Design and Analysis of Algorithms (CSC 380)

Fall 2019

Dr. Gur Saran Adhar

Course Website




Text Book

Requirements and Grading 


Java Source


Exam Calendar

Useful Links



The Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for CSC 380 are:

1        Learn, and demonstrate their knowledge of, algorithm design paradigms and the language of algorithm analysis;

2        Choose data representations and identify, design, and implement multiple algorithms, based upon design paradigms (such as, divide-and-conquer, greedy algorithms, graph algorithms, randomized algorithms or dynamic programming);

3        Analyze the algorithmic complexity of algorithms and employ mathematical, analytical, and asymptotic notation to describe their relative merits; and

4        Develop an understanding of NP-completeness.

Attendance Policy
You are responsible for regular attendance. If you have missed a class, you should obtain information about the material that you have missed from a fellow student in the class. Makeup exam or quizzes will not be given under normal circumstances.

Incomplete Grade
An incomplete grade is awarded only if a student is passing the course except for the final exam.



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