Department of Psychology

Lab Location
Teaching Laboratory 3108
UNCW 601 College Road,
Wilmington, NC 28403
Lab Director

Antonio Puente
I was born in Cuba and received degrees from the University of Florida (BA) and the University of Georgia (MS, PhD). I was a clinical psychologist at a teaching psychiatric hospital and a professor of neuroanatomy at a medical school before becoming a Professor of Psychology at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. I am also a Visiting Professor at the Universidad de Granada (Spain) and UCLA. Since 1982, I’ve maintained a private practice limited to clinical neuropsychology. In 2002 I founded and now co-direct (with a PharmD) a bilingual mental health clinic for the poor and uninsured in our region (Cape Fear Clinic).
Post-Doctoral Fellows

Inmaculada Ibanez-Casas, Ph.D., Clinical Psychology
Interests: cultural neuroscience, cross-cultural neuropsychological assessment

Zara Melikyan, Ph.D., Clinical Psychology
Interests: dementia, epilepsy, cross-cultural issues in neuropsychology
Graduate Students
Andrea Marisol Mejia, B.A., Psychology
Second year graduate student, UNCW
Interests: cross-cultural neuropsychology, forensic neuropsychology, neuropsychological assessment
Angela Sekely, B.A., Psychology
Second year graduate student, UNCW
Interests: neuropsychology, health psychology, post-traumatic stress disorder
Hana Cecilia Kuwabara, B.A., Psychology
First year graduate student, UNCW
Interests: trauma, cross-cultural neuropsychology, pediatric neuropyschology
Undergraduate Students
George Dion Daniel, Honors Senior Undergraduate Student
Interests: neuropsychology, cross-cultural neuropsychology, brain injury, psychometric assessment
George Dion Daniel, Honors Senior Undergraduate Student
Interests: neuropsycholgy, traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, military veterans
Most Recent Graduates
Marlee Cadwell B.A. - The Impact of Consciousness on the Development of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Honors Thesis) – 2014
Currently: MSW University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Margie Hernandez M.A. - Determining the Equivalency of the Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Spaniard Versions of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Third Edition (Masters Thesis) – 2013
Currently: Psychometrician, University of California, San Diego, CA
Tara Venanzi-Jackman M.A. - Psychological Testing Practices in Trinidad (Masters Thesis) - 2013
Currently: Psychologist, Trinidad and Tobago
Keenan Withers B.A. - Processing Speed in Traumatic Brain Injured Post-War Veterans (Honors Thesis) - 2013
Currently: Researcher, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
Hannah Lindsey B.A. - Neuropsychological Features of Civil Litigators and Criminal Offenders: Comparative Analyses of Brain, Behavior, and Cognitive Ability (Honors Thesis) - 2012
Currently: Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
Davor Zink M.A. - Development of a Neuropsychological Test Battery for the Evaluation of Spanish Speakers (Masters Thesis) - 2012
Currently: Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV
Lee Weigand M.A. - Traumatic Brain Injury in the Military Population: Differences in Neuropsychological Outcome, Blast Versus Other Mechanisms of Brain Injury (Honors Thesis) - 2012
Currently: Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, University of Houston, Houston, TX