozoji station by Japan Railway (JR).  I had to get off at Shinkansen at Nagoya and then take a local train to go to Kozoji. The first ticket below is the Shinkansen ticket.  When you go out of Shinkansen station gate at Nagoya, the machine takes away the Shinkansen ticket and you are left with the second one (the local ticket) below.  If you do not have the local ticket, you can not use the transfer gate to local trains.  You have to go out of the station and purchase a local ticket to the destination (in this sample , it is Kozoji).  Here is the Shinkansen train ticket from Kyoto to Nagoya. 
train ticket
Bullet train ticket from Kyoto to Nagoya


1: 京都 Kyoto (Departing station name)

2: 名古屋 Nagoya (Arrival station name)

3: 7月19日 July 19th

4: ひかり243号(ごう)Hikari 243

5:(18:14)発(はつ)6:14 p.m. departing

6:18:52着(ちゃく) 6:52 p.m. arrival

7:14号車(ごう・しゃ)17番(ばん)E席 (せき)Car #14, seat #17 E
This is the local train fare ticket from Kyoto to Kozuji.  You are usually given two tickets.  One is for Shinkansen express ticket and the other one is a fare ticket.  You can take local trains from Kyoto to Nagoya and then to Kozoji (in this case) with all the local trains but you have to transfer many times and it will take a while to get to the destination (I have not idea how long since I have not tried it. If you do, good luck.  You will get there some day.)
train ticket Local train ticket to Kozoji

乗車券 じょう・しゃ・けん

1: 京都 Kyoto,  Departing station name

2: 高蔵寺 Kozoji, Arrival station name

3: 経由:京都・新幹線・名古屋・舞鶴 Bound for Kyoto, Shinkansen, Nagoya, Maizuru

4: 7月19日から 2日間有効(ふつか・かん・ゆうこう) The term of validity of the ticket: From July 19th, good for two day

The below is a train ticket from Nara to Kyoto by Kinki Nihon Railway (近畿日本鉄道 きん・きに・ほん・てつ・どう)
train ticket 乗車券 じょう・しゃ・けん 特別急行券 とく・べつ・きゅう・こう・けん

1: なら Kyoto (Departing station name)

2: 京都 Kozoji (Arrival station name)

3: 7月20日 13:30発 July 20th departing at 1:30 p.m.

4: 1号車30番 Car#1 seat#30

You see 無効 むこう (invalid)  stamp under the date July 20th since I asked for it at the manned booth when exiting at the train gate machine.


The below is a regular local train ticket.
train ticket 1. July 17th (date of purchase,  It is only good on this date.)

2. 瀬戸市 せ・と・し (Departing station name)

3. 270円 えん  (fare price for adult)

4. 小児140円 しょう・に 140えん(fare price for children under 12 years old.)
If you put the ticket to a ticket feeder machine when you exit, the machine eats it.  You have to have the ticket when you exit the station; otherwise, you have to pay some penalty if you lose it.  If you want to keep the ticket as a souvenir, you can take the ticket to a station worker at the gate machine and ask for 無効印 (むこういん). Simply say "無効印 (むこういん) おねがいします"  before you feed it to the machine.  They will stamp the kanji word 無効 on the ticket  as you see in the picture above (the second picture from the bottom from Nara to Kyoto) under the date, July 20 (7月20日).


Sample Conversation 3: At the City Bus Information Center (Buying a 0ne-day bus pass)

Vocabulary glossary key word "bus"


bus stops in Kyoto Bus office in Kyoto Station

You are looking for the JR Kyoto Station Central Entrance Bus Information Center.  You are now at the JR Kyoto Station. Ask someone (the best person is someone in uniform at the station.) 

Kyoto City web site: 
City Bus information:  
Bus route information :

Audio Files for Listening and Speaking

 You:  すみません。 市バスのインフォメーション センター(そうごう あんない じょ)は どこですか。

Excuse me.  Where is the City bus information center?
A stranger: えきの まえですよ。 えきの そとです。 あちらの ほうですよ。
(It is) in front of the station.  (It is) outside the station.  Over that way.
You: どうも。
At the Kyoto City Bus Information Center 
You: すみません。 市バスの いちにち じょうしゃ けん (一日乗車券)にまい ください。

Excuse me.  (Let me have) two tickets of one-day ride City bus pass.
Bus office worker: あちらで おもとめ ください。

Please buy it over there.
You: えっ? あっ、すみません。 あっちですか。 どうも。

 Oops.  Oh, sorry.  Over there?  Thanks.
You: すみません。 市バスの いちにち じょうしゃけん (一日乗車券にまい ください。

Excuse me.  (Let me have) two tickets of one-day ride City bus pass.
Bus office worker: いちにちですか。 ふつかですか。
One day? Two days?
You:  いちにちです。クレジットカードは つかえますか。 

(It is) one-day . Can (I) use a credit card?
Bus office worker: いえ、クレジットカードは だめなんです。 げんきんで おねがいします。 いちまいですか?

No, the credit card is no good. Cash please.  One ticket?
You:  いえ、にまい ください。 じゃ、これで。(Handing over 1000yen bill)

No, two, please.        Well, with this (cash).
Bus office worker:  はい、こちら、いちにち じょうじゃ けん (一日乗車券) 2まいに なりなす 。 ありがとうございました。

Here (you go).  This is (these are) the two one-day pass. Thank you very much.
You: どうも。



Note: Bus and subway in Kyoto:  Bus and subways in Kyoto to go around tourist spots are operated by Kyoto city (not JR, so you cannot use JR pass).  The most economical way to travel around Kyoto city is to buy a one-day pass of bus or train.  One-day Bus Pass 一日乗車券(いちにち じょうしゃ けん) is 500 yen (one ride within Kyoto is 220yen) so if you use the bus three times or more, it becomes more economical way to pay for a bus ride.  The One-Day Subway pass is 600 yen.   They will give you a map when you buy the pass.   There is also the bus and subway combined one-day pass.  Adult is 1200 yen for one day, and 2000 yen for a consecutive two days.

Intermediate Grammar here are : 

Comparative/superlative より、ほう、ほど、おなじ、いちばん

Potential forms of verb



Sample Conversation 4: Getting On and Off the Trains (or bus)

 Vocabulary glossary key word "train on-off"

train inside map train inside digital map
Japanese trains are always in time unless there is an accident or adverse weather.  If you want to make sure if the train coming in or already stopped at the station, goes to your destination, here is how to ask  a stranger or a station worker (えきいんさん) but you need to do this fast since the train leaves on time. Inside the train, there is a train line route map or sometimes digital map or information as you see in the photo above.

Audio Files for Listening and Speaking

You:  すみませんつぎのでんしゃ(if the train is already at the platform, you say このでんしゃ) は しんおおさかに いきますか(or とまりますか)

Excuse me.  Does the next train (coming in) go to (or stop at) Osaka?
Eki in: はい、とまりますよ。

Yes. it does.
You: どうも。

You got on the train and want to find out if the next stop is your destination Shin Osaka. You can say ここは しんおおさか ですか?when you are arriving at the Shin-Osaka station but you have only a minute to exit the train so you want to find it out beforehand.
You: : つぎの えきは しんおおさかですか?

Is the next station Osaka?
A stranger on the train: ええと...、いえ、つぎの つぎが しんおおさかですよ。 あと ふたえき です。

Let me see...  No, the train after the next is the Osaka.  Two more stations
You:  ありがとう ございました。

Thank you very much.





 Kyoto City Bus

Kyoto_City_bus Make sure you ride on the bus of this color and design.  If you ride on other city bus (they are usually long-distance bus), the one-day bus pass does not work on other type of bus so you have to pay.

The front of the bus shows the bus number and the destinations.

You ride from the back and exit from the front (the exit near the driver).

Study more about how to ride the bus below.
Read about the bus in Kyoto (how to ride a bus, different passes, fares, maps, etc.) first.  You will get on the bus from the back. You have to pay or show a bus pass when you exit.  The first time you use the  pass, you have to feed it through a machine next to the driver to get the today's date stamped.  You cannot choose a date.  It will stamp the date when you feed the card through the machine.  If the pass is good for one day, you can use only on the date stamped.  Once it is stamped, you just show the stamped date of the pass to the driver when you get off.
bus fare machine  bus fare machine   bus fare machine  change machine\
Some machine are very confusing so ask the driver which slot you should feed the pass. 
You have to have the exact change of the fare.  If you do not have changes, you should go up to the driver and use the machine to change from a bill to coins.  Look for a sign 両替え(change) on the machine.

Although you should not take much time of the driver, you can quickly ask the directions. Some drivers are nice and others are rough (maybe he was having a bad day) in my experiences.  Please ask them during a bus stops during waiting at t traffic light changes or passenger getting on and off at a bus stop.  They do not like to see you walking on the bus while the bus is moving since it is not safe.  Please hold onto a pole or handles hanging from the above.
You: (You need to get a date stamped on the one-day pass)すみません。 これは どこに...

Excuse me, where  does this (go, put in)...?
Driver: ここ..

You: (As you are getting off, quickly ask )あ、すみません。 清水寺は どっちですか。

Oh, sorry.  Which way is the Kiyomizu Temple?
Driver: 清水寺は あっちのほう。

Kiyomizu Temple is that way.
You: ありがとうございました。Say this quickly as you getting off, or standing aside for other passengers to pass you and get off. You do not want to hold up the line of people or the driver.
Thank you very much.
Other words you will see around ticket machines on the bus:

両替え りょうがえ    Change
大人 おとな  Adult
小児 しょうに child


Break Time ひとやすみ

Take a break and watch some videos and visually understand about the ticket machine and gate to go into the station.


Shinkansen time table from Kyoto to Tokyo

Travel In Japan:  This video shows everything around the in and out the train station.

How to buy ticket and Suica prepaid card, etc.  At the end of the video is the Harajuku station.

Cleaning lady of Shinkansen train at the last stop:


JR Pass

If you are planning a long distance travels around Japan, purchasing a Japan Railway (JR) pass is recommended.  You must buy a Boucher from a travel agent or on-line before you enter Japan since it is only available to foreign nationals and a permanent resident status holder in a foreign nation.  You can buy by a week, two weeks, etc.  That enables you to travel by Shinkansen bullet trains (except のぞみShinkansen).  When you get to Japan with a boucher, first you have to find an office to change the boucher to a real JR pass  (find out the locations from the JR pass web site below or the information comes with the boucher).  When you exchange the boucher to the real pass (or after you obtain a JR pass) you can reserve a seat if you like (there are non-reserved seats on Shinkansen trains), you need to go to a みどりの窓口(まどぐち)at a Shinkansen station to reserve a seat with the JR pass.  During our program, the only trip we use JR is when we go to Tokyo and Nagoya.  Other local field trips are done by city bus, train, or subway. (not JR operated transportation).  If you need to just buy a one way ticket to Tokyo, it is cheaper to buy one way ticket than buying a JR pass.  The round trip between Kyoto and Tokyo is about as much as a one-week JR pass.

JR pass web site:
To purchase the JR pass:

How to travel with a JR pass



Kyoto buses:  Try to catch some kanji (entrance 入口、exit 出口), bus number (in front of the buses) , and the destination.  It comes and goes very fast!

Inside Kyoto bus

Buying a subway ticket in Osaka

If you are taking a  bus that goes outside Kyoto for example, you need to pick up a number ticket (せいりけん 整理券) to determine your fare

About the bus in Kyoto (how to ride a bus, different passes, fares, maps, etc.)


This is a sample of 整理券 せいりけん that you have to pick up from a machine when riding a long distance bus.  It just has a number on it.  If you are riding from the very first bus stop, there is no number ticket so when you pay, you look at なし(no ticket)。If you forget to pick it up, you have to pay the highest amount. The fare is shown under the numbers.
bus long distance number slip bus fare chart


Note: Sinkansen station in Kyoto has dozens of souvenir shops on the ground floor.  When go to the platforms, there are kiosk shops where you can buy drinks and boxed food (おべんとう).  Enjoy the local boxed lunch in the area.  You can also buy drinks and boxed lunch inside the Shinkansen train but it cost a bit more so I recommend you to stock up your drinks and food before you ride on Shinkansen trains.  The price of souvenir items seems to be about the same price as local stores.  As you pass a different Shinkansen station, they re-stock different souvenir items.  My favorite souvenir sweets is ういろ in Nagoya on the way to Tokyo so, once we pass Nagoya station, I always wait for a lady with a cart coming to sell ういろ. Some souvenir items and specialty Shinkansen box lunch are only sold inside Shinkansen trains such as a key chain of the train.  I usually buy a boxed lunch at a kiosk on the Shinkansen station platform. Or I buy  まくのうち べんとうon the Shinkansen.  まくのうち べんとう is a traditional Japanese style food with simmered vegetables so you may not care for it...  They do have sandwiches and other variety\ies as well.  I sometimes even get off at some Shinkansen station just to buy a lunch box of the area (駅弁・えきべん).  I collected some of Eki ben containers as you see below.

My hometown is famous for たこ (Octopus).  The bento box is called ひっぱりだこ (this word ひっぱりだこ also means "popular (person/people)" . It is a pun.)  It is my pen stand in my office now.  The Kobe Beef Bento is served in a regular square box.
Ekiben in Akashi  Ekiben in Akashi  Ekiben kobe
You have to go to Iwate or Akita area (northern part in Honshuu) to buy the Kokeshi Bento. Kokeshi is a popular souvenir of the wooden doll from the northern part of Japan where forestry is one of the industries.    I have not tried Daruma bento since I have not been to Takasaki area.
Ekiben Kokeshi       Ekiben Daruma   Ekiben Daruma
There are much more!   See this site:



Sample Conversation 5: Finding a correct exit at the station

Vocabulary Glossary Key Words “pronouns”
Vocabulary Glossary Key Words “
question words”

Grammar:  “ko-so-a-do series:
Grammar: Click here to review Interrogatives (Question words)

JNTO Practical Travel Guide

 Print out the following before you leave US: Kyoto walk, Osaka, Nara walk

Grammar Glossary Key Words “existence-locations”

Suppose, you have arrived at a destination by train.  Now you need to find out the way to Osaka Castle. "Ekiin" means "station worker."  The big train stations have several exits.  On a station platform, there is a sign which list a landmarks and show (with an arrow) you which direction/exit your should go. But it is sometimes difficult to find it in a congested station. So let's learn to ask a station worker or a stranger (sometimes a stranger does may be new to the area).

Audio Files for Listening and Speaking

You: すみません、大阪じょうは どちら(何番出口、どの出口) ですか こちらですか。

Excuse me.  Which way (exit number, which exit) is Osaka castle?  (Is it) this way?
Eki-in: 南三番出口です。 あちらです。

(It is) the south #3 exit.  That way.
You: ありがとうございます。

Thank you very much.
After getting off the train, trying to find the right exit to Oosaka Castle.
You:  すみません、大阪じょうは どちらのほう ですか?

Excuse me.  Which way/direction is Osaka Castle?
A stranger: あちら (の ほう) ですよ.  ここを まっすぐいって みぎに まがると すぐですよ。

(It is) that way.  Go straight here and if (you) turn right,  (it is) right there.
You: ありがとうございます。

Thank you very much.




Sample Conversation 6: Finding a way around town


Vocabulary Glossary Key Words “question words”
Vocabulary Glossary Key Words “buildings” “buildings-places”

Grammar : “existence-locations”

Click here to learn and practice "locations"   Location = reference + + positional word


If you are looking for a post office, you can ask strangers to find a way there.  Even I sometimes ask multiple people to find my way to a destination.

Audio Files for Listening and Speaking:  Listen to the Coversation 5 above.

You: すみません。 このへんに ゆうびんきょくは ありますか。

Excuse me. Is there a post office around here?
A stranger 1: 次の こうさてん( or  しんごう)を わたって、ひだりに ありますよ。 

(if you) go across the next cross road (or traffic light) , (there is one) on the left.
You: どうも、ありがとうございました。

Thank you very much.
You walked across a traffic light crossing but did not see a post office. So you ask another stranger. Find another person who may help you and say:
You: すみません。 このへんに ゆうびんきょくは ありますか。

Excuse me.  Is there a post office around here?
A stranger 2: あの駅の ひだりに ありますよ。

There is (one) on the left of the station over there.
You: どうも、ありがとうございました。 and walked toward a station to find a post office.

Thank you very much.
The logo of the post office is: Now they are changing the logo.
Post office logo
Other land mark signs: 
Shrineshrine map markTempletemple map symbol    

You:  ここは ゆうびんきょくですか。

Is here a post office?
A stranger: はい、そうです。

Yes, it is.



If you want to leave a luggage at a station, there is a coin-locker or an office to leave your luggage for a small fee.
   luggage service office      coin locker       coin locker
You: すみません。 このへんに コインロッカーは ありますか。

Excuse me. Is there a post office around here?
A stranger : そこのかいだんを おりて、おくにありますよ。 

(If you) do down the stairs near there and (it is) in the way back of the place.
You: どうも、ありがとうございました。

Thank you very much.
If you do not have any changes, there may be a change machine nearby or ask a person at Kiosk to change a bill.  If the person is nice, they will let you change it without buying anything from the Kiosk  store.



Assignments in Japan

Submit all the above to me in a flash drive at the farewell dinner on the last day of the program.   (Do NOT send it to my UNCW e-mail since it may jam up my e-mail.)


1. Kanji and Katakana hunting:  Take at least 20 photo each of kanji and Katakana around town, T-shirt, snack packages, etc.  Please include the surrounding background to show where the kanji was found to show the context.   Save them as the meaning of the kanji.  Example: 茶   Save the file as "green tea"  if you do not know what it means but you see them often, just number them with where you saw them such as street 1, shop 2, restaurant 3, etc.


2. Record your conversation with Japanese at the following situation (a) train station; b) restaurant; c) fast food restaurant, d) a way to a destination of your choice or a shopping at the temple flea market; e) any other situation.   Even if you know how much you have to pay for a ticket, you can talk with a station worker or a stranger to find out the answer.  Submit the required number/situation as indicated in the course calendar.  For 6th or additional recordings, you can record an announcement at a train station, glossary store, etc.  (if the recording is not good, I will ask you to submit again). So the 6th recording does not have to have your talk in Japanese.


3. Jinglish (Japanese version of English) , interesting signs and objects:  Take at least 10 picture of some funny Japanese English on a T-shirt, packages, etc. or a signs around town.  I like a sign that shows bowing to people.


Enjoy your stay in Japan !!!!!!!