Sediment Analysis Laboratory -- CMS 1308
The sediment analysis laboratory is equipped with two large fume hoods, refrigerated storage, a Labconco freeze drier, two convection ovens, a vacuum oven, two muffle furnaces, ultrasonic bath, benchtop and large sample centrifuges, a Buchi rotavap, and compound and disecting microscopes. The laboratory also contains all of the necessary equipment for fossil pollen extraction, solid phase extraction of organic compounds, fossil charcoal analysis, macrofossil isolation, and stable isotope sample preparation. For more information about this facility please contact Chad Lane (lanec@uncw.edu).
UNC-Wilmington Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (UNC-WIRMS) Facility -- CMS 1348
The UNCW Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (UNC-WIRMS) facility is equipped with two Thermo Delta V Plus mass spectrometers (call signs Maverick and Goose). Four peripheral devices are currenlty interfaced with the Delta V Plus mass spectrometers. The first is Thermo 1310 gas chromatograph and Isolink II interface (call sign Iceman) for compound-specific isotope analyses of a variety of compounds (C, H, N) that was funded by the National Science Foundation (EAR-1427494); the second is a Costech 4010 Elemental Analyzer with a zero-blank autosampler (call sign Viper) primarily used for the mesurement of carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of solid organic materials (soils, sediments, feathers, eggshells, tissue, etc.). The third is a Thermo Finnigan Gasbench II system (call sign Slider) that can be used for the isotope analysis of carbonates (C and O), headspace (C, N, O, H), dissolved inorganic carbon (C, O), and water (O, H). The fourth is a Thermo Flash HT Plus combination EA and TCEA (call signs Hollywood and Wolfman) that can be used to analyze the stable carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen isotope composition of any combustible materials.
The facility also a Thermo 1310 gas chromatograph (call sign Jester) with an ISQ single quadropole mass spectrometer and flame ionization detector (FID) for compound identification and quantification; a new wave micromill, and two ulta high precision microbalances.
Grain Size Analysis Laboratory -- CMS 1345
The UNCW Grain Size Analysis facility is equipped with a Camsizer XT grain sizer with all optional modules capable of measuring grain size and numerous other parameters on grains ranging from 1um to 3mm. The facility also houses a Beckman Coulter LS200 laser diffraction system capable of measuring grain sizes between 0.5um and 2 mm.
All instrumentation listed here is available for use by UNCW researchers and collaborators. For information on the use of this instrumentation please contact Kim Duernberger (duernbergerk@uncw.edu) or Chad Lane (lanec@uncw.edu).