Asking for directions on the streets:
Listen and find out what the person is trying to do. Also pick up phrases that a Japanse person is saying. Highlight the blue area to see the asnwers.
Audio |
Answer and phrases (highlight below to see) |
She is asking for toilet and was informed that it is in the back. Key word: うしろ back/ behind |
He asked for the direction to Osaka Castle Park. She said that
going straight this way there is Osaka-Castle Hall, it is beyond it, and
it is quite a walking distance. Key words: ここ まっすぐ いって go straight this way and 、おおさかじょうホールが あるんですけども there is the Osaka Castle Hall それの むこうがわにいって、 go beyond it/walk pass it and 、 けっこう あるきます (you will) walk quite a distance。 |
He is asking a lady at the front desk at the hotel for a direction to Toji
temple. Key words: あるくのであれば if you walk if you walk、ホテルここです hotel is here。 めの まえの このとおり this street in front (of the hotel)。 ずっと ずっと まっすぐです go straight for a while、 (Showing a map) ホテルここですhotel is here。。 めの まえの とおり、はちじょう とおり the street in front of you is Hachi-jo Street を ずっと ずっと まっすぐ いけば if you go straight for a while、 ひだりに まがって turn to the left、 ここです and here it is。 あるいたら if you walk、25ふん くらいです about 25 minutes。 |