Paleoenvironmental Change Research Group

Contact Info:

Dr. Chad Lane

Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences

Phone: (910) 962-3466 Fax: (910) 962-3490


People in the Lab(s)


Dr. Chad Lane

Professor - Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences

B.S. Unviersity of Denver; M.S. and Ph.D. University of Tennessee

Curriculum Vitae


Research Specialist

Kim Duernberger

UNCW Stable Isotope Laboratory Research Specialist

B.S. College of Charleston; M.S. University of North Carolina-Wilmington


Active Graduate Students


Elizabeth Yanuskiewicz

B.S. Eckerd College; M.S. Marine Science in progress, University of North Carolina Wilmington

Project: Compound-specific hydrogen isotope records of paleohydrology in Costa Rica and North Carolina


Active Undergraduate Students




Lab Alumni


Dr. Amy Wagner

Now Assistant Professor - California State University Sacramento

Research Focus: Tropical Paleoceanography as Reconstructed from Stable Isotopes and Trace Metals in Fossil Coral Records

B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. Texas A&M University; Visiting Research Professor at UNCW 2011-2013

Claim to fame: Dr. Jekyl in the lab and classroom, Mr. Hyde behind the wheel.




Paula Reidhaar

B.S. Indiana University; M.S. Marine Science, 2013, University of North Carolina-Wilmington

M.S. Project: Bioluminescence in the Salt River Bay National Historic Park and Ecological Preserve, St. Croix, USVI

Now the Director for Development and Operations at the Sturgeon City Environmental Education Center

Claim to Fame: Completely incapable of touching a rope or cable without tangling it into a horrible knot, but more importantly an insane work ethic and insanely consistent positive attitude about nearly everything on earth.


Mandy Tedick

B.S. Ohio University; M.S. Marine Science 2014, University of North Carolina-Wilmington

Project: Prehistoric and Historic Paleoenvironments on St. Croix, USVI

Now a research assistant in a private sector genetics laboratory

Claim to fame: Sassiest graduate student in the history of UNCW; also regarded as the best baker in grad student history.


Kaylee Barkett

B.S. Appalachian State University; M.S. Geosciences, 2015, University of North Carolina Wilmington

Project: Paleoenvironmental Records from the Carolina Bays of Eastern North Carolina

Now a Ph.D. student in the Department of Geography, University of Utah.

Claim to fame: Makes the oddest noises expressing frustration while counting pollen.


Jessica Nester

B.A. Kent State University; M.S. Geosciences, 2015, University of North Carolina Wilmington

Project: Paleoenvironmental Records from the Carolina Bays of Eastern North Carolina

Now conducting GIS-based risk analysis for the Wilmington Fire Department.

Claim to fame: Driest and sharpest sense of humor of any student I have ever met.


Joanna Peth

B.S. Pennsylvania State University; M.S. Marine Science, 2015, University of North Carolina Wilmington

Project: Stable Isotopic Evidence of Holocene Sea-Level Variability from Argentinian Salt Marshes

Now Policy Analyst wit hthe Policy adn Constituents Affairs Division at NOAA, Silver Spring, MD.

Claim to fame: Made Dr. Lane use the Urban Dictionary far more often than he likes to admit.


Jennifer Zivkovic

B.S. University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.S. Marine Science in 2016, University of North Carolina Wilmington

Project: Coral Proxies of West Pacific Warm Pool Dynamics

Claim to fame: Most patient student in the history of the lab.


Konrad Grochocki

B.S. University of Northern Michigan; M.S. Geosciences in 2017, University of North Carolina Wilmington

Project: Paleolimnological Evidence of Prehistoric Human Activity from Piseco Lake, Adiondack Mountains, NY

Now employed with the Parson's Corporation in Syracuse, NY

Claim to fame: Will soon establish award winning website an absolute beast in the field and on the pollen microscope.


Sarah Kwon

B.S. Eckerd College; M.S. Marine Science 2018, University of North Carolina Wilmington

Project: Bulk Sedimentary and Compound-Specific Hydrogen Isotope Analyses as Paleohydrologic Proxies in Carolina Bays

Now employed at the USGS in St. Petersburg, FL.

Claim to fame: I think she might have some dolphin DNA as she seems to be partially aquatic and intolerant of cold...incredibly patient and persistent, exactly the qualities needed for dealing with frequently frustrating instrumentation and advisor.


Elise Farrington

B.S. Union College; M.S. Geosciences 2019, University of North Carolina Wilmington

Project: Sedimentary Geochemical and Palynological Evidence of Late-Holocene Paleoenvironmental Change from Baraderes Bay, Haiti

Now employed as Staff Geologist for GEI Consultants in Woburn, MA.

Claim to fame: A lot like a Tesla, very quiet and unassuming, but when it came to data production and analysis she has an insanity mode...truly impressive productivity!



Audrey Taylor

B.A. Geography 2017 (Honors, Summa Cum Laude, Ainsley Award for Most Outstanding Geography Student, and about 15 other awards), University of North Carolina-Wilmington

Now off to get her Ph.D. at Notre Dame with Dr. Melissa Berke

Project 1: Bulk and Compound-Specific Isotope Proxies of Paleoenvironmental Change in Coastal Portugal

Project 2: Compound-Specific Isotope Evidence of Paleoclimate Variability from Singletary Lake, NC

Project 3: Sedimentary Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Evidence of Changing Fuel Types and Fire Regimes in Southeastern North Carolina

Claim to fame: Total slacker...only completed 3 masters quality projects during her undergrad career...get to work!


Amelia Fitzpatrick

B.S. Physics 2017, University of North Carolina-Wilmington

Project(s): Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Analyses of Lake Sediments as Climate Proxies

Claim to fame: Best surfer in the lab to date.


Matthew Kerr

B.A. Anthropology, 2012, University of North Carolina-Wilmington; M.S. Geography, 2014, University of Tennessee

Project: Compound-Specific Hydrogen Isotope Records of Paleoprecipitation Variability in the Dominican Republic

Now a Ph.D. Student at the University of Tennessee, Department of Geography.

Claim to fame: Favorite past time was (is) correcting Dr. Lane's grammatical errors in manuscripts.


Brooklyn Hildebrandt

B.S. (HONORS!!!) Oceanography and Geology, 2013, University of North Carolina-Wilmington

Project: Isotopic Evidience of Prehistoric Hurricane Strikes in Coastal Sediments from the Dominican Republic

Now off to get trained on how to sue your butt if you try any hanky panky with the environment (thank goodness a future lawyer with some scientific training) and bail me out if (when) I get into legal troubles someday.

Claim to fame: Smiled through every bit of torture I put her through.


David Coggins

B.A. 2013 University of North Carolina-Wilmington

Project(s): Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Analyses of Lake Sediments as Climate Proxies

Now working in the private sector as a CPA

Claim to fame: Was Sammy C. Hawk (!) and best singer in lab history.


We are always looking for outstanding graduate and undergraduate students intersted in paleoenvironmental change in terrestrial and marine environments. Please contact Chad Lane for more information (