Student Testimonials

Note: Be sure to take a look at their pictures and videos!

This summer has changed me from the inside out.  Leaving this perfect place gets me choked up...and I'm not even a cryer. ... it was the best change of scenery/pace I could have ever imagined.  And the friends I've made here? I am forever grateful.  This program is more than I ever hoped or dreamed, and I will do everything I can to promote it to every single breathing student on the campus of UNCW. Thank you, thank you.

-Katherine Freshwater

In all honesty, this past summer was the best of my life to this point.  My friends here are probably getting tired of hearing me talk about Chile, but I just can't do it. 

I miss everything about the trip; it genuinely changed my life for the better.  It has been over two months without a cigarette for me now, thanks to Chile.  My Spanish is at a level in which I feel comfortable with casual conversation, thanks to Chile.  My mind has been open to a whole new culture that was nothing but a mystery to me before, thanks to Chile.  And perhaps most importantly, somehow the entire experience made me into a more motivated student, a more confident person, and a new version of myself. 

The trip proved to me that I can have a ton of fun while stepping out of my comfort zone.  As a matter of fact, experiencing something unfamiliar is in many ways much more fun than sitting on a couch with the same people everyday.  I have told every Spanish student I know to go to Chile, promising them they will love every second.  I just hope they can believe me the way I was able to believe you throughout last year, because everyone should experience something as incredible as the Chile trip at least once in their life.  Thank you 1000 times.

Kevin Talbot

"I learned more about myself and became more confident as a Spanish speaker during one month in Chile than I did in one year taking classes.  Going to Chile truly was definitely a life changing experience, and the friendships I made will truly last a lifetime.  I would not change my experience for anything!"

~Rosemary Reeves

Chile!  I miss it so much.  Studying in Chile gave me the opportunity to do things that I probably would have never had the opportunity to do; skiing in the Andes, hiking mountains, and being surrounded in the Spanish culture.  It was no doubt, the time of my life.

` Jim Singletary

  By studying abroad, I realized there is this whole other world out there with so many different people and places, and now, I have a new family and great experiences that will be in my life forever.  It was the best experience I will ever have.

 `Sara C. Busby